Enron Mail

Subject:Advanced Project Finance Courses: May 7-11, 2001 - The Roosevelt
Date:Sat, 14 Apr 2001 04:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

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The Advanced Project Finance Courses=20

May 7-11, 2001 =01=07 The Roosevelt Hotel =01=07 New York, NY=20
To view the brochure, please download www.pmaconference.com/advpf.pdf

?The energy crisis in California is making clear to players throughout the=
power industry that shortages of generation capacity lead to chaos. Across=
the nation there is a renewed concern about infrastructure capacity and wit=
that a resurgence of power development. Perhaps the most essential element =
the power development process is Project Finance. As the power industry=20
re-doubles its efforts to add generation, training in Project Finance becom=
ever more a requirement.=20

Project Finance is the preferred finance methodology for capital investment=
that produce steady cash flows. However, without an in-depth understanding =
the detailed requirements and analytical techniques employed by lenders and=
bond markets to evaluate the financeablity of projects, your project will=
likely fail to gain financing.=20

Infocast's Advanced Project Finance Courses are designed to provide a=20
thorough understanding of the fundamental, critical financial and valuation=
analysis tools and techniques used in project financing. The week is divide=
into two courses, and is scheduled May 7-11, 2001 at the Roosevelt Hotel in=
New York, NY.?=20

#1 Exercises in Financial Analysis & Project Structuring
#2 Valuation Modeling for Project Finance

Monday, May 7
Tuesday, May 8
Wednesday, May 9
Thursday, May 10
Friday, May 11

Two days of lecture and exercises on financial analysis of projects: credit=
analysis, risk mitigation, and valuation issues and techniques
Computerized financial analysis exercises
Spreadsheet modeling design. computer exercises in valuations and options=

Early Bird*

#1 Exercises in Financial Analysis and Project Structuring
May 7-9
#2 Valuation Modeling for?=20
Project Finance
May 10-11

EarlyBird Discount Extended! Applies to registrations?
received no later than Friday, April 20, 2001

To view the brochure, please download www.pmaconference.com/advpf.pdf