Enron Mail

Subject:Re: GO NUGGETS!!!
Date:Wed, 24 Jan 2001 07:35:00 -0800 (PST)

Oh wow - don't tell me you're a NUGGETS fan now! That is so wrong. I can't
write for long just now because the ever-flourishing energy crisis is keeping
us all very busy here at The Big Ron, as I so affectionately call it. Right
now I'm on the cusp of either becoming a raging workaholic or cashing in my
chips to become a professional beach bum. I know I already tried that and
thought it wasn't for me, but trust me, one more month of this crap Portland
weather and I'll ship myself right over to the Caribbean. And yes, I'm
definitely coming to visit. It won't be for a couple months because this
house move is going to set me back a bit. Let's just say I'm hoping I'll be
so poor I'll be forced to lose weight in February. But I'm really excited -
we move in on Friday - and the house is so cute. You have to at least come
home to visit sometime so you can see it. I might even bring Kitty over, but
Molly vehemently opposed the idea, and you know how Kitty doesn't like to be
unsettled once she's staked her territory. (Big Kitty lives in daily fear.)
Anyway, call me soon - you can call collect, or call and yelp into the phone
and hang up - I'll know it's you and call back.

I'm stoked you're liking Denver - I really have to experience this "Rocky
Mountain High" for myself. Please don't turn into a stoner ski bum and lose
all fashion sense to the point of mistaking Patagonia and Tevas for catwalk
wear. Hey, and you need to tell me more about this "normal" guy. You've got
to watch out for those, you know - that's how the truly psycho ones disguise
themselves. No, don't listen to me - I'll be bitter and single till I'm so
old I have to get cats and live out my life like the crazy woman that I am.
And this obsession with candles? You know you could head that off by setting
up hundreds and hundreds of smoke alarms all over the house, or tell her that
you just saw a special on 20/20 about houses burning down via over-decoration
with candles.

Hey - do you have a freaking job there? That's the only thing I haven't heard
about. You must like it or you wouldn't have applied to stay, but I need
DETAILS, I need DIRT. Call me soon, we'll dish.


Anna Symes <annas@cobs.edu< on 01/24/2001 03:14:37 PM
To: "'Kate.Symes@enron.com'" <Kate.Symes@enron.com<

Subject: GO NUGGETS!!!

Hey dork!

Just wondering how it's going over there in P-town. I am doing well. I
applied for a job here at Outward Bound, so I may be staying here for
awhile. I met a super-cute guy who I will have to tell you all about - I
think this may actually become a normal relationship or something of the
like. Michelle and I are doing well, although her decorating style bothers
me a little. First of all, she's obsessed with candles. Our living room
looks like the parlor at a whorehouse. Are you still coming to visit? I
hope so!

Also, can you send me Monica's phone number if you think of it? I feel
settled in enough now to call her. Tell me what's up with you! Any big guy
stories? Moved yet? Let's chat. Love, Anna