Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 15 Mar 2001 02:16:00 -0800 (PST)

whadup! i'm so happy for you re: the love thing. love is sooooo in the air
lately. molly just fell head over heels for some cowboy dude evan introduced
her to. they've been attached at the hips, literally, for the last three
weeks. and amber spends about four quality hours a day on the phone with
marky, then cries when she has to hang up. seriously. but your romance sounds
much more interesting - you absolutely have to keep me posted on how it
unfolds. and what's the guy's name anyway? you know what's weird is that last
night after my haircut i met up with molly and her man for dinner. we decided
to check out the brazen bean, this little swanky cigar bar across the street
from the blue moon on 21st. (we heard they had a martini happy hour, and we
felt like pretending we were sophisticated.) so we're walking into the place
when molly suddenly remembers that she knows the people who live upstairs
(it's in one of those old rambling victorian houses) so she runs upstairs to
say hi and then comes back down with them. it turns out to be blake and jill,
this really sweet couple i've met before, friends of friends, you know how it
goes. anyway, we all end up staying longer than we should and having more
martinis than we planned on, and then blake remembers his friend dave was
coming over to watch a movie. so he runs upstairs to meet dave and brings him
back down. well dave happens to be amazingly cute and have amazingly great
legs (he had just come from the gym and was amazingly good about sitting in
this dimly lit velvet-couched candle-lit shi-shi joint in shorts and a
sweatshirt). so dave, molly tells me as she begins to put the hard sell on
IMMEDIATELY (i've noticed as i get older and stay single that many of my
friends feel the need to try vehemently to get me coupled), plays the guitar
amazingly and has an amazing voice. i find out over the course of the evening
that he also reads A LOT and is interested in irish literature and quantum
physics. well, who isn't, y'know. he also likes to sail - and this is really
quite scary - LASER SAILBOATS. yep. i've officially met my father in a
younger form. barf. anyway, he and blake and i all had a jolly time talking
about books and parents and that show blind date. it was all very
intellectual, i assure you. what was weirder still was that every time i said
something, dave looked at blake and kind of laughed. and every time i was
like, stop your laughing or i'll beat you senseless, and he was like, no i'm
just laughing because we were just talking about that the other day or
because i've done that or because i'm doing that next week. i said i wanted
to start a book club - apparently he suggested that to blake two days ago. i
said i lived in italy and wanted to go back - he's going there in two months.
oh, and then there's our common love of running. okay, i'm rambling, so i'll
get to the point, which is that in my single and cynical state i didn't think
much of the poor guy last night, but today i've noticed i'm increasingly
interested and, i'll admit, maybe even attracted. so as we were leaving i
kind of waved goodbye and said see ya around, because you always do in an
incestuous vat such as portland, and went on my merry way with molly and
josh, which i'm sure they were happy about since they practically tried to
push me into dave's car and run away. dave got in his car and drove off, then
all of a sudden appeared in front of us as we were crossing the street to our
car. he had driven around the block and was now getting out of his car to
give me his card, which he handed to me under the pretense that we couldn't
start a book club without each other's contact information. i already knew he
worked at a running store, whatever that is, but when i turned the card over
it had his name on it and the word "owner" underneath. do you think that
means he's the actual owner? or is it one of those places like les schwab
where they give all the employees stock options and call them "employee
owners"? i'm going to look into it. now i'm probably making way too much of
this because he was probably like, yeah i need some more members for my book
club but i definitely don't want to talk to this drinking, smoking, lump of
unmolded flesh for any other reason....why would i, the proprietor of a
running store and owner of such amazing legs, do a thing like date a girl who
shudders at the thought of exercise and loses weight only when she ups her
alcohol consumption to the point where she forgets to eat? that would just be
silly. okay, i've got to go. get back to me with a detailed account of your
evening such as the one i just sent you.


Anna Symes <annas@cobs.edu< on 03/15/2001 09:47:21 AM
To: "Kate Symes (E-mail)" <Kate.Symes@enron.com<


Okay so my date was SO amazing! This guy is SO cute, SO nice, SO smart,
wore pants that fit over his shoes, wore an amazingly cute outfit in
general, knew a lot about wine, took me to the cutest restaurant, took me
out for cocktails afterwards, was a total gentleman, etc. Mark my words,
Kate - I WILL MARRY THIS MAN. I kid you not. He is the most normal guy I
have come across EVER. He's trying to get a job in graphic design (so cute)
but he loves wine and has thought about working at a vineyard or owning a
restaurant (so cute). We've read all the same books. He definitely has
money somehow but he said he has a lot of student debts so at least he can
see where I'm coming from. He was just interested enough but kind of aloof
which is the only thing that ever keeps me interested. Kate, this is so
weird. Oh and he mentioned having a family twice, like as in working at a
restaurant isn't good for having a family. HOW CUTE IS THAT? I am in love.
Just thought I'd let you know . . .

love, anna