Enron Mail

Subject:Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Program
Date:Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:23:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: "Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Program Inquiry System" <questions@mail.jhuwash.jhu.edu<
X-To: Kate Symes <Kate.Symes@enron.com<
X-Folder: \kate symes 6-27-02\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
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X-FileName: kate symes 6-27-02.nsf

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your interest in the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced
International Studies Program. We would like to confirm that your inquiry has
been received.

We hope that the information we have provided on our web site is helpful in
giving you a good understanding of the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Program
and application process. In response to your request, we will be sending you
the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Program brochure and an application form.
You can expect these materials within three weeks.

We are proud to be at the forefront of innovative technology -- giving you
the option of submitting an electronic application via the Internet. This is
just one of the ways we use technology at the Johns Hopkins University.
You'll also see it in the classroom, in faculty research, and in student
services, from how you register for classes to how you look for a job.

There are several benefits to the Web Application option:

* Saves time, and it is faster than the mail

* Generates cleanly formatted applications that are exact replicas of the
paper applications

* Secure, reliable, and convenient

The Johns Hopkins University SAIS Program Web Application System is a new
convenient option for applicants with access to the Internet. You can create
a private, free user account that you can use to work on the Johns Hopkins
University SAIS Program application. Your user account is password protected
and allows you to work on your application over multiple sessions using any
computer with Internet access (Netscape/Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or
higher recommended).

Our Web Application System provides high levels of privacy and security.

We authenticate users and encrypt all data transmissions, keeping
applications safe. The application fee is identical to the paper application
- you pay no additional charges for use of the system.

There is step-by-step guidance on completing applications. The full set of
instructions is available on-line. A personalized checklist keeps track of
important items and deadlines. And an application auditor double checks your
application prior to submission to ensure all mandatory questions are

Using the Web Application System is entirely optional. Candidates using the
web application will not be given any preference or advantage over candidates
not using the web application.

The Johns Hopkins University SAIS Program Web Application System is located
at: http://apply.embark.com/grad/JHU/SAIS/. The web site is run by
Embark.com, a web application systems company, on behalf of the Johns Hopkins
University SAIS Program. Embark.com continuously monitors the web site (24
hours a day, 7 days a week) to ensure reliability, and their staff are
available to assist all users of the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Web
Application System.

We encourage you to preview the Web Application System at any time and to use
the system if it meets your needs. If you have any further questions about
the Web Application System, please feel free to email Embark.com at
MBAappmaster@Embark.com, or call their web support staff weekdays between
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Pacific time) at 1-800-734-7627 (option 3).

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call us Monday-Friday,
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST at (202) 663-5700. We very much look forward to
reading your application.


Johns Hopkins University SAIS
Admissions Staff