Enron Mail

To:willie.harrell@enron.com, kelly.lombardi@enron.com
Subject:Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index
Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:13:00 -0700 (PDT)

I just entered an index deal for one of our traders, and came across
something I hadn't noticed before. In EnPower, we have several choices for
the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia index, but none called specifically "Mid-C Firm
Peak." We have non-firm peak, and something called "Mid-Columbia Index."

I'm just wondering how to specify that I want the deal to settle against the
Dow Jones Mid-C PEAK index. In this case, because I was entering a
round-the-clock (all hours, all days) deal, I had to enter three different
deals to specify the three different indices - Mid-C Peak, Mid-C Off Peak,
and Mid-C Sundays and Holidays. But I don't see a Mid-C Peak choice, so I
entered the first as Mid-C Index.

Deal numbers are:
597244 - Peak
597245 - Off Peak
597246 - Sundays/Holidays

I just wanted to ask because when you guys plug the index prices in here I
want to make sure that "Mid-C Index" gets the peak price. Could you let me
know if it doesn't? And if that's the case, then I'll need to have another
pub code set up for peak price.

Thanks for your help on this. Please let me know if you have any questions.
