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Subject:Diabetes E-News Now!...Looking for Practical Strategies to Improve
Date:Sat, 5 Jan 2002 03:17:57 -0800 (PST)

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Welcome to Diabetes E-News Now!, Health Care Professional Edition.

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New Federal Initiative to Focus on Diabetes and Women
Eat Your Way to Better Health
Overfeeding Rapidly Induces Leptin and Insulin Resistance
A Few Sips a Day Could Cut Heart Disease Risk

Are You Looking for Practical Strategies to Improve Patient Outcomes?
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - The American Diabetes Association is now accepting abstract submissions for it's 62nd Scientific Sessions
Dallas Regional Postgraduate Course, March 30, 2002

BOOK OF THE WEEK - Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders, Third Edition

New Federal Initiative to Focus on Diabetes and Women
Of the estimated 16 million Americans with diabetes, more than half are women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC recently launched its new three-phased initiative on women and diabetes. The initiative, co-sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), will work to curb the recent rise in diabetes among women.

To learn more about this story, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a0

Eat Your Way to Better Health
The American Diabetes Association released new nutritional guidelines in the January, 2002 issue of Diabetes Care, the Association's journal of clinical research. The new guidelines emphasize recent evidence that exercise and lifestyle choices can play major roles in managing and even preventing diabetes. Other interesting studies in the January issue include research on how stress management can affect blood sugar and the annual costs diabetes expenses cost employers.

To learn more about this story, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a1

Overfeeding Rapidly Induces Leptin and Insulin Resistance
Hyperphagia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperleptinemia coexist in common forms of obesity. A team of researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York, recently demonstrated that overfeeding mice induces leptin and insulin resistance in test subjects. The study, led by Dr. Luciano Rossetti, was published in the December, 2001 issue of the journal Diabetes.

To learn more about this story, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a2

A Few Sips a Day Could Cut Heart Disease Risk
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health recently found that men with type 2 diabetes who consume moderate amounts of alcohol each day reduce their risk of heart disease. Compared with nondrinkers, men who drank one-half to two drinks daily cut their heart disease risk by 36 percent, and men who drank more than two drinks a day had a 41 percent lower risk of heart problems.

To learn more about this story, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a3

Are You Looking for Practical Strategies to Improve Patient Outcomes?
Then attend the 49th Annual Advanced Postgraduate Course, this February 1-3, 2002, in San Francisco, California. Join your colleagues in the city by the bay to learn about the latest treatment and management advances in diabetes. Meeting Highlight: The program will include a session on innovative strategies for improving outcomes in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The session will include topics such as Treating Diabetic Dyslipidemia, Update on New Clinical Trials on CVD and Diabetes and Treating Hypertension: Mono and Combination Therapy.
Don?t miss this opportunity!

For complete program and registration information, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a7

For additional information, call 1-800-232-3472, option 5 or email: meetings@diabetes.org

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - The American Diabetes Association is now accepting abstract submissions for it's 62nd Scientific Sessions.
This year's meeting is scheduled for June 14-18, 2002 in San Francisco, California. Abstracts can be submitted online - beat the deadline rush, submit your abstract now! (Deadline: January 11, 2002)

To submit an abstract or to learn more about the upcoming Scientific Sessions, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a6

Dallas Regional Postgraduate Course, March 30, 2002
The Dallas Regional Postgraduate Course will take place on March 30, 2002, at the Dallas Marriott Las Colinas in Irving, Texas. Plans for the program include sessions on Obesity, New Diabetes Treatments and Therapies, Nutritional Issues in Diabetes and Clinical Management of CVD in Diabetes. In addition, workshop and meet-the-professor sessions include Assessment of Risk and Treatment of Obesity in Children, New Medicare Guidelines, Charcot Foot and Combination Therapy and Successful Interventions for Diabetes Self-Management.

Additional program and registration information, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a5

BOOK OF THE WEEK - Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders, Third Edition
Powerful, practical treatment approaches proven to work. From guidelines for diagnosis to pharmacological therapy this professional reference presents you with a concise, practical plan to manage specific problems associated with diabetes.

For more information or to order this book, click on the following link: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a49675a99406973a4

Some of the articles in Diabetes E-News Now! are generated from wire service stories only and not by the American Diabetes Association. Therefore, the American Diabetes Association has no control over the editorial or grammatical content and does not endorse the information contained in the articles. Neither the American Diabetes Association nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content, nor its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Please note that the articles above will expire 15 days past the date of this mailing. Prior to then, if you experience difficulty accessing the news articles, please e-mail: news@diabetes.org. Being a Diabetes E-News Now! Member is free and your privacy is guaranteed.

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