Enron Mail

To:will.smith@enron.com, duong.luu@enron.com
Subject:Deal Blotter question
Date:Thu, 18 Jan 2001 03:39:00 -0800 (PST)

I've run across what seems to be a glitch in Deal Blotter; although it may be
caused by the default settings in a specific trader's blotter. A few times
over the last several weeks, our traders at the Short Term Southwest desk
have entered off peak deals by choosing the "off" selection under the "Hours"
heading. But the mask doesn't change to include Sundays and Holidays, and the
traders then enter another deal to compensate for this. What we've found then
is that the original deal did in fact include a strip for Sundays and
Holidays, round-the-clock hours.

My question is - when you enter an off-peak deal in Deal Blotter, does it
automatically read that as Mon. through Sat. off-peak hours AND Sundays and
Holidays round-the-clock? Even though the mask does not change to show
Sundays and Holidays? I'm just wondering if there is an easier way to assure
that we've entered off-peak deals correctly other than double-checking them
in Deal Entry.

Please call or e-mail when you get a chance. Again, this could be just a
matter of incorrect settings in someone's blotter; but I'd like to make sure
either way.

Thanks for your time,