Enron Mail

Subject:Monthly Natural Gas Underground Storage
Date:Mon, 9 Jul 2001 13:09:56 -0700 (PDT)

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Underground Natural Gas Storage - All Operators, 1995-2001
(Volumes in Billion Cubic Feet)

Natural Gas in Change In Working
Underground Storage Gas
at End of Period from Same Period
Year and Month Previous Year

Base Working Totalb/ Volume Percent
Gas Gas

1995 Totala/... 4,349 2,153 6,503 -453 -17.4
1996 Totala/... 4,341 2,173 6,513 19 0.9
1997 Totala/... 4,350 2,175 6,525 2 0.1
1998 Totala/... 4,326 2,730 7,056 554 25.5

January...... 4,332 2,073 6,404 361 21.1
February..... 4,329 1,746 6,075 319 22.4
March........ 4,383 1,406 5,789 223 18.9
April........ 4,381 1,495 5,876 109 7.9
May.......... 4,371 1,835 6,206 61 3.4
June......... 4,370 2,149 6,519 36 1.7
July......... 4,370 2,379 6,749 -41 -2.0
August....... 4,368 2,610 6,978 -88 -3.3
September.... 4,369 2,923 7,292 -5 -0.2
October...... 4,370 3,073 7,443 -118 -3.7
November..... 4,380 3,065 7,445 -90 -2.8
December..... 4,383 2,523 6,906 -207 -7.6

Total........ __ __ __ __ __

January...... 4,363 1,725 6,088 -370 -17.6
February..... 4,371 1,300 5,672 -491 -27.4
March........ 4,364 1,150 5,514 -280 -19.6
April........ 4,363 1,184 5,547 -329 -21.8
May.......... 4,356 1,426 5,782 -420 -22.8
June......... 4,355 1,706 6,061 -450 -20.9
July......... 4,355 1,996 6,351 -394 -16.5
August....... 4,355 2,190 6,544 -442 -16.8
September.... 4,354 2,473 6,827 -450 -15.4
October...... d/4,354 d/2,699 7,053 -374 -12.2
November..... d/4,358 d/2,443 6,801 -622 -20.3
December..... d/4,352 d/1,720 6,072 -803 -31.8

Total........ __ __ __ __ __

January...... 4,344 1,265 5,609 -459 -26.6
February..... 4,328 912 5,241 -388 -29.8
March........ 4,300 742 5,042 -408 -35.5
April(STIFS). RE/4,300 RE/1,009 RE/5,309 RE/-175 RE/-14.8
May(STIFS)... E/4,300 E/1,484 E/5,784 E/58 E/4.0

See footnotes at end of table.

Underground Natural Gas Storage - All Operators, 1995-2001
(Volumes in Billion Cubic Feet) - Continued

Storage Activity

Year and Month

Injections Withdrawals Net

1995 Totala/... 2,566 2,974 408
1996 Totala/... 2,906 2,911 6
1997 Totala/... 2,800 2,824 24
1998 Totala/... 2,905 2,379 -526

January...... 58 682 624
February..... 63 385 321
March........ 87 384 297
April........ 210 120 -90
May.......... 381 45 -337
June......... 349 42 -307
July......... 298 81 -217
August....... 311 90 -221
September.... 358 43 -315
October...... 247 92 -155
November..... 173 205 32
December..... 63 606 543

Total........ 2,598 2,772 174

January...... 48 829 780
February..... 78 532 454
March........ 132 294 162
April........ 181 145 -36
May.......... 308 75 -232
June......... 339 67 -272
July......... 368 77 -290
August....... 296 102 -193
September.... 354 72 -282
October...... 313 87 -227
November..... 108 401 293
December..... 65 755 690

Total........ 2,591 3,436 845

January...... 93 559 467
February..... 71 409 338
March........ 113 293 181
April(STIFS). NA NA RE/-267
May(STIFS)... NA NA E/-475

a/ Total as of December 31.
b/ Total underground storage capacity at the end of each
calendar year (in billion cubic feet): 1995 - 7,953; 1996 -
7,980; 1997 - 8,332; 1998 - 8,179; 1999 - 8,229; and 2000 -
c/ Negative numbers indicate the volume of injections in
excess of withdrawals. Positive numbers indicate the volume of
withdrawals in excess of injections.
d/ Reflects one respondent's reclassification of natural gas
in underground storage from working gas to base gas.
E/ = Estimated Data.
RE/ = Revised Estimated Data.
NA = Not Available.
__ = Not Applicable.

Notes: Data for 1995 through 1999 are final. All other
data are preliminary unless otherwise noted. Estimates for the
most recent two months are derived from the Short-Term
Integrated Forecasting System (STIFS). See Natural Gas Monthly,
Appendix A Explanatory Note 7 for a discussion of revision
policy. Gas in storage at the end of a reporting period may
not equal the quantity derived by adding or subtracting net
injections or withdrawals during the period to the quantity of
gas in storage at the beginning of the period. Totals may not
equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Geographic coverage is the 50 States and the District of
Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-191,
Monthly Underground Gas Storage Report of Natural and
Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition," and STIFS.
For additional information, please contact the Energy
Information Administration's National Energy Information Center
at (202)586-8800.

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