Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Varn International
Date:Thu, 17 May 2001 13:51:12 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Wallis, Janet H.
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:51 AM
To: Johnson, Mary Jo; Hunter, Sarah-joy; DePaolis, Tammi; Storey, Geoff
Cc: Courtney, Mark
Subject: RE: Varn International

The long-term originators are as follows:

Carolina Power and Light/Ashville Tammi De Paolis (713) 853-5121
Three Rivers Michigan Area Geoff Storey (713) 853-7058

Call me if you have any other questions,

Janet Wallis

-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Mary Jo
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:13 AM
To: Wallis, Janet H.
Subject: Varn International

---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/EES on 05/17/2001 09:12 AM ---------------------------

Mary Jo Johnson
05/17/2001 09:12 AM
To: Janet H Wallis/Enron@EnronXGate
Subject: Varn International


Would you be interested in doing this gas deal? What are the ranges of customers that you would sell to? Give me a call, Mary Jo
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/EES on 05/17/2001 09:11 AM ---------------------------
From: Sarah-joy Hunter/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 04:16 PM
To: Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/EES@EES
cc: Mark Courtney/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Varn International

Mary Jo:
Per our conversation below, could you take a quick look at the data below and see if Varn International is a company we can work with?


Believe it or not, I am currently working in the Northwest side of Houston
with Varn International. Our parent company, Day International, has
facilities located in Michigan and North Carolina. Would you be so kind and
point me in the right direction as to who might handle the Carolina Power and
Light account in Ashville, NC as well as the American Electric Power account
in Three Rivers Michigan. Our Day plants have been using brokers but I
thought we might could work with Enron, if they are in that market area, and
possibly negotiate some long term agreement for all our facilities. Once
they found out I had natural gas experience, they put me on this project.
Otherwise I'm responsible for purchasing and logistics for North America and
eventually worldwide.
Sarah-Joy Hunter
Sr. Manager
Enron Corporation, Business Development

-----Original Message-----
From: dwight.neas@varn.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-dwight+2Eneas+40varn+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 7:09 AM
To: Hunter, Sarah-joy
Subject: Sarah


I have attached an excel worksheet with the addresses of our locations along
with the volumes for each. Please review and give me a call. 281-469-6200
ext. 254

Dwight(See attached file: NATURAL GAS USAGE.xls)


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