Enron Mail

To:matt.lorenz@enron.com, maria.valdes@enron.com, j..sturm@enron.com,don.baughman@enron.com
Subject:FW: MAIN Homepage Data
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 15:08:41 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Leonard R. Januzik [mailto:lrj@maininc.org]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:04 AM
To: bodplus@maininc.org; ecplus@maininc.org; ocplus@maininc.org; marketinterfaceplus@maininc.org
Cc: virginia@nerc.com; lou.leffler@nerc.com; staff@maininc.org; jcolson@execpc.com
Subject: MAIN Homepage Data


Based on consultation among MAIN staff and with the MAIN PC chair as well as the chair of the newly form MAIN Security Working Group, we will take or have taken the following actions in the interest of bulk power system physical security:

1) All data on the MAIN home page formerly considered "public" but now deemed to have the potential to be used in sabotage acts against the interconnected electric systems is no longer available for immediate download.

2) Those entities who have a valid, regular use of such data will be given password access. Current MAIN homepage passwords will work and anyone who has OASIS access via TradeAgent will automatically have access via the the links provided on the OASIS after log-in.

3) Anyone who has a valid but infrequent use of such data will be screened before such data is supplied. This will be done through validation of phone and/or street address as well as company affiliation as necessary. In short, we will know the person who has asked for data.

4) Instruction and/or forms will be available on the web to facilitate item 3 above.

5) A modest charge to accomplish item 3 may also be required.

At a minimum the following formerly public data is included in this protected group:

- All MAIN electric system maps
- Detailed capacity reports such as the 411/860
- Parts of the FERC 715 submittal
- Detailed roster information
- outage listings
- seven days or older ATC cases
- Transmission Assessment reports (TASG, FSSG)
- All other power flow cases (MDB, MMWG, etc.)

I recognize that reports such as the 411/860 and FERC 715 also reside publicly on the FERC/DOE sites. Efforts will be made to have such data removed from the government sites as well and, I understand that FERC yesterday has already taken such action.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.


Len Januzik

Len Januzik
Director of Engineering
MAIN Coordination Center Phone: (630)261-2611
939 Parkview Boulevard FAX: (630)691-4222
Lombard, IL 60148 lrj@maininc.org