Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Past Due Process
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:04:04 -0800 (PST)

So the short answer is that EES needs to change its procedures? Also, is t=
he 50kw right for all markets?


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Ogenyi, Gloria =20
Sent:=09Friday, November 09, 2001 10:58 AM
To:=09Steffes, James D.
Cc:=09Kingerski, Harry
Subject:=09RE: Past Due Process


Review of the past due process flow chart shows substantial compliance with=
the rules, except that the final notice (termination notice) in the 2nd ch=
art must specify a termination date that is not less than 10 days from date=
notice was issued. Thus the next action cannot commence earlier than the 2=
3rd day per this time line. However, under the rules EES can issue the term=
ination notice any time after the 2nd day following the past due date, ie o=
n or at any time after the 5 days set in the first chart. Please note that =
for larger than <50KW customers, EES can by agreement with the customer, fu=
rther shorten the timeline in the rules.

To facilitate full compliance with the rules regarding valid reasons for te=
rmination, issuance of termination notice, and contents of the notice, I ha=
ve provided short attachements of rule requirements.

<< File: Termination Prohibited.doc << << File: Termination notices - Con=
tent.doc <<=20

Please call with any questions,

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Steffes, James D. =20
Sent:=09Friday, November 02, 2001 1:34 PM
To:=09Ogenyi, Gloria
Subject:=09FW: Past Due Process

Does this process conform w/ regulatory reqts?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Grubbs, Heidi =20
Sent:=09Friday, November 02, 2001 11:34 AM
To:=09Ader, Jeff; Apollo, Beth; Bernstein, Mark; Bertasi, Ron; Campbell, Sc=
ott; Cross, Darren; Dayao, Anthony; Devries, Paul; Dobler, Mark; Earle, Jos=
eph; Frazier, Lamar; Golden, Jeff; Gustafson, Ken; Harris, Mike; Hughes, Ev=
an; Letke, Eric; Mahoney, Peggy; Meyers, Steven R; Pieper, Kalen; Raghavan,=
Suresh; Richter, Jeff; Roberts, Dave; Stubblefield, Wade; Tilney, Elizabet=
h; Williams, Jimmie; Wood, James; Adams, Gregory T.; Blachman, Jeremy; Blac=
k, Don; Cox, David; Crossley Cooke, Charlie; Gahn, Scott; Herndon, Rogers; =
Holmes, Sean A.; Lipshutz, Cheryl; Mann, Michael; Milnthorp, Rob; Muench, G=
ayle W.; Muller, Mark S.; Pagan, Ozzie; Rexrode, Stuart; Schwarz, Angela; S=
harp, Greg; Sharp, Vicki; Steffes, James D.; Sutter, Craig H.; Harris, Moll=
y; Bradford, William S.; Herod, Brenda F.; O'Neil, Murray P.; Smith, Ben; H=
ughes, Evan; Hurt, Robert; Sova, Gary; Frank, Mark; Thatcher, Stephen; Barr=
ett, Misty; Bahner, Rita; 'jgass2@csc.com'; 'a.perkins@ncogroup.com'; 'dani=
el.boozer@ncogroup.com'; Krautz, Michael; Grubbs, Heidi
Cc:=09Delainey, David W.; Dietrich, Janet; Leff, Dan; Lavorato, John
Subject:=09Past Due Process

Attached is the past due process as approved by The Office of the Chair. We=
will begin implementing the process effective immediately. Additionally, w=
e will be rolling out a separate process for dispute resolution and for the=
termination procedures by Service Management. If you have any questions or=
comments, please call me or Joni Fisher.=20

Mike Krautz
Sr. Director
Accounts Receivable

<< File: Past Due Process Flowcharts.ppt <<