Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 14 Mar 2001 04:44:00 -0800 (PST)

Hey - what the heck is zero week? I might be interested in signing up for
that - pack in some quick credits for my pre-grad school work. I figured out
I'm going to essentially have to get a second bachelor's degree before going
to grad school. But hey, it's all about the credentials man - as in, being
able to tell people at my 10-year high school reunion that I have two
bachelor's degrees, a master's, and a Rhodes Scholarship to study Italian
wine in a 12th century villa, surrounded by buff, tan, and unusually
good-looking farm workers.Tres important!

So yeah, maybe we'll hold off on the visit for now. I think it's more
important for us both to feel mentally stable about our finances for right
now - then we party! I could maybe make it out there in April, overlap with
mom's trip (I don't think I could handle the whole thing with her...) - I'll
keep it in mind. And yeah, she's giddy about this whole house move thing. I
hope it works out for the best - I really think it will. I'm starting to feel
really bad about leaving Kitty with her, but I'm in a weird situation with
Amber's cat at our house already. Part of me wants to just bring Kitty over
and tell everyone to deal with it because it's my house too; but the other
part of me doesn't want to deal with the bloodshed that will ensue between
her and Amber's outmatched feline. Oh well, I'm thinking about it.

The most excitement I'll be having this week is my haircut with Brett
tonight. I think I might also be purchasing a bedskirt, a totally extraneous
and disappointing expense that I would never have had if I hadn't insisted on
getting a "real" house with a "real" bed and all that other crap that goes
along with it and inevitably costs you money that you could have otherwise
spent on beer. And as the sands flow, these are the days of our lives....

I'm so impressed with your dating maneuvers. I told Amber and Molly about it
last night at dinner, which we ate together around our new dining room table,
and they both said in unison, "Like sister, like sister." I guess I have some
kind of reputation for ending up on dates with waiters - go figure. Anyway,
it's time for me to go find something to eat and then come back to my desk
and consume it while it flows directly to my butt. Can't wait! Write back


Anna Symes <annas@cobs.edu< on 03/14/2001 09:18:15 AM
To: "'Kate.Symes@enron.com'" <Kate.Symes@enron.com<

Subject: RE:

I'm so glad to hear everything's better at your house! I totally want to
come visit, but my last two paycheck deposits have only raised the balance
to $0 so it may be awhile. I'm definitely coming in June, when I take a
zero week class in Eugene. Mom's supposedly coming out here in April and we
might go to Glenwood Springs (hot springs, spa, MASSAGES!). You should
come, too! Fun female family bonding time!

I am so excited for Dad to visit, not just because of the car but also
because it will increase my quantity of social engagements by about 100%.
I'm a little worried about the effect it's having on Mom, who asked me when
he was coming so she wouldn't "run into him". Like I would allow that to
happen - how stupid does she think I am? But it sounds like she's pretty
stoked about this house thing, so I'm excited for her.

I have a date with that waiter guy tonight, but I'm not really that excited
because I am fat, ugly and on the third day of my period. Did I mention
broke and car-less? I think I should just put off this whole dating thing
until I increase MY net value (to use Kate-speak), which is just ground zero
for most people. I am trying to pay off some debt (Dad took care of most of
it, but I didn't have the heart to show him my Nordstrom account). It's
slow-going, though. And car payments will not make it easy, but seriously
this city is so pedestrian-unfriendly that I feel I have no choice. I tried
to go to my tennis lessons the other day and ended up walking along the
shoulder of a highway for twenty minutes. And every person in Denver feels
the need to own a dog and allow it to bark menacingly at every passerby (I
am SO afraid of dogs after my brush with death in the form of a Doberman).
So I need a car, and I don't care if it means weekly visits to the plasma
"donation" center.

I actually met Marky's ex the other night (maybe don't mention to Amber - I
don't know why but the whole thing seems weird and I would rather stay out
of it). Anyway, she is really cool! She reminds me of my friend Jen
Sturmer, except less anorexic and depressed. Speaking of, have you been
going out in Portland a lot? I miss Veritable Quandary! I haven't found
anything like that here yet. Downtown has some cool bars, but you have to
pay $90 plus an appendage to park and cabs are not cheap either. My
neighborhood has some good dives, like the one on our corner that has a
flickering neon sign outside announcing "Don's Mixed Drinks" - not sure, but
think that's the name of the bar. I went in once and met Don, the king of
multiple body piercings here in Denver.

Okay, I'm rambling. Time to get back to work (which is so good lately, by
the way! I get to start grant-writing this month!). Hope all's well for
you. I'll give you the dirt on my date later, if my acne doesn't scare him
away in minute one. Miss you, love you!!

Love, yo sista

-----Original Message-----
From: Kate.Symes@enron.com [mailto:Kate.Symes@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 6:10 PM
To: annas@cobs.edu
Subject: Re:

Dearest Anna, my most favorite sister of them all!

I'm sorry I've been so bad about staying in touch while you've been stuck
in those Rocky Mountain highs and lows of life. It sounds like things are
going really well though (Rocky Mountain "highs") and that you've made it
through most of the tumult of moving to a new place (Rocky Mountain
"lows"). Amber tells me every time she talks to Marky, her man of the hour,
he mentions how they've got to get together with you when she comes to town
- which will be on next Friday, whoo hoo, party! I'm so mad that she gets
to go and I don't, being that I am not, like her, in my eighth year of
college and therefore do not enjoy such things as "Spring Break Mania"
anymore. And Monica tells Marky who tells Amber who tells me that she'd
love to hang out with you more often. It sounds like you guys had a ball at
dinner, eh? So you've got options, girlfriend, which is worlds more than I
can say for my life at the mo'. It pretty much consists of working, eating,
and sleeping. I'm definitely looking into that SAD mental disorder thing,
because I think it's got me in its clutches. But the recent abundance of
sunshine has brought me enough renewed energy to start thinking about life
after winter. We're doing lots of gardening, cooking, and decorating at the
house - it's like having three Martha Stewarts all working together, only
slightly less stylish , immensely less efficient, and drunk. Other than
that, I've been trying to organize and simplify my life - taking care of
mounds of paperwork, paying off debts, sorting out all those nagging little
post-it notes that plague me constantly and demand my attention in vain.
I'm actually starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, like maybe
I could buy a car or take a trip in a few months, or even buy a SECOND pair
of shoes, but let's not get wild and crazy just yet. So I heard Dad and
Laura are on their way to your neck of the woods with an automobile. That
is, in the immortal words of the guys in "Dude, where's my car?", SWEET...
DUDE! You are stoked. I bet that's a major load off - just make sure to
keep your finances in check and not get in over your head. Take it from one
who knows. I'm seriously looking into buying an old beater car; but then I
start fantasizing about the Audi A4 Quattro, and suddenly $30,000 doesn't
seem like a bad price for becoming ultimately cool. Lately I've been doing
a lot of research into self-improvement measures. I just applied for
post-baccalaureate status at U of O, so I can start taking economics and
poli sci classes online. (I just got my new FREE computer from work!) I'm
also studying for the GRE, and pretty soon here I'm going to get serious
about graduate school. I think I've decided on international studies and/or
economics, depending on how well I like the classes I take. I've found my
dream program at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. It's a
two-year Masters of International Studies program that begins in Washington
and ends in.....are you sitting down?.....Bologna, Italy! Holy shit, does
it get more perfect? Apparently it's like the premiere training ground for
government officials, according to my friend Andy who laughed forcefully in
my face when I told him I wanted to get into it. But I figure, I'm not
getting any younger, and I don't want any regrets, so I'm goin' for it,
dude. As for the love life, it's nonexistant, which is why I'm putting so
much energy into the self-improvement area of my life. I figure as long as
I'm having no fun with boys I might as well be beefing up my net value. By
the time they come around again, the eligible pool will have shrunk to 1 in
100 million. Whatever. Anyway, now that I've written you the longest
paragraph of my life, I must retreat to my work duties. Then it's off for a
thrilling tour of Portland via Tri-Met. Molly's making me dinner tonight in
exchange for a finished resume. It's only taken her 3 years to compile the
information for it, so this one should be a doozy. Hey, if you can ever
make it home for a weekend, you should come at the end of May - David Gray
is coming to the Schnitzer, and it's going to be fabulous! I'll buy your
concert ticket if you can convince Dad to get your plane ticket. Call me
soon if you can, or I'll call this weekend. Take care and I miss you!


Anna Symes <annas@cobs.edu< on 03/13/2001 02:55:09 PM

To: "Kate Symes (E-mail)" <Kate.Symes@enron.com<


Hey Lady!

What do you think you're doing? I haven't talked to you in way too long.
You have to update me on the sitch! I am going on a date with a guy I met
while out with Monica last weekend. He was our waiter and he looks like
Chandler Bing, only Monica kept calling him Chanandler Bong (did you see
that episode when they had to name who the TV Guide came to?). She is so
fun! I was so glad to get out of my apartment/away from my roommate. And
now I have a date, so I'm excited. I'm still in contact with Mr.
Colorblind, but we've had the friends talk so it's been really cool. In
fact, he's nicer to me now than he was before! Anyway, that's crazy news
about Mom's house! I guess no more crashing at her house when I go home.
How are your roommates? Your seattle boyfriend? Your job? Write me with
the goods, woman. I am getting a car in two weeks and I am more excited
than any car-buyer has ever been. My job is great, although i think I'm
getting scoliosis from bad posture in an uncomfortable chair all day.
Nothing else is happening. Are you going out for St. Patrick's Day? I
to work, but there's a big outdoor thing downtown that I might go to
afterwards. Okay, must go work. Call me though! I miss you!

Love, Anna