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Invitations to the NFL playoff party weren't mailed out until the final game, but now 12 teams are focused on winning a championship. Who could have predicted the surprising run to the playoffs by New England, Pittsburgh and Chicago? If you're saying "I could have," then consider this your invitation to: Fantasy Football Playoff Challenge <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=1&bj=3031&bu=11231579&bt=8773< It has been said that defense wins championships, and looking at the teams that had the best defensive numbers (right), the stats don't lie. So now it's up to you: * Do you go with history and select players from a stingy cold-weather team such as Chicago, Pittsburgh or Green Bay? * Or noting that St. Louis is on carpet the rest of the way, do you think offense with members of the "greatest show on turf"? The choice is up to you when you play ESPN.com's Fantasy Football Playoff Challenge <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=1&bj=3031&bu=11231579&bt=8773<. Sign up today! <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=1&bj=3031&bu=11231579&bt=8773< <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=1&bj=3031&bu=11231579&bt=8773< <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=1&bj=3031&bu=11231579&bt=8773< <http://games.espn.go.com/st_fflpc/01/email/img/1x1.gif< 2001 Defensive Points Allowed Rank Team PPG 1 Chicago * 12.7 2 Philadelphia * 13.0 3 Pittsburgh * 13.2 4 Green Bay * 16.6 5 New England * 17.0 6 St. Louis * 17.1 7 Baltimore * 17.5 8 Tampa Bay * 17.5 9 San Francisco * 17.6 10 Jacksonville 17.9 11 Miami * 18.1 12 New York * 18.4 * Made Playoffs This message was sent to: mswerzb@ect.enron.com You are receiving this mail because you have registered with ESPN.com. If you don not wish to receive information regarding ESPN.com in the future, please click here <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=1&bj=3031&bu=11231579&bt=8774< to unsubscribe <http://ts.go.com/bk?bs=2&bj=3031&bu=11231579<