Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Xenergy's REM 2001
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:45:34 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the information. At this time, I don't think that I am interest=
ed in any reports.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Laura Colburn" <ldcolburn@mediaone.net<@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 1:48 PM
To:=09James Steffes
Subject:=09Xenergy's REM 2001

Dear Jim,=20
Sometime within the past week you may have received a catalogue that descr=
ibes Xenergy's Multi-Client Research offerings for 2001. In case it did no=
t reach you, I have attached a pdf version for your convenience. The catal=
ogue gives an overview of the various core and companion studies that Xene=
rgy is currently working on. The REM 2001 program is described on page 2. =
I have attached a REM 2001 powerpoint presentation to better explain our w=
ork. The slides go into more depth about the current status of retail ene=
rgy markets (slides 1-22), and then where things stand with the research t=
hat is underway. Do let me know if you'd like more information about the =
REM 2001 study and I will be happy to arrange a conference call with Taff =
Tschamler, one of the key people involved with this project. The final me=
eting for sponsors will be held Feb 25 -27, 2002 at the Four Seasons Hotel=
in Austin Texas. Aside from hearing about the final study results, this =
meeting is an excellent opportunity to meet informally with all of our Ret=
ail Energy Market sponsors.=20
I will check back with you in a week or so to see if you have questions. =
Thanks very much for your time.
Laura Colburn, Xenergy, Inc.
(781) 273-5700, ext. 505ldcolburn@mediaone.net << File: file://C:\Program F=
iles\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"<
-LEFT: 25px; COLOR: #000080; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; FONT-FAMILY: Ari=

<META <<=20
- Laura Colburn.vcf << File: Laura Colburn.vcf <<=20
- Multi Client Catalog.pdf << File: Multi Client Catalog.pdf <<=20
- REM 2001Status of Retail Mkts. .ppt << File: REM 2001Status of Retail Mk=
ts. .ppt <<