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Cc: ed.clark@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Bcc: ed.clark@enron.com X-From: rkbooth@attglobal.net X-To: ksymes@enron.com X-cc: ed.clark@enron.com X-bcc: X-Folder: \kate symes 6-27-02\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: SYMES-K X-FileName: kate symes 6-27-02.nsf Thanks Kate, this looks like a good template. At this point, I need to spen= d=20 a few minutes with Ed to discuss the scope associated with a project=20 description.? There are a number of figures and engineering tasks that are= =20 typically required (e.g., flow diagrams, water/steam balances, site=20 layout/location drawings, noise review, electric inter tie, emissions data,= =20 etc.).=20 Ed: Could you give me a call on this when you have a minute?=20 Thanks,=20 --Bob=20 ksymes@enron.com wrote:=20 It looks like the entire EIS for the Hermiston Power Project is here. However, I have yet to locate anything on the Chehalis Project specifically. I have ordered hard copies of both documents from BPA and they should be here by Monday, at which point I can make copies and send them out. Please look this over and let me know if it will still be necessary to send hard copies. I will be happy to accomodate either way. Katehttp://nepa.eh.doe.gov/eis/eis0230/eis0230_toc.html First PageList Of FiguresList Of Tables Resource Contingency Program - Oregon. Final Environmental Statement=20 Hermiston Power Project EIS-0230 TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY=20 Resource Contingency Program=01*Oregon=20 1.0 INTRODUCTION=20 1.1 Purpose and Need=20 1.2 Alternatives=20 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION =01*HERMISTON=20 2.1 Site Location=20 2.2 Project Components=20 2.3 Operating Schedule=20 2.4 Construction Schedule=20 2.5 Decommissioning 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT =01*HERMISTON=20 3.1 Geology, Soils, and Floodplains=20 3.2 Water Resources=20 3.3 Air Quality=20 3.4 Noise=20 3.5 Vegetation and Wetlands=20 3.6 Wildlife and Fisheries Resources=20 3.7 Land Use=20 3.8 Cultural Resources=20 3.9 Socioeconomics and Public Services=20 3.10 Recreation Resources=20 3.11 Public Health and Safety=20 3.12 Visual Quality 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS =01*HERMISTON=20 4.1 Geology, Soils and Floodplains=20 4.2 Water Resources=20 4.3 Air Quality=20 4.4 Noise=20 4.5 Vegetation/Wetlands=20 4.6 Wildlife and Fisheries Resources=20 4.7 Land Use=20 4.8 Cultural Resources=20 4.9 Socioeconomics and Public Services=20 4.10 Recreation Resources=20 4.11 Public Health and Safety=20 4.12 Visual Quality=20 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTATION, REVIEW, AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS =01*HERMIST= ON=20 5.1 National Environmental Policy Act=20 5.2 Threatened and Endangered Species and Critical Habitat=20 5.3 Fish and Wildlife Conservation=20 5.4 Cultural Resource (Heritage Conservation)=20 5.5 State, Areawide, and Local Plan and ProgramConsistency=20 5.6 Coastal Zone Management Program Consistency=20 5.7 Floodplains=20 5.8 Wetlands=20 5.9 Farmlands=20 5.10 Recreation Resources=20 5.11 Global Warming=20 5.12 Permit for Structures in Navigable Waters=20 5.13 Permit for Discharges into Waters of the United States=20 5.14 Permits for Right-of-Way on Public Lands=20 5.15 Energy Conservation at Federal Facilities=20 5.16 Pollution Control=20 6.0 LITERATURE CITED =01*HERMISTON=20 7.0 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT EIS AND RESPONSES =01*HERMISTON=20 7.1 Draft EIS Public Review Process=20 7.2 Draft EIS Comment Review Process=20 7.3 Comments and Responses 8.0 LIST OF PREPARERS=20 8.1 BPA EIS Team=20 8.2 Foster Wheeler Environmental EIS Team APPENDIX A BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE =01*HERMISTON POWER PROJECT This file is not available electronically=20 APPENDIX B HEALTH AND SAFETY =01*HERMISTON This file is not available electronically=20 First PageList Of FiguresList Of Tables