Enron Mail

Subject:Credit Ring
Date:Thu, 1 Nov 2001 14:00:30 -0800 (PST)


Here would be the prosed trade:

For example:

Counterparty buys from Enron=09jan02-dec02 nymex swap 350 contracts/mo @ cu=
rrent market + $2
Enron buys from TXU =09=09jan02-dec02 nymex swap 350contracts/mo @ current=
market + $2
TXU buys from Counterparty =09jan02-dec02 nymex swap 350 contracts/mo @ cu=
rrent market + $2

There will be no net position change for anyone. It lowers TXU's and the Co=
unterparty's open positions and VAR with Enron. It will also replace the Co=
unterparty's Enron credit exposure with TXU.

Enron releases TXU margin and TXU posts margin with the Counterparty based =
on their contractual obligations.

All the trades would fall within our existing ISDAs. Our lawyers have added=
some language for the confirms that would tie the trades together. That la=
nguage is included below. If you have any legal questions feel free to call=
our lawyer Mark Taylor at 713-853-7459.

If you have any questions feel free to call me at 713-853-7058. I'll ring y=
ou latter this afternoon to go over the details and talk about possible cou=

Thanks for your time.

Geof Storey

"Each of the parties to this Agreement recognizes and acknowledges that the=
parties are acting and agreeing to perform their obligations hereunder in =
reliance upon (i) the timely execution and delivery by [legal name of other=
counterparty] ("Third Party") and Party A of a transaction in substantiall=
y the form attached hereto as Exhibit A ("Third Party Transaction A") and w=
ould not otherwise agree to execute, deliver and perform under this Agreeme=
nt if Third Party and Party A were not contemporaneously executing and deli=
vering Third Party Transaction A and (ii) the timely execution and delivery=
by Third Party and Party B of a transaction in substantially the form atta=
ched hereto as Exhibit B ("Third party Transaction B") and would not otherw=
ise agree to execute, deliver and perform under this Agreement if Third Par=
ty and Party B were not contemporaneously executing and delivering Third pa=
rty Transaction B. The effectiveness of this Agreement shall be subject to =
the condition that contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of thi=
s Agreement Party A and Third Party execute and deliver Third Party Transac=
tion A and Party B and Third Party execute and deliver Third Party Transact=
ion B."