Enron Mail

To:rob.milnthorp@enron.com, robert.hemstock@enron.com, eric.ledain@enron.com,peggy.hedstrom@enron.com, jonathan.mckay@enron.com, jeff.pearson@enron.com, ruth.concannon@enron.com, martin.cuilla@enron.com, geoff.storey@enron.com, michael.cowan@enron.com,
Subject:TCPL MOU Meetings March 19-23
Date:Fri, 16 Mar 2001 08:59:00 -0800 (PST)

Below is the agenda for the TCPL MOU meetings next week. I plan on attendi=
the first day and participating in the Services/Expansion/Turnback working=
group #3 in the afternoon. If it looks worthwhile I can continue to cover=
selectively on later days as well.

If anyone has any concerns or questions please let me know.

TransCanada Pipelines and Stakeholders
Mainline Service and Pricing Settlement
Memorandum of Understanding Working Sessions
March 19th to 23rd, 2001

Objectives: To agree on the language of the Memorandum of Understanding by=
end of week, including:
? the content of the document to ensure alignment of concepts;
? clear and understandable language, that is
? simple and concise.

Format of the Week of March 19th to 23rd=20

Note: Following the discussions Monday morning, the large Stakeholder Grou=
will be broken down into working groups with specific MOU topics to review.=
These working groups will report back their recommendations to the=20
Stakeholder Group.=20

Please note the working group topics and be prepared on Monday morning to=
select (or be assigned to) a group of interest to you.=20

Date and Time=09Action=09TCPL Resource
Monday March 19th
9:00am to 12:00pm=091. Review the format and process for the week
=092. Assign working groups
=093. IT pricing agreement =20
=094. Turnback policy agreement=09
1:00pm to 4:45pm=095. Breakout into working groups
=09Group 1: Articles and Schedule E=20
=09Group 2: Articles 8.9.10 and Schedule E
=09Group 3: Articles 11.12. and Schedules A.B.C.
=09The working groups are also responsible to review the Objectives and=20
Definitions for their relevant topics.=09
4:45pm to 5:15=09Reconvene Stakeholder Group
=096. Process check
=097. Establish priorities for Tuesday=01,s sessions=09
Tuesday March 20th=20
9:00am to 12:00pm=098. Working groups (1.2.3.) review/discuss recommendatio=
ns with=20
Stakeholder Group =09
1:00pm to 4:00pm=099. Breakout into working groups
=09Group 4: Articles 13.14
=09Group 5: Article 15 and Schedule D
=09Group 6: Articles and 20.
=09Also review the Objectives and Definitions =09
4:00pm to 5:00pm

=09Reconvene Stakeholder Group
=0910. Process check
=0911. Identify outstanding issues
=0912. Establish priorities for Wednesday sessions=09
=09End of Tuesday=09
Wednesday, March 21st=20
9:00am to 12:00pm=0913. Working groups 4.5.6. review/discuss recommendation=
s with=20
Stakeholder Group
=0914. Process check
=0915. Identify outstanding issues
=0916. Establish priorities and assign work=09

Note: The work will be scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on=20
Wednesday once all of the Articles of the Memorandum of Understanding has=
been reviewed.

Working Group Assignments:

All Groups: Article 1: Introduction
Article 2: Interpretation
Article 3: Term

Group 1: Article 4: Revenue Requirement
Article 5: Severance Program
Article 6: Merger Agreement
Article 7: Composite Depreciation Rate
Schedule E

Group 2: Article 8: Inventory Management Program
Article 9: Revenue/Asset Management Program
Article 10: Incentive Programs
Schedule E

Group 3: Article 11: Services
Article 12: Expansion/Turnback
Schedules A and B and C

Group 4: Article 13: Future Business and Regulatory Model
Article 14: Code of Conduct

Group 5: Article 15: Reporting Requirements
Schedule D

Group 6: Article 16: Termination
Article 17: Dispute Resolution Process
Article 18: Filing Requirements
Article 19: Disposition on Termination or Expiration
Article 20: Miscellaneous Provisions