Enron Mail

Subject:Firm v. CAISO Firm energy
Date:Mon, 26 Mar 2001 05:31:00 -0800 (PST)

Sharen Cason in the Confirms group will be expecting your phone call. Her
number is 703-853-3001.

I talked to her about the difference in energy types, to satisfy my own
curiosity, and she explained that the CAISO modifier acts as a flag to her
group that the deal was done in California and therefore should have an NP15,
SP15, or ZP26 delivery point. If the energy type is CAISO, they need to
include different language in their confirmation letter to the counterparty.
While CAISO is still essentially firm energy, it has different stipulations,
she said.

I didn't go into detail with her, because the bottom line is that none of our
real time deals should reach the confirms desk anyway. I'm working with IT in
Houston and here to have West Hourly deals default to "no confirm," but until
that gets done your best defense from the constant, nagging onslaught of
petty deal entry error messages is to have your group check and double-check
that they've marked their deals "NO" under the Confirmation heading. More
information than you ever wanted on this subject? I thought so.
