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Enron Mail |
Attached is both the final Mainline Settlement MOU and the agenda to tomorr=
ow's TCPL Tolls Task Force meeting at which the settlement will be voted on= . I have also attached an MOU summary prepared recently by TransCanada. = Unless instructed differently, I will be abstaining on behalf of Enron. Kevin =20 ---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin Heal/CAL/ECT on 04/17/2001 09:10 = AM --------------------------- "Marg Seeger" <marg_seeger@transcanada.com< on 04/12/2001 12:04:12 PM To:=09Marg_Seeger@transcanada.com, mmanning@wei.org, bob.moore@foothillspip= e.com, rjackson@glgt.com, david_m_huck@reliantenergy.com, dmkellerton@attgl= obal.net, alison.l.cochrane@nspco.com, PetersonJ@natfuel.com, craigl@cnrl.c= om, jsthilaire@vermontgas.com, Daniel.White@mcnenergy.com, bill_wible@iroqu= ois.com, loraine.baillargeon@city.kitchener.on.ca, rfryer@northlandpower.co= m, jeturner@em.gov.mb.ca, jim_pearson@keyspancanada.com, scott.s.hults@xcel= energy.com, bswhite@nisource.com, adouglas@tmvgas.com, bridley@hydro.mb.ca,= troicuk@capp.ca, debbwhit@marathoncanada.com, Doug.Holgate@husky-oil.com, = frank.brennan@cgc.enbridge.com, gMacGillivray@suncor.com, jeremy.slasor@dem= loak.com, MACPHER@petro-canada.ca, kheal@ect.enron.com, voinorml@bp.com, no= la_ruzycki@transcanada.com, nstevenson@gazmet.com, igua@magma.ca, pdang@gaz= oductqm.com, ronald.moore@esso.com, suzanne.boucher-chen@mirant.com, vgorr@= saskenergy.sk.ca, Bob.Smith@coastalcorp.com, Alan_Reid@pancanadian.ca, lisa= .mcmahon@neg.pge.com, worthycg@bp.com, ronald.richard@mrn.gouv.qc.ca, mverw= egen@uniongas.com, karen.tomter@engageenergy.com, fmorel@gazmet.com, kmckni= ght@uniongas.com, bobfraser@aec.ca, mdgrant@promark.ab.ca, FBasham@talisman= -energy.com, randrews@coral-energy.com, trimbles@epenergy.com, lmercier@gaz= met.com, mimbleau@gazmet.com, diane_cameron@nexeninc.com, DayS@EpEnergy.com= , peter.serafini@engageenergy.com, dmorgan@pngts.com, lorian_rathwell@email= .mobil.com, rob.rowe@cgc.enbridge.com, murray_samuel@transcanada.com, adam_= white@transalta.com, ragnello@edisonmission.com, vmcmahon@suncor.com, Jill.= Page@gov.ab.ca, Bernard.Kramer@mcnenergy.com, tomasz.lange@southernenergy.c= om, carol.nykolyn@gov.ab.ca, pam_buggie@transcanada.com, sharon.alexander@e= lpaso.com, jbretz@indeck-energy.com, lorraine.bolton@chel.com, tim.cotner@e= lpaso.com, mjanczak@indeck-energy.com cc:=09=20 Subject:=09TTF Attached is a draft agenda for the TTF meeting on Wednesday, April 18, 2001= . This meeting will be held in Calgary, at the Sheraton Suites Eau Claire,= Wildrose C room from 9 am - 5 pm. Members of the Balancing sub-committe = please note that there will be a sub-committee meeting prior to the TTF me= eting from 8:00am - 9:00am in the Wildrose C room.=20 At the TTF meeting on April 18, 2001 a vote will be held on Issue D - 38 Se= rvice and Pricing Approval. With respect to this vote, the final Mainline = Service and Pricing Settlement Agreement and a copy of the issue sheet/reso= lution are attached. If for any reason you are unable to attend this meetin= g in person, you may participate by conference call. If you are unable to = participate by phone, members may vote by either sending a fax or email cop= y of a vote form to my attention. This vote form must be received by Trans= Canada by 5pm Calgary time on Tuesday, April 17, 2001. A vote form is atta= ched and is also available on the TTF website.=20 Please note that there may be a vote at this meeting on Issue C - 15 Correc= tion to Tariff: Force Majeure Demand Charge Adjustments. The issue sheet/= resolution and the tariff changes are attached.=20 For pre-reading, a draft copy of Mike Quesnel's presentation on the Invento= ry Management Program is attached.=20 =20 =20 - Services & Pricing Approval_Issue Sheet_DH.doc=20 - TTF - Corrections to FM - Issue Sheet.doc=20 - TTF-Correction to FM - Tariff.doc=20 - FAX_VOTE form_D-38 S&P Approval.doc=20 - TTF_Agenda_APR 18 01.doc=20 - TTF Inventory Presentation_Draft_ Apr 1801_MQ.ppt=20 - MAINLINE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT_FINAL_ April 12 01.doc=20 - marg_seeger.vcf=20