Enron Mail

Subject:Restructuring Today's Top CEO Interviews of Year 2000 Attached
Date:Tue, 6 Feb 2001 16:24:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Daily Power Report Readers:

Attached to this message you'll find "Restructuring Today's Top CEO
Interviews of Year 2000," a 28-page compilation of exclusive interviews of
leaders of the new converging energy and communications industries.

The book is filled with insights into what CEOs forging the new industry
expect and how they are planning for the unexpected:

Kenneth Lay, Enron, dean of the energy industry, spent 45 minutes telling
veteran editor George Spencer about Enron's huge success on the web, his
formula for success and how Enron is looking at "every industry in the
world." May 5, 2000

David Sokol of MidAmerican Energy told about their key role in federal
legislation. October 31, 2000

David Freeman, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, told how they make
big money from southern California turmoil. July 6, 2000

Glen McCullough of TVA was a member of the three person board when
interviewed but is expected to be named chairman and CEO soon. July 21 & 24,

Wayne Brunetti, Xcel, although not widely known as yet, heads one of
America's largest utilities operating from the Ontario border to the
Arizona-Mexico border. October 4, 2000

Steve Baum of San Diego Gas and gave shocking news of underscheduling.
October 8 & 9, 2000

Robert Best at Atmos Energy collects LDCs from his office in Dallas. April 21
& 24, 2000

Paul Lewis, the former IBM web expert brought in to run Essential.com, talked
about life on the internet. September 13 & 14, 2000

John Kean Jr may be the most innovative gas industry executive. He was not
satisfied running a group of LDCs he got from his father.

Judi Johansen, when interviewed was at the helm of the federal agency that
dominates Pacific Northwest pricing and transmission policy. May 24 &26, 2000

Harvey Padewar is CEO of Duke's unregulated family of companies and told of
the firm's aggressive growth plans. June 8, 2000

Eugene Lockhart CEO of the leading firm in our business. December 8 & 11, 2000

John Rowe EEI Chairman and Exelon co-CEO. December 29, 2000

These interviews are just a click away -- simply open the attached PDF file

The book is free of charge and copyright restriction has been relaxed, so
feel free to pass it along to anyone you think might benefit from the
insights within. We simply ask that you not change the document or send an

We hope you and your colleagues find Restructuring Today's Top CEO Interviews
of Year 2000 very useful and entertaining.

Your friends at

The Power Marketing Association

- rtceo2000.pdf