Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 20 Feb 2001 06:36:00 -0800 (PST)

Bend like a reed in the wind? It's funny you should say that, since I've been
reading a lot about Buddhist philosophy lately. I stayed with a couple in
London who practice Buddhist meditation pretty regularly. Ever since then
I've thought something like that would do a world of good for my mental
health, being that I've always been more of a giant steel piling than a reed
when the wind kicks up. I did let her have it, don't worry; but my Catholic
guilt always gets the best of me, and I assure you I'll be extending all
kinds of undeserved compassion by this evening.

As far as the sick thing goes - screw that. That's one occasion you cannot
take lying down, or bending like a reed as it were. You sabotage that thing
with vitamin C and some uber-multi-vitamin and echinacea and hot water with
lemon and honey and 14 hours of sleep a night UNTIL IT RUNS SCREAMING FROM
YOUR BODY. I hate being sick...almost as much as I hate bending like a reed.

Speaking of Woody Allen - I saw his new one, "Small Time Crooks," last night.
I'd give it an unenthusiastic "mediocre." Rent it if you've exhausted all
other options. Tonight I think we're going to check out "Traffic" - I've
heard rave reviews. Or otherwise it's "Cinema Paradiso" for the
sixty-thousandth time, but this time on the big screen. The deciding factor
will be money, and beer. "Traffic" will cost twice as much as "Cinema," but
the theater showing "Cinema" has comfy couches and serves beer, so I'll end
up spending twice as much as I would at "Traffic." Do you see the moral
dilemma here?

I'm sorry to ramble, but today happens to be alarmingly devoid of surprises.
Having said that, I'm practically positive some catastrophe will occur in the
next 30 seconds, so I'm going to go now.


"jordan mackay" <jordanmackay@hotmail.com< on 02/20/2001 10:40:01 AM
To: Kate.Symes@enron.com

Subject: Re:

I can't believe that bitch would just wander into the house full of ire and
phasers set to kill. I hope you let her have it. Some friend! She was just
trying to get your goat. Knows to how to press your buttons and will continue
to until she grows up. If I were you I'd follow the Buddhist path--extend
compassion to her, don't let your state of mind be controlled by what she
does, bend like a reed in the wind, etc. Anyhoo . . .

I started to get a little sick last night. Think I might have been running a
fever, so I came home and went to bed early. But I don't always sleep so
well. The bed I'm?using gives me the distinct impression that I'm sleeping on
a grade, that I'm slipping into a pit or a valley. My dreams?are always about
climbing out of things. And then Hector the dachshund sleeps on the bed with
me and even though he's only about a foot and a half long, it always seems
like he takes up all the room. Oh, I'm just complaining. Cross your fingers
that I don't get sick.

"Croupier " I've always wanted to see. Glad you give it the thumbs up. I
think I'm going to head downstairs and watch a movie myself. Perhaps Woody
Allen's "Manhattan," an old fave I haven't seen in years.

Talk to you soon. Oh yes, and about the weekend. Of course I give you the
"flaky"?time allowance you need. I would demand the same for myself. If you
decide to come down, you don't even have to tell us until Friday or Saturday.
You don't even have to tell us at all. You could just come and not see us and
head back Sunday if you want. We are that tolerant of flakiness here. No,
seriously, if you feel like coming it would be wonderful to see you. If not,
another time will come.


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