Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Statement of Position
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:34:16 -0700 (PDT)

This is from Pat Keene - SWEPCO case.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Chris Reeder" <creeder@texas.net<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 9:53 AM
To: john.woodward@dynegy.com; tmja@dynegy.com; John Stauffacher; David Itz; jcalloway@calpine.com; margaridaw@calpine.com; jryall@enron.com; pkeene@enron.com; William Taylor; david.cruthirds@dynegy.com; suzanne bertin; vanus.priestley@aesmail.com; chris.russo@dynegy.com; Gillan Taddune
Cc: David Gross
Subject: FW: Statement of Position

Here's TIEC's draft statement of position in the SPP delay case in which
your companies are testifying Thursday. Thought this might be a helpful
outline of the relevant issues. CR

-----Original Message-----
From: Rayburn, Margarethe [mailto:margaretherayburn@akllp.com]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 5:25 PM
To: terri.eaton@puc.state.tx.us; ferris@opc.state.tx.us;
jboyle@jimboylelaw.com; dgcarpenter@aep.com; melewis@aep.com;
rkford@aep.com; frodriguez@bbraustin.com'; creeder@texas.net
Subject: FW: Statement of Position

Attached is a draft statement of position for the SWEPCO case. It is based
on the most recent settlement draft. I propose to submit it to the
Commission because I am concerned that in the absence of some outline the
Commission will piece together a result that is not satisfactory to any of
us. In light of the fact that all our positions are fairly close, it may be
that we can all join in this statement of position or something similar.
Rex VanMiddlesworth

- Statement of Position D. 24468.doc