Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 10/16/01
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 18:08:24 -0700 (PDT)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Do the right energy professionals=
have your company's white papers? Gain exposure to thousands by including =
them in the industry's most respected information resource - the Energy Cen=
tral Research Report Center. Users are able to quickly sort and view all in=
cluded documents. Make sure yours is included. To learn how to submit your =
white papers, e-mail mjohnson@energycentral.com. http://www.energycentral.c=
om/sections/research TOP STORIES Natural Gas Cash Softens despi=
te Late Short Covering Spree Oct. 15 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) The natural ga=
s spot market ran flat to slightly lower throughout much of the U.S. and Ca=
nada despite the early selling in futures trading, according to traders. Sp=
ecial Offer from this Publisher! The Implications of Order No. 587 for=
the Gas Pipelines Oct. 16 (Btu Watch) In 1996, FERC issued Order No. 587,=
in which it mandated that interstate natural gas pipelines follow standard=
ized procedures for critical business practices and standardized mechanisms=
for electronic communications, in the form of proposed standards promulgat=
ed by the Gas Industry Standards Board (GISB). Special Offer from this Publ=
isher! Energy Companies Boost Security in Wake of Attacks By Dan Pill=
er, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Oct. 14 Energy companies have taken st=
eps to improve security around refineries, pipelines, storage tanks and pro=
cessing facilities after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Press Release=
Caminus Corporation to Acquire Software Business of Altra Energy Tech=
nologies New York, NY- October 15, 2001 - (News Release) Caminus Corporati=
on, the energy industry's leading provider of software and strategic consul=
ting for trading and risk management in North America and Europe, today ann=
ounced that it has signed a definitive purchase agreement to acquire the so=
ftware operations of Altra Energy Technologies, Inc. National Energy P=
olicy Republicans Still Scoping Daschle's 'compromise' Oct 15, 2001 -=
E?Publishing Senate Republicans were somewhat perplexed this morning regar=
ding Majority Leader Tom Daschle's (D-S.D.) attempt to trade construction o=
f a natural gas pipeline to Alaska's North Slope for an agreement to not dr=
ill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ADVERTISEMENT ENERGI=
ZE YOUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features=
, premier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's large=
st on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs =
Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Caminus Buys Altra's Softwa=
re Business for $62 million Oct. 16 (NGI's Daily Gas Price Index) Caminus =
Corp. expects to boost its revenues by 40% next year and gain a significant=
ly larger presence in the energy software business with the purchase of Alt=
ra Energy Technologies' software operations. Special Offer from this Publis=
her! Gas Pricing/Hubs Most U.S. spot natural gas prices down on =
mild weather SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 15 (Reuters) Most U.S. spot natural gas pr=
ices traded lower Monday, pressured by milder weather forecasts, though pri=
ces at some pipelines firmed on short covering, market sources said. C=
anada spot natgas continues lower in mild weather NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuter=
s) Canadian spot natural gas prices were weaker for the second day in a row=
in tandem with lower U.S. spot prices in mild weather and thin demand, ind=
ustry sources said. NYMEX Hub gas ends down on soft cash, mild temps =
NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub natgas ended lower Monday in moderate =
trade, undermined by a slightly softer physical market and fairly mild weat=
her forecasts this week that should limit demand, industry sources said. =
Natural Gas Cheaper, but Companies Brace for Revenue Decline in North Te=
xas By Jim Fuquay, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Oct. 13 Sharply lower =
natural gas prices promise a more affordable heating season for North Texas=
consumers, but energy producers must struggle with the decline in expected=
revenue. Drilling/Exploration Maybell, Colo.-Area Site Faces Pre=
ssure over Natural-Gas Drilling By Mike Soraghan, The Denver Post, Oct. 14=
Looking out from a cliff where Indians once stampeded buffalo to their dea=
ths, visitors can see the Vermillion Basin open up with mounds of red-and-w=
hite rock jutting into a field of green that rolls into the horizon. F=
utures Nymex Review: November Natural Gas Ends 5.2c Lower Oct 15, 200=
1 - FWN Financial News November natural gas for delivery at the Henry Hub d=
ropped nearly 2 percent Monday in New York trade as markets pondered ample =
supplies. LNG Pacific LNG to Conclude LNG Export Studies Oct 15,=
2001 - South American Business Information Bolivia's natural gas reserves =
increased by 46.8tri cubic feet, providing the country with foreign politic=
al muscle to become an energy distribution center in the region. Rates=
For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] =
AEP Retail Energy Offering Gas-Supply Plans To Residential and Small Busi=
ness Customers COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 15 /PRNewswire/ Central Ohioans can co=
ntrol or reduce their natural gas costs for the next two years through a ne=
w program being offered by AEP Retail EnergySM, an affiliate of American El=
ectric Power. General Lower Gas Prices Good for Farmers Oct 15 -=
Associated Press Faced with rising fertilizer costs, many farmers bought t=
heir supplies last fall to secure the lowest price they could find. De=
als/Contracts Williams Executes Agreements with Redbud Energy Oct 15,=
2001 - Business Wire A unit of Williams and Redbud Energy, LP announced to=
day the execution of agreements in which Williams will provide up to 51,980=
dekatherms per day of firm natural gas transportation service to the natur=
al gas-fueled Redbud Energy Facility near Luther, Okla. Statoil to Sig=
n Snohvit Contract Oct 15, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Stat=
oil, the Norwegian oil and gas company, will sign the contracts for the sal=
e of gas from the Norwegian continental shelf, Snohvit, on Thursday next we=
ek. People John J. O'Connor Named Head of Amerada Hess Exploratio=
n And Production Operations NEW YORK, Oct. 15 /PRNewswire/ Amerada Hess Co=
rporation announced today that John J. O'Connor had been named President, W=
orldwide Exploration and Production of Amerada Hess. Western Gas Resou=
rces, Inc. Announces Chief Financial Officer DENVER, Oct. 15 /PRNewswire/=
Western Gas Resources, Inc. today announced William J. Krysiak has been pr=
omoted to Chief Financial Officer of Western effective October 15, 2001. =
Financial Dallas-Based Oil, Natural Gas Company Decides Not to Purs=
ue IPO By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, Oct. 13 Matador Petrol=
eum Corp. withdrew plans Friday for an initial public offering, citing mark=
et conditions. International Contact to report early due to takeo=
ver bid WELLINGTON, Oct 15 (Reuters) New Zealand power and gas company Con=
tact Energy said on Monday it would bring forward the announcement of its r=
esults for the year to September, to help investors evaluate a takeover bid=
from parent Edison Mission Energy. Philippine gas pipeline to open am=
id hopes for oil By Erin Prelypchan (Reuters) MANILA, Oct 15 (Reuters) The=
Philippines prepared on Monday to inaugurate a landmark natural gas projec=
t amid optimism that explorers could find a new oil field on the rim of gas=
reserves. Mideast Dolphin gas project set to accelerate DUBAI, Oct 1=
5 (Reuters) The $3.5 billion Dolphin gas project is set to gain speed as Do=
lphin Energy Ltd prepares to sign a production-sharing pact with Qatar and =
select a financial adviser, industry sources said on Monday. GdF says =
interested in new German power group Oct. 15 (Reuters) Gaz de France said =
on Monday it had held preliminary talks on participating in a new north-eas=
t German power venture aimed at challenging established leaders E.ON and RW=
E. INTERVIEW-Dynegy feels gradual approach in Europe vindicated By An=
drew Kelly (Reuters) HOUSTON, Oct 15 (Reuters) Natural gas and power market=
er Dynegy Inc. said on Monday it felt vindicated in its step-by-step approa=
ch to building a business in Europe in view of recent retrenchments by riva=
l Houston-based companies. Natural Gas Exploration Plans Taking Shape =
Oct 15, 2001 - Africa News Service The developments may have a dramatic ef=
fect on the role of the state, energy costs and pollution. Russia, Pol=
and to Work Out Gas Pipeline Details by Year End Oct 15, 2001 - Itar-Tass =
News Agency Details of building a Russian gas pipeline through Poland will =
be worked out before President Vladimir Putin's upcoming visit to Warsaw. =
Tgp to Distribute Gas in Cusco Oct 15, 2001 - South American Business =
Information TGP (Transportadora de Gas del Peru) has been conducting prefea=
sibility studies in order to start distributing gas in Cusco. If you=
are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you have checked any news articl=
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