Enron Mail

Subject:Administrative Coverage for Organizational Changes in West Power
Date:Thu, 21 Dec 2000 02:43:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Debra Davidson
X-To: Portland West Desk
X-Folder: \kate symes 6-27-02\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: SYMES-K
X-FileName: kate symes 6-27-02.nsf

For your information, the organizational change below will not bring about a
change in administrative coverage for West Power Trading. Anna Mehrer will
continue to support Greg Wolfe as part of the Middle Market and Services
group. Kathy Sheppard will continue to support Bill Williams III and Real

Let me know if you have any questions.

---------------------- Forwarded by Debra Davidson/PDX/ECT on 12/21/2000
08:41 AM ---------------------------

From: Tim Belden 12/20/2000 04:15 PM

To: Portland West Desk
Subject: Organizational Update

As everyone is surely aware after last night's going away party, John Forney
is heading back to Houston to trade the Short Term Entergy market. Bill
Williams III will be assuming responsibility for the Real Time desk and will
report to Greg Wolfe. There are three major areas of responsibility that
Greg and Bill will be focussing on in 2001. The first is the management of
EPMI's physical power flows. This entails checking out with counterparties,
handling cuts, and ensuring that all of our risk and settlement systems
reflect the proper information. The second area is trading done by the Real
Time group. Each day, our Real Time desk combs the market looking for
attractive trading opportunities. The third area is the Services Desk. The
Services Desk provides scheduling and settlements services to customers who
don't have the staff or systems to do it themselves. We have seen our
Services business grow dramatically this year.

Greg Wolfe will be ultimately responsible for the efforts of the Real Time
desk and our Services business. Les Rawson will continue in his role on the
Services desk and will report to Greg. Bill Williams will be responsible for
the day to day operations of the Real Time desk. Greg will continue to work
closely with the middle market group and will maintain some of his coverage
responsibilities. Chris Foster will continue to manage the Middle Market