Enron Mail

Subject:RE: fundamentals group
Date:Mon, 8 Oct 2001 13:43:14 -0700 (PDT)

Ban --

Sorry to take so long to reply. Family is fine post NYC attacks.

Not sure if we have any needs right now. I'll keep you in mind as the Budget / Staffing moves forward.

Take care,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sharma, Ban
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:42 AM
To: Steffes, James D.
Cc: Ibrahim, Amr
Subject: RE: fundamentals group


Its been a long time and I hope post the New York incident everything is fine your end.

You must have had a feel of how things are evolving in our Indian office, from Amr. We are appearing to win some Court cases, but the case is dragging on. However with the Tata's (An Indian private company) showing interest in our project, things might hasten a bit. The most preferable solution from our standpoint is a buyout and we are hoping for it.

Meanwhile I understand there are a lot of changes happening in the department in Houston. I would strongly like to be a part of the group in Houston. With things in India heading towards a close, I really do not know how long my services would be required here. Going by the last months severances one is expecting another month, at max two before I too am on laid off.

The severance package is the attractive part (6 months + 2 months notice period - the latter part might be optional), but any day a continuation in Enron is always preferable. Having worked for you and Amr, I am always looking forward to continuing my association with you both if that be possible.

If you have something in mind wherein I can chip in and contribute I would be very happy to do so. I can contact Linda and seek an appointment for you in that case. It would be a pleasure for me if I can start working for you once again.

I look forward to hearing from you
Warm Regards

---------------------- Forwarded by Ban Sharma/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 09/20/2001 07:19 PM ---------------------------
From: Jennifer Thome/ENRON@enronXgate on 09/20/2001 08:55 AM CDT

Subject: RE: fundamentals group

**I suggest you send a brief message to Jim and copy Amr. In the message I would say that you understand that there is a lot of change going on in the department, but that you want to reiterate your strong interest in working with the group from Houston. Perhaps then you suggest that you contact Linda (his assistant) to schedule a time to talk in more detail (assuming this is possible in spite of the time difference).

**In addition to this, have you considered moving yourself and family to the U.S. and then finding a job? If you do get a severence package then you could use the money for that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sharma, Ban
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 10:49 PM
To: Thome, Jennifer
Subject: Re: fundamentals group

thanks a ton jennifer. but thanks to the portland fiasco relations between me and Amr are not the same again. In short I have lost faith in people. He did mention about this fundamentals group, but did not mention that he was heading it or that he is looking to hire people.

lets hope for the best and see how things evolve. however the best part of the houston trip, apart from the value additions professionally, was that I got to meet good people like Jim, Rick and you. I am pretty contended with that. This however does in no way mean that i would not try for any opening in houston. i am doubly or should i say triply motivated now (post the arrival of the kid) to seek all options that would lead me to the US.

How are things your end. has the house been sold off or are you still struggling to find a buyer? where would you be this christmas - portland i presume appears the most likely place. how is steve, convey my regards to him.


From: Jennifer Thome/ENRON@enronXgate on 09/18/2001 01:22 PM CDT

Subject: fundamentals group

You probably already talked to Amr about this, but it was just announced that he is going to be informally putting together a "fundamentals" group within this department. It seems to me that this is something you would be interested in. If you haven't already, I would ask him about it. Also, he is probably a lot better able than I to give you a good idea about where this group is headed and whether he foresees any openings.
