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Attached is the agreement in principle reached today between TCPL and its
Stakeholders on terms TCPL is prepared to bring to the board if there is broad enough industry support. The following are the key changes from the draft distributed on Monday Feb 12. Discretionary revenue sharing to TCPL subject to cap of $5M (from $7.5M) with higher sharing percentages by revenue class. AOS of 4% (from 2.5%) of FT demand charge paid as credit to IT invoice. 4% is approx 240 mmcfd. IT floor to be railed between 80% and 120% of FT toll but floating monthly with marginal fuel cost. There are two very controversial elements that may cause some parties to litigate. TCPL has slipped in the severance costs for 200 employees that were laid off in Dec 2000 but technically terminated in 2001. At $100K per employee this works out to $20 m or about one cent on the Eastern Zone toll. TCPL is also not willing to consider liquidating this year any of their 8 bcf of storage working gas and are not even conceding that the gas belongs to the shippers. Speculation is they have arbed much of it this winter and are trying to pocket all of the upside with no benefit to the shippers who paid for it. If TCPL proceeds with this agreement without opposition then there will be a cost of capital hearing to set the ROE and capital structure. If they don't then there will be a lengthy rate hearing where many time consuming issues such as higher depreciation will be debated. If TCPL proceeds with this deal in the face of litigants (from the LDCs perhaps) it is unclear which issues will be raised or how long the hearing will take. TCPL is requesting by close of business Tuesday that we indicate whether we will either a. sign the agreement or b. neither sign nor litigate or c. litigate to NEB. I understand from discussion earlier this week with Jon McKay and Rob Milnthorp that Enron will choose Option B. We can review on Tuesday. If anybody wants clarification on anything let me know. Kevin ---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin Heal/CAL/ECT on 02/16/2001 03:52 PM --------------------------- "John Lee" <john_lee@transcanada.com< on 02/16/2001 03:43:56 PM To: Steve Emond <steve_emond@transcanada.com< cc: Rob Whitmore <rob_whitmore@transcanada.com<, Marg Seeger <marg_seeger@transcanada.com<, John Guerriero <jguerriero@duke-energy.com<, Debbie Harris <debbie_harris@transcanada.com<, Phi Dang <PDang@gazoductqm.com<, Adam White <adam_white@transalta.com<, Albert Stortchak <stortcal@est.gov.on.ca<, Bill Wible <bill_wible@iroquois.com<, Bob Fraser <bobfraser@aec.ca<, Brian Howell <behowell@interlog.com<, Brian Ridley <bridley@hydro.mb.ca<, Brian Troicuk <troicuk@capp.ca<, Brian White <bswhite@ceg.com<, Brian Woods <brian_woods@email.mobil.com<, Cheryl Worthy <worthycg@bp.com<, Chuck Baumgart <cbaumgart@renaissance.ca<, Debbie White <debbwhit@marathoncanada.com<, Diane Cameron <diane_cameron@nexeninc.com<, Doug Holgate <doug.holgate@husky-oil.com<, Frank Brennan <frank.brennan@cgc.enbridge.com<, Gilles Favreau <favreau.gilles@hydro.qc.ca<, Ken Hadley <ken_hadley@pcp.ca<, Kevin Heal <kevin.heal@enron.com<, Kurt McKnight <kmcknight@uniongas.com<, Lisa McMahon <lisa.mcmahon@neg.pge.com<, Lyne Mercier <lmercier@gazmet.com<, Martin Imbleau <mimbleau@gazmet.com<, mike verwegen <mverwegen@uniongas.com<, Mike Stedman <mstedman@uniongas.com<, Murray Samuel <murray_samuel@transcanada.com<, Robert Agnello <ragnello@edisonmission.com<, Robert Andrews <randrews@coral-energy.com<, Peter Fournier <igua@magma.ca<, Ron Moore <ronald.moore@esso.com<, Ronald Richard <ronald.richard@mrn.gouv.qc.ca<, Shonda Day <days@epenergy.com<, Suzanne Boucher-Chen <suzanne.boucher-chen@southernenergy.com<, Vern Gorr <vgorr@saskenergy.sk.ca<, Frederic Morel <fmorel@gazmet.com<, Isabelle Quach <iquach@gazmet.com<, Robert Rowe <rob.rowe@cgc.enbridge.com<, Richard King <rking@powerbudd.com<, Dan Collins <dacollins@negm.com<, Mike Lucy <mslucy@negm.com<, Nick Schultz <schultz@capp.ca<, Howard Stephens <hstephens@hydro.mb.ca<, Brent Moen <bmoen@hydro.mb.ca<, Jeremy Slasor <jeremy.slasor@demloak.com<, Jim Fisher <jfisher@duke-energy.com<, Janet Holder <janet.holder@cgc.enbridge.com<, Rob Hemstock <rhemsto@ect.enron.com<, Aleck Dadson <adadson@ect.enron.com<, Normand Stevenson <nstevenson@gazmet.com<, Randy Fryer <rfryer@northlandpower.com<, Alan Reid <alan_reid@pcp.ca<, John MacPherson <macpher@petro-canada.ca<, Alain Lefebvre <alain.lefebvre@mrn.gouv.qc.ca<, craigl <craigl@cnrl.com<, swong <swong@northlandpower.com<, rinde_powell <rinde_powell@pcp.ca<, "ed.bruton" <ed.bruton@neg.pge.com<, lnixon <lnixon@tmvgas.com<, "jill.page" <jill.page@gov.ab.ca<, Max Feldman <max_feldman@transcanada.com<, "bernard.kramer" <bernard.kramer@mcnenergy.com<, bartlon <bartlon@epenergy.com<, sharon johnson <sharonej@telusplanet.net<, Jack Hawks <jack.hawks@neg.pge.com<, Tomasz Lange <tomasz.lange@southernenergy.com<, Frank Basham <fbasham@talisman-energy.com<, peter milne <pjmilne@telusplanet.net<, Jim Bartlett <jim_bartlett@transcanada.com<, Wendy Hanrahan <wendy_hanrahan@transcanada.com< Subject: S&P Statement of Principles Enclosed for your review is a Statement of Principles regarding TransCanada's Service and Pricing Settlement for 2001 and 2002, resulting from discussions that took place in Toronto on February 15 and 16. We request that Parties indicate by end of business on Tuesday, February 20 whether they: 1) Will be a Party to this Settlement; or 2) Will not be a Party to this Settlement but will either support or not oppose the terms of the Settlement when submitted to the National Energy Board for approval; or 3) Will oppose the Settlement and will litigate the terms of the Settlement when filed for approval with the National Energy Board. On Wednesday, February 21 we will provide you with the details of the level of support and will indicate to you whether TransCanada is prepared to process this Settlement [i.e. detailed MOU and NEB Application] on the basis of the support received. If TransCanada determines that it will process the Settlement, TransCanada will wish to issue a press release (indicating that a Settlement with a number of Parties has been reached) because a Settlement of this nature may be "material" to TransCanada shareholders. We thank all Stakeholders for their valuable input into the development of this Settlement. - Statement of Principles_ML5 .doc