Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Pricing Agreement Reach
Cc:mollie.gustafson@enron.com, kate.symes@enron.com, jessica.burry@enron.com,lisa.mattingly@enron.com, kathy.axford@enron.com
Bcc:mollie.gustafson@enron.com, kate.symes@enron.com, jessica.burry@enron.com,lisa.mattingly@enron.com, kathy.axford@enron.com
Date:Thu, 2 Nov 2000 01:24:00 -0800 (PST)

Anna, I would be happy to have my name as the contact for Kinkos, and I'm
excited about benefiting from reduced pricing and better quality than
provided by Sir Speedy. I'm also very impressed by your initiative in
contacting George Weber and making these arrangements for the Enron office.
It is very much appreciated!

Anna Mehrer
11/01/2000 03:31 PM
To: Debra Davidson/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Pricing Agreement Reach

Hi Debra,

Would you agree to having your name as the contact person for this
arrangement? I certainly wouldn't mind if I were, but I thought it might be
more appropriate if you were. Also, if this goes through we could consider
Kinko's for production jobs instead of Sir Speedy.

Let me know what you decide about our contact name.

---------------------- Forwarded by Anna Mehrer/PDX/ECT on 11/01/2000 03:33
PM ---------------------------

George Weber@ENRON
11/01/2000 03:01 PM
To: Anna Mehrer/PDX/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: Pricing Agreement Reach

We have certain metropolitan areas set up with Kinko's that get reduced
pricing through the Enron agreement with Kinko's. I do not see Portland in
the listing that was compiled when the agreement was signed last year.
Portland may have been added later - I will check it out.

We can add Portland if it is not on the list. All I need is your address
and contact person with telephone number.

George Weber
(713) 345-6198

Anna Mehrer@ECT
10/31/2000 02:25 PM

To: george.weber@enron.com
Subject: Pricing Agreement Reach

Dear George Weber,

I retrieved your e-mail address from the gss.enron.com Web site. I am
interested in learning more about Enron's pricing agreement with Kinko's.
Does this agreement apply to offices outside of Houston (we-Enron North
America-are located in Portland)? I'm aware of the arrangement with BT
Office Products, which we currently benefit from. Also, are there any other
pricing agreements we would be able to utilize from our office here?

Please reply via e-mail, or feel free to call me at 503.464.7698.

Thank you,

Anna Mehrer
Administrative Assistant II