Enron Mail

Subject:Integrated Solutions Center Announces New Method of Coding Holiday
Date:Wed, 28 Feb 2001 05:08:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Employees United States
X-Folder: \kate symes 6-27-02\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
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The Integrated Solutions Center (ISC) has received recommendations from you=
our eHRonline users, on ways we might improve the time entry process as it=
relates to holiday pay. Based upon these suggestions, the ISC is=20
implementing a new time entry process to record holiday time, which is=20
effective immediately, beginning with the February 16-28, 2001, time-entry=
period. =20

Holiday pay for all eligible employees must be entered as =01&Company Obser=
Holiday=018, and the recent company-observed holiday of President=01,s Day =
February 19, 2001) must be coded =01&Company Observed Holiday=018. However=
, if you=01,
re an employee who works a 12-hour shift schedule, there are no changes to=
your time entry process for Holiday pay. Please continue to record your=20
holiday time in the usual manner.

If you=01,re a salaried, non-exempt employee and you work a holiday, you mu=
enter =01&Company Observed Holiday=018 for that holiday and enter =01&Regul=
ar Work=20
Time=018 for all hours worked on the holiday to ensure proper payment of=20
overtime for the day. =20

Discretionary holiday time has been limited to eight (8) hours for all=20
eligible employees, per the Enron Policy on Work Hours/Holidays/Vacation (<
http://hrweb.enron.com/policyandprocedure/docs/12-hours.pdf<). eHRonline=
will not allow you to record more than eight (8) hours per calendar year=20
under the =01&Discretionary Holiday=018 time-entry code. =20

Detailed instructions on coding holiday time are available within SAP=20
eHRonline Process Bulletin HR -01-04, which can be accesed through the=20
following link: =20

If you have questions regarding this new eHRonline functionality, please=20
contact the ISC Call Center at (713) 345-4SAP (4727). Questions about the=
Enron Policy on Work Hours/Holidays/Vacation should be directed to your Hum=
Resources representative.

Thank you.