Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Special Request
Date:Thu, 22 Mar 2001 09:10:00 -0800 (PST)

I just left you a voice-mail, but thought I'd follow up with a text message
as well. I can send you lists of all the people who work in each of these
groups, but not all of them use Enron Online. To make this information as
efficient as possible, I want to be sure of what you're looking for before I
send you a huge list of names and make it more confusing than it needs to be.
The other thing I just thought of is that I run an EOL deal count report
every night which includes the West Desk's EOL and brokered deal counts for
the day, month-to-date, and sometimes year-to-date. So I may already have
this information or may be able to get it very easily. For now, I'll send you
the list of our traders who use EOL. And please let me know what else I can
do to assist.

West Power Traders
Tim Belden
Matt Motley
Mike Swerzbin
Mike Driscoll
Bob Badeer
Sean Crandall
Diana Scholtes
Tom Alonso
Mark Fischer
Jeff Richter
Chris Mallory
Jeremy Morris
Phil Platter

Again, these are the traders in this office who currently use Enron Online.
Our other groups - mid-marketing, origination, and fundamentals - do not
trade online. I believe that development in San Francisco also does not trade


Melissa Ann Murphy
03/22/2001 09:33 AM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT

Subject: Special Request

Hi Kate, Can you help me determine which traders in Portland are associated
with each area list below under West Power? The EOL team needs to run some
number by trader for Louise Kitchen.

---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2001
10:27 AM ---------------------------

From: Matt Motsinger
03/22/2001 10:49 AM

To: Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Kimberly Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Special Request


We have received a request from/for Louise Kitchen and accounting for a deal
count breakout for the following areas. Can you provide a list of traders
that would coinside with the following areas:

Southeast (ex: Smith/Sukakly)
Midwest (Hemdon/Pagan)
Northeast (Sturm/Baughman)
Management Book (Presto)
New Albany (Presto)
Development (Jacoby)
Structuring (Aucoin)
Fundamentals (Will)

Origination (Calger)
QF (Calger)
Development (Parquet)
Trading (Belden)
Middle Market/Services (Foster/Wolfe)
Fundamentals (Heisenreiker)

If you can let us know which(ALL) traders are associated with these areas,
then we should be able to create this report for EOL numbers. We appreciate
any assistance you can provide.


Matt Motsinger
EnronOnline PCG