Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Enpower: Counterparty Name Changes
Date:Mon, 20 Nov 2000 08:20:00 -0800 (PST)

I recently went through the list and weeded out the ones that don't have
deals under them. Unfortunately, Enpower contains the CPs for Canada and the
Emissions group, which are sometimes similar names. Sometimes Europe
attaches CPs by mistake and we have takenf them out also. Name changes and
mergers also complicate things. What we do is keep an eye out for the
incorrect CP and try to inform the traders when they are picking the wrong
CP. Believe me, if the developers could differentiate the CPs in Global CP,
it would be done. I guess the issue is how much time and money it would
require to change CP to feed just our CPs. And on APS, they have informed us
that they are still trading under both names until 1/1/01 and credit is okay
with this. I could go on and on about all the issues, but you get the idea.
Welcome to Enron!

Kate Symes 11/20/2000 03:59 PM

To: Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Enpower: Counterparty Name Changes

Hi Rhonda -

I was told you're the person to contact regarding changes in the Enpower
counterparty list. Several items are outdated or have gone through many
different versions, and it's made somewhat of a confusing situation for the
traders and others who do deal entry. My sensitivity to this is heightened
because I'm new to the Deal Control position here at the Portland West Desk,
and I'm still getting used to which names we use and which we don't. Monica
Lande suggested I ask you about it, although she pointed out that if we've
ever booked a deal under any of these counterparty names, then they need to
stay in the system.

I'm wondering if there is any way to weed out some of those extra selections.
For example, Duke and El Paso both have five different names in the system;
Arizona Public Service Company has become Pinnacle; and other names were just
tests that are no longer used.

Please let me know whenever you have a free moment - this is certainly not an
urgent request, and I completely understand if the list needs to stay as is.
Just checking.
