Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 20 Feb 2001 00:41:00 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for thinking of me during your consolidated e-mail spree. It's always
nice to arrive at work Monday (or in this case Tuesday) morning and receive
something other than urgent, faceless messages demanding my immediate
attention. I received those as well this morning, of course, but being who I
am decided to respond urgently to the frivolous ones and frivolously to the
urgent ones.

Your Sunday sounds incredibly more productive than mine - pity. After a quick
survey of the very little mess left after you two left (THANK YOU!), Molly
and I decided to bag any further cleaning and instead go for a drive through
some of the nicer Portland neighborhoods, admiring gardens here and paint
colors there. Everyone was out enjoying the crisp sunshine and inhaling our
exhaust fumes. But watching from our comfortable car seats was about all we
could muster after the weekend's debaucheries. Then we returned home for a
movie marathon that did not, you correctly assumed, include the Philadelphia
story. We did watch two fabulous films - "The Virgin Suicides" and
"Croupier," both of which I highly recommend. We built a gigantic bed out of
couch cushions and drank chamomile tea until we passed out.

Amber the mysteriously absent roommate turned up Monday afternoon, and I was
amazingly more angry than I had previously thought, mostly because she walked
into the house smacking of defensiveness, ready to fight. So rather than
disappoint her expectations, I gave her what she wanted, only with more
volume. If the neighbors didn't hear us Saturday night, they can be sure
somebody lives there now.

I've got a call in to my friend Scott to locate Mr. Down Under Wine guy. In
my slightly more sober state, I'm starting to feel like he may own a winery
in Australia, not New Zealand. We'll find out for sure later today. And I'll
let you know when I hear from him.

Thanks again for making the trip DOWN to Portland - you guys were great
company. I'd love to come to Seattle this weekend; however, I never make
plans more than one day in advance. I've found myself to be much too flaky
for that. Let me know if you need notice sooner than that.

Take care,

"jordan mackay" <jordanmackay@hotmail.com< on 02/19/2001 11:39:16 AM
To: kate.symes@enron.com


I know you won't get this until Tuesday, I just thought I'd write for the
purposes of consolidation. It was great meeting you and thanks for your
hospitality and easy-going ways. I wonder if you watched the Philadelphia
story. Probably not, but it's not going anywhere. It's a bright sunny day
here in Seattle and, over a couple?of cups of coffee, I wrote all morning. At
some point I'm going to go outside and do something today. A walk around the
lake perhaps or a hike through the woods.
Anyway, I don't have a lot to say. Thanks in advance for your help in getting
me in touch with the New Zealand dude and do think seriously about coming
down for dinner next weekend. Stay in touch,

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