Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 6 Apr 2001 01:54:00 -0700 (PDT)

Evelyn -
Here's the status of those year-long deals I changed last night. Everything
should look good now - 571920 now has 25 mwh and 571801 is killed. Let me
know if you still see something wrong.

---------------------- Forwarded by Kate Symes/PDX/ECT on 04/06/2001 08:54 AM
Kate Symes 04/06/2001 08:40 AM

To: Fran Chang/PDX/ECT@ECT, Heather Dunton/PDX/ECT@ECT, Samantha
Law/PDX/ECT@ECT, Casey Evans/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: Deal Change - Revision of last night's Deal Correction Report

This morning I was notified by Confirms in Houston that one of the deal
changes I made last night didn't come through on their side. If you refer to
the Deal Correction Report from yesterday, Mike Swerzbin did a deal with EES
for Cal'03 that he mistakenly entered twice, once for Cal'03 (571920) and
once for Cal'02 (571801). He killed 571920 and kept 571801, but the trade was
actually for Cal'03. (Is everyone still with me?) So I restored 571920 and
killed 571801 to reverse what he had done. But in my rush just before your
calc last night I neglected to look at the volumes of the deal I was
restoring, which incidently had been zeroed out, thus leaving Mike with no
value for either of the deals.

I've reinstated the volumes in deal 571920 and added the error to today's
deal correction report. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Please let
me know if you have questions.
