Enron Mail

Subject:2001 Enron MS Walk and Roll
Date:Mon, 5 Mar 2001 01:52:00 -0800 (PST)

2001 Enron MS Walk and Roll
Saturday, April 21, 9:00 am
Enron is the proud sponsor of this year=01,s Multiple Sclerosis Walk in Ore=
gon. =20
As a first time sponsor for this event, Enron will receive tremendous=20
exposure in our community. We would like to encourage all employees to=20
participate in this event to be held on Saturday, April 21, 9:00 am. Dolla=
raised by this Walk fund local health-related and educational services as=
well as help support national research efforts to find the cause and cure f=
this disease.

Each employee should have received a =01&Be A Lifesaver=018 notice about th=
is event=20
with the MS Society Walk brochure attached. Portland employees of Enron=20
Broadband Services and Enron North America have partnered to form TEAM ENRO=
Our goal is to have one of the largest teams in Portland - we want over 20=
TEAM ENRON members!

Our team is not just limited to Enron employees. We encourage all employee=
contractors, vendors, family members (including children) and friends. Thi=
will be a fun gathering for TEAM ENRON and offers entertainment, food and=
activities for children. =20

If you are interested in participating, please provide your REGISTRATION fo=
(on the pamphlet or paper you received) to Jessica Burry or Anna Mehrer. We=
want to start counting up the number of TEAM ENRON members in order to keep=
everyone posted on our progress.

A Kick-Off meeting for all Portland employees will be held in early March. =
Incentive prizes are awarded through the MS Walk; Enron will also be awardi=
some great incentives to TEAM ENRON members. Stay tuned for more details.

If you have any questions or you need extra REGISTRATION forms, pledge card=
etc., contact Jessica Burry (503-464-3800) or Anna Mehrer (503-464-3834).