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OpenLink Financial =09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09 HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES= | DATA CENTER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2001 =09 =09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY The largest utilities and energy = companies integrate their outage management systems with geographical infor= mation systems. Why? What are the advantages? Find out with the new Energy = Work and Outage Management Report, now available. This valuable report prov= ides vital industry information, including detailed case studies of WMS/OMS= installations at more than two dozen companies! Visit http://www.energycen= tral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100185 . TOP STORIES Item AD-3, = California Infrastructure Update Docket # AD01-003-000 Oct. 16 (Btu Watch)= In a report to the Commission FERC's Office of Energy Projects Staff updat= ed the FERC Commission on the state of deliverability to the California mar= ket. Special Offer from this Publisher! Manila opens gas pipeline proj= ect to foreigners BATANGAS, Philippines, Oct 16 (Reuters) The Philippines = will have an open policy for land-based gas pipelines, inviting private loc= al and foreign firms to form consortiums to bid for such projects, Presiden= t Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said on Tuesday. El Paso unit to build U.S. G= ulf natgas pipeline HOUSTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) An El Paso Energy Partners s= ubsidiary said Tuesday it has signed a letter of intent to build a 37-mile = (60-km) pipeline that would deliver natural gas from the deep waters of the= U.S. Gulf of Mexico to markets in the Midwest and Northeast. Head of M= etropolitain Gaz Says Ottawa Should Have Energy Policy Oct 16, 2001 - Cana= dian Press Gaz Metropolitan president Robert Tessier said Tuesday that Otta= wa needs to promote the construction of a pan-Canadian pipeline or the coun= try risks losing valuable natural-gas reserves to the United States. C= alifornia Crisis El Paso Corp should pay for natgas abuse-Calif By Ch= ris Baltimore (Reuters) WASHINGTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) The head of the Califo= rnia Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday asked federal regulators to rul= e against El Paso Corp in a market power abuse case and act to avert future= natural gas shortages in the nation's most populous state. Southern C= alifornia Gas System Can Meet Needs of All Customers, Company Official Tell= s U.S. House Subcommittee Oct 16, 2001 - PR Newswire Southern California G= as Co.'s natural gas pipeline system has enough capacity to meet the needs = of all its 5 million customers, a company official testified today before a= Congressional subcommittee that is investigating "the barriers to expandin= g natural gas capacity and infrastructure in California." National Ene= rgy Policy Future of energy bill uncertain Oct 15 - Cincinnati Post H= eightened concerns about national security have increased political pressur= e to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, putting the= fate of a comprehensive energy bill in doubt. ADVERTISEMENT EN= ERGIZE YOUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new feat= ures, premier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's l= argest on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs= Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Enbridge to Acquire Wil= liams' South Texas Natural Gas - Gathering, Treating And Transmission Asset= s Oct 16, 2001 - Market News Publishing Enbridge Inc. announced that it is= purchasing natural gas gathering, treating and transmission assets in sout= h Texas from a unit of Williams. Enel Buys 40 Pct of Camuzzi Oct 16, = 2001 - AFX News Limited ENEL SpA said it has bought a 40 pct stake in the I= talian gas distribution group Camuzzi for 434 mln eur from Mill Hill Invest= ments NV. Gas Pricing/Hubs NYMEX gas ends up on nuke rumors, cold= winter outlook NEW YORK, Oct 16 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended up sharply = Tuesday, driven by reports a well-known meteorologist called for a colder t= han normal winter and unconfirmed rumors some nuclear plants were shut due = to safety concerns, sources said. Drilling/Exploration Arkansas D= evelopers See Potential for Oil, Gas Drilling in Region By Mark Minton, Ar= kansas Democrat-Gazette, Little Rock, Oct. 15 Gary Combs and Tim Graham, tw= o of Northwest Arkansas' biggest land developers, were flying over Madison = County in a Piper Supercub last year when Combs started pointing out promis= ing sites. Futures Nov Futures Hits Near 8-Week High on Frigid Wi= nter Forecast Oct. 16 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) In "an explosive move to the = upside," November natural gas settled 21.4 cents higher at $2.592 after bre= aking through a number of key resistance levels to a near eight-week high f= or a nearby month at $2.65, a 27.2-cents gain from Monday, said traders. Sp= ecial Offer from this Publisher! NY Natural Gas Called Higher Amid Co= lder Weather Oct 16, 2001 - FWN Financial News Natural gas futures are cal= led to open sharply higher this morning on worries about cold - both weathe= r sweeping across the central part of the country at the moment and worries= about this winter, traders said. Pipelines Two Companies Plan to= Build Natural Gas Pipeline from Wyoming By David Troester, Standard-Exami= ner, Ogden, Utah, Oct. 16 A $44 million natural-gas pipeline to tap develop= ing gas reserves in Wyoming could help stabilize low gas prices enjoyed by = Utah residents. Gazprom hopes for Chinese pipe decision this month MO= SCOW, Oct 16 (Reuters) Gas giant Gazprom hopes Chinese officials will decid= e on the winning bid to build a $20 billion gas pipeline by October 22, or = maybe a little later, a source at the Russian company said on Tuesday. = Offshore natural gas pipeline idea coming off the shelf Oct 16 - Providen= ce Journal Increasingly, energy developers are looking to the sea. Rat= es For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE]= Wisconsin Consumers Can Expect 30 Percent Decrease in Natural-Gas Bills= By Lee Hawkins Jr., Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Oct. 16 Natural gas bills= will decline 30 percent to 35 percent this winter because of increased exp= loration and new supply on the market, commodities experts and energy compa= nies said Monday. Rigs Active Canadian Oil, Gas Rigs Increase in = Latest Week Oct 16, 2001 - Resource News International Oil and gas drillin= g activity in Western Canada was up during the week ending Tuesday, October= 16. General Ohio Utility Company Debates How to Give Money Back = to Customers By Jim Mackinnon, Akron Beacon Journal, Ohio, Oct. 15 Dominio= n East Ohio Gas wants to give away $100 million that it's found through an = auditing process. Florida Utility Officials Place More Emphasis on Nat= ural Gas By Antonio Fins, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Oct. 15 Prodded by r= ules requiring cleaner air and bolstered by a series of competing pipeline = proposals, natural gas is set to become a major player in Florida's energy = grid. Canada energy installations under higher security MEXICO CITY, = Oct 15 (Reuters) Canada has bolstered security at its gas pipelines and oth= er energy installations after the attacks in New York and near Washington a= month ago, the country's energy ministry said on Monday. INTERVIEW-En= ron says may partner or sell broadband business HOUSTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) = Energy giant Enron Corp. said on Tuesday it is reviewing strategic options = for its loss-making broadband telecommunications business, which could invo= lve selling the business or finding a partner. Many Georgians Could Lo= se Their Heat Oct 15 - Associated Press For six months, 71-year-old Carrie= Morris never got a gas bill. When one finally came, it was more than $1,50= 0. Price Tag Of Security Put At $1.5 Trillion Oct 15 - Record - Berge= n County First came nuclear power plants. Then, Congress turned its attenti= on to dams, the electricity grid, oil pipelines, transit lines, drinking wa= ter systems, and sewage treatment plants. Deals/Contracts Kinder = Morgan Energy Partners to Acquire Two Liquids Terminals from Stolt-Nielson = Oct 16, 2001 - PR Newswire Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. today annou= nced it has signed a $70 million definitive sale and purchase agreement wit= h Stolt-Nielson Transportation Group, Inc. to acquire liquids terminals in = Chicago, Ill. and Perth Amboy, N.J. Legal Kansas Pipeline Co. win= s suit over rates Oct 16 - The Kansas City Star A Johnson County judge has= ruled against Oneok Inc., the parent of Kansas Gas Service, which had accu= sed a Kansas pipeline company of defrauding the utility. People W= estern Gas CEO Outlaw to retire DENVER, Oct 16 (Reuters) U.S. natural gas = producer Western Gas Resources Inc. said Tuesday that Chief Executive Lanny= Outlaw would retire effective Oct. 31. Fuel From Oil to Natural = Gas by 2006 Oct 16, 2001 - Cypria.com Network Cyprus' Commerce and Industr= y Minister Nicos Rolandis said yesterday that the country's reliance on hea= vy fuel to run the power stations will be sharply reduced in the next five = years. Financial Natural gas cheaper Consumers may benefit; compa= nies are bracing for revenue decline Oct 15 - Fort Worth Star - Telegram S= harply lower natural gas prices promise a more affordable heating season fo= r North Texas consumers, but energy producers must struggle with the declin= e in expected revenue. Financial - Ratings Fitch Comments on Enro= n Earnings Announcement Oct 16, 2001 - Business Wire Fitch anticipates no = change in Enron's credit ratings and Rating Outlook based on today's announ= cement of a $1 billion after-tax charge to earnings to be taken in the thir= d quarter of 2001 and a reduction of balance sheet equity by $1.2 billion. = Financial - Results Enron posts loss after taking $1 bln in charg= es Oct. 16 (Reuters) Enron Corp. on Tuesday reported its first loss in mor= e than four years after taking $1.01 billion in charges on ill-fated invest= ments, including water and telecommunications services, which it said have = clouded the strength of its core energy businesses. International = Philippines inaugurates huge natural gas project BATANGAS, Philippines, O= ct 16 (Reuters) - The Philippines officially inaugurated the Malampaya gas = field project on Tuesday, marking the birth of a natural gas industry which= will significantly replace the country's reliance on imported fuel. C= hina oil majors in dash for overseas oil, gas By Chen Aizhu (Reuters) SING= APORE, Oct 16 (Reuters) Faced with declining domestic oil output and growin= g dependence on imported crude, China's state oil firms have made an impres= sive foray this year beyond Chinese borders to hunt for oil and gas. F= iat Fine Tunes Industrial Plan for Montedison Oct 15, 2001 - FT World Medi= a Abstracts via Comtex The industrial plan for Italian holding company Mont= edison, which is active in the energy field and controlled by Italenergia, = is expected to be presented by the start of November at the latest. Fe= deral Energy Commission (Fec) Wants to Increase Gas Prices Oct 15, 2001 - = A & G Information Service FEC supported the proposal of "Gazprom" concernin= g the increase of tariffs for gas by 20% for the population and by 25% for = enterprises. Bangladeshi Minister Hints at Gas Export Oct 16, 2001 - = Xinhua News Agency The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) while in oppositi= on strongly opposed gas export, but the new finance minister of its governm= ent hinted Monday that they would go for gas export if they see it is benef= icial. Breakthrough in Natural Gases Exploration Oct 16, 2001 - Asiap= ort Daily News The natural gases exploration in the northeast part of Sichu= an Basin has made great breakthrough and 3 gas fields boasting abundant nat= ural gases resources have been discovered. Transgas is interesting for= E.ON too Oct 15 - Access Czech Republic Business Bulletin Transgas (Pragu= e, Czech Republic), natural gas import company, has become interesting for = the power concern E.ON (Germany) within its privatization. Mexico, Can= ada Discuss Energy Needs Oct 15 - Associated Press The energy ministers of= Mexico and Canada said Monday that domestic considerations would come firs= t in the event of a regional energy supply crunch. Shell Philippines i= n talks with govt to expand Malampaya project's gas market Oct 15 - AFX Ro= yal Dutch/Shell Group unit Shell Philippines Exploration BV (Spex) said it = is in talks with the Philippine government to expand the market for its off= shore Malampaya natural gas field to also supply gas to industrial users in= Manila. Ukrainian premier concerned about energy supplies for winter = Oct 16 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union Ukrainian Prime Minister Anato= liy Kinakh has said that the situation regarding preparations for the autum= n and winter season remains acute. Uzbekistan threatens to cut off gas= supplies to Kyrgyzstan Oct 15 - BBC Monitoring Central Asia Kyrgyzstan ma= y be again without natural gas this winter. Turkmen gas exports up Oc= t 16 - BBC Monitoring Central Asia Natural gas exports have increased by 14= per cent in the first nine months of this year in Turkmenistan in comparis= on with the same period last year, the National Institute for Statistics an= d Information [Turkmenmillihasabat] has told a Turkmenistan.Ru corresponden= t. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you have checked= any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Articles' button below will de= liver all of the checked articles in one page. 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