Enron Mail

Subject:Investinme Course Offering
Date:Thu, 31 May 2001 22:27:28 -0700 (PDT)

Do you do expense reports and have not taken the training?

Expense Management System (XMS) - Cost: $135
June 4th 8:30am-11:30am EB564
June 19th 1:00pm-4:00pm EB564

The Expense Management System (XMS) is a tool used to electronically submit your expense report for approval and payment through the Enron Intranet. It is user friendly, accurate and less labor intensive for you and the accounting staff. This system will help you report your travel and entertainment expenses.

You will learn how to:
E Create New Expense Reports
E Enter Cash Expense Receipts
E Adding Company Card Entries
E Enter Personal Car Mileage
E Foreign Currency Translation
E Reimbursement Method
E Designating your Approving Manager
E Designating your Administrative Assistant
E Submitting Your Expense Report
E Reviewing your Expense Report
E And Much More...

Please login and enroll through the InvestInMe website, http://www.corptraining.com/index.cfm?company=enron. If you have any questions, please call 713 853-1816.