Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 10/19/01
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 18:41:42 -0700 (PDT)

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earch / TOP STORIES Expert Says LNG Tankers 'Very Tough Target' =
for Terrorists Oct. 19 (NGI's Daily Gas Price Index) The review by the U.S=
. Coast Guard of the security and safety procedures for tanker transportati=
on of liquefied natural gas (LNG) through Boston Harbor was "eminently reas=
onable" in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes, says a London e=
xpert, but he believes the tankers would pose a "very tough target for terr=
orists." Special Offer from this Publisher! FERC Chairman Pat Wood III=
Testifies Oct. 18 (Btu Watch) Chairman Pat Wood III, Federal Energy Regul=
atory Commission testified before the Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natura=
l Resources and Regulatory Affairs of the Committee on Government Reform, U=
.S. House of Representatives and left listeners with three basic points. Sp=
ecial Offer from this Publisher! Gas Cash Reacts to Wednesday's Late N=
ovember Futures Sell-Off Oct. 18 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) November futures l=
ate tumble Wednesday to $2.41, down 18.2 cents for the day, and this mornin=
g's indecisive futures pricing led to volatile cash trading today, marketer=
s said. Special Offer from this Publisher! Press Release EXCELER=
Corporation, the world's first provider of groundbreaking open co-action s=
oftware products to the energy/utility industry and other restructuring mar=
kets, today reported its most successful third quarter in its history. Comp=
ared to a year ago, Excelergy's year-to-date bookings (new sales) have grow=
n 300 percent and its revenues are up 70 percent. Energy Security =
US pipelines, nuclear plants, dams seen vulnerable By Julie Vorman (Reute=
rs) WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) A threat against the Three Mile Island nuc=
lear plant was seen Thursday as a potent reminder about the vulnerability o=
f energy supplies that keep U.S. home computers humming, cars and trucks ro=
lling down the highways, and manufacturers' assembly lines moving. =
ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE YOUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has =
a new look, new features, premier employers and is updated daily! Visit the=
energy industry's largest on-line job center today: http://www.energycentr=
al.com/sections/jobs Acquisitions El Paso Energy Partners Clo=
ses $284 Million Chaco, Deepwater Holdings Acquisitions HOUSTON, Oct. 18 /=
PRNewswire/ El Paso Energy Partners, L.P. has completed its previously anno=
unced acquisitions of the Chaco facility and Deepwater Holdings L.L.C. =
Gas Pricing/Hubs Canada spot gas falls with U.S. on warmer weather N=
EW YORK, Oct 18 (Reuters) Canadian spot natural gas prices traded lower Thu=
rsday in tandem with weak U.S. spot gas as weather warmed through the U.S. =
Midwest and Northeast and reduced heating loads, industry sources said. =
U.S. spot natgas sinks after NYMEX selloff late Wed. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct =
18 (Reuters) A steep NYMEX selloff yesterday sharply undercut day-ahead nat=
ural gas prices on Thursday though some weather-related demand continued in=
parts of the Northeast and Midwest, market sources said. NYMEX Hub ga=
s ends with modest short cover gains NEW YORK, Oct 18 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub =
gas ended with modest gains Thursday, boosted by some short covering after =
yesterday's steep slide despite fairly mild weather forecasts into early ne=
xt week, industry sources said. Drilling/Exploration Aurora Gas B=
egins Production at Nicolai Creek, Alaska Anchorage Daily News, Alaska, Oc=
t. 17 Aurora Gas LLC has begun production from its Nicolai Creek well, loca=
ted on the west side of Cook Inlet. Cepsa Invests Pta1bn in Gas Explor=
ation in LA Rioja Oct 18, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spani=
sh petrochemical group Cepsa (Compania Espanola de Petroleos) is investing =
Pta1bn (6m euros) in gas exploration in the Cameros mountain range area, lo=
cated in the region of La Rioja. Oil, Gas Workers' Jobs Evaporate With=
Energy Surplus; Industry Goes From Boom To Bust In A Year Oct 18 - St. Lo=
uis Post - Dispatch Early this year, when it seemed energy prices had no up=
per limit, Bob Pound couldn't find enough qualified roughnecks to operate h=
is two drilling rigs. Futures Nymex Review: November Natural Gas =
Cuts Previous Loss Oct 18, 2001 - FWN Financial News Prices on nearby natu=
ral gas futures contracts moved higher Thursday, pulling back from sharp lo=
sses Wednesday that followed the weekly U.S. stock report. LNG El=
Paso Announces Agreement to Purchase Norwegian LNG From the Snohvit Consor=
tium HOUSTON, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire/ El Paso Global LNG, a subsidiary of El =
Paso Corporation, announced today that it has signed a definitive liquefied=
natural gas (LNG) purchase and sale agreement with a consortium of produce=
rs led by Statoil ASA. CMS unit to double capacity at U.S. LNG facilit=
y HOUSTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) A CMS Energy Corp. unit said on Thursday it wi=
ll about double capacity at its liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Lou=
isiana to fulfill a 22-year contract with Britain's BG Group Plc. Pipe=
lines Landowners Object To Plans For Natural Gas Pipeline Oct 18 - Ro=
anoke Times & World News Landowners affected by Duke Energy's proposed 94-m=
ile natural gas pipeline in Southwest Virginia objected Tuesday night to it=
s route and the way the company treats them. Blue Stream Project Puts =
in Doubt Alternative Pipeline Oct 17, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agency The fin=
al stretch of work on the Blue Stream gas pipeline project puts in doubt pr=
ospects of an alternative Trans-Caspian pipeline project, Russian specialis=
ts said in comments on Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov's visit to an area w=
here the Blue Stream pipeline is being laid in the Black Sea floor. Ga=
s pipeline plan scrapped Oct 17 - Evening Mail - Birmingham PLANS to dig u=
p part of a revamped part of Bromsgrove town centre to provide a gas pipeli=
ne have been scrapped. Rates For more information on rate tariffs v=
isit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] South Carolina Electric & Gas to File fo=
r Natural Gas Price Cut By Dave L'Heureux, The State, Columbia, S.C., Oct.=
18 South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. today will file to cut its retail nat=
ural gas rates 16 percent, starting next month. Two Michigan Utilities=
Scrap Plans for Fixed-Price Natural Gas By Alejandro Bodipo-Memba, Detroi=
t Free Press, Oct. 17 Michigan residents can expect to pay more to heat the=
ir homes this winter because the state's two largest utilities have scrappe=
d their fixed-price plans for natural gas after three years. Consumers=
Air Doubts at St. Louis-Based Gas Company's Rate-Increase Hearing By Repp=
s Hudson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Oct. 17 A special rate for low-income cu=
stomers emerged as a leading issue Wednesday during testimony at a rate-inc=
rease hearing for Laclede Gas Co. Georgia Consumer-Protection Agency L=
ooks into High Natural-Gas Bills By Walter C. Jones, Savannah Morning News=
, Ga., Oct. 17 People wondering why their natural-gas bills are so high hav=
e some company: members of the Georgia Public Service Commission. Gas =
price hikes spread unevenly: Small businesses face highest prices under new=
plan Oct 18 - Charleston Daily Mail It seems a stark inequity: Danser, a =
90-employee manufacturing plant, is facing natural gas price hikes more tha=
n double those likely to hit either residential or larger industrial custom=
ers of Dominion Hope this winter. Laclede Gas Hearing Raises Issue Of =
Rates For The Poor Oct 18 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch A special rate for low=
-income customers emerged as a leading issue Wednesday during testimony at =
a rate-increase hearing for Laclede Gas Co. LG?cuts gas prices Oct 18=
- Courier - Journal Louisville Gas & Electric Co. natural gas customers wi=
ll get some relief from high prices with bills that will be about 20 percen=
t lower than they were last November. PSC steps into gas bill furor O=
ct 17 - Florida Times Union People wondering why their natural gas bills ar=
e so high have some company: members of the Georgia Public Service Commissi=
on. General Georgia to Provide Nearly $25 Million to Help Those i=
n Need with Heating Bills By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal and Con=
stitution, Oct. 18 The state government will make available almost $25 mill=
ion to help low-income consumers pay natural gas bills this winter. Co=
ld temps seen in Northeast, Midwest this winter WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuter=
s) - Colder-than-normal temperatures will prevail this winter in the U.S. N=
ortheast, Upper Midwest, Great Lakes and Great Plains states, with heavy sn=
ow in much of the same areas, federal weather forecasters said on Thursday.=
Deals/Contracts El Paso, Iberdrola in Arctic gas deal OSLO, Oct=
18 (Reuters) - Norwegian energy firm Statoil said on Thursday the Snoehvit=
consortium had signed deals with U.S. El Paso and Spanish Iberdrola to sup=
ply liquified natural gas from the Arctic for 17-20 years. Iberdrola s=
igns 1.5 bcm gas supply contract with Statoil Oct 18 - AFX Iberdrola SA sa=
id it has signed a contract with Statoil ASA for the supply of 1.5 bcm per =
year of liquid gas from 2006. Financial Enron's stock slides as e=
quity reduction digested HOUSTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) Enron Corp. stock fell =
sharply on Thursday as investors digested news of a $1.2 billion reduction =
in the energy giant's shareholder equity that attracted little attention wh=
en it was first disclosed earlier this week. Financial - Results =
Houston-Based Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Posts 66 Percent Gain in Profit=
By Laura Goldberg, Houston Chronicle, Oct. 18 Kinder Morgan Energy Partne=
rs, propelled by internal growth and strong performance from recently acqui=
red pipelines and terminals, Wednesday reported a 66 percent jump in third-=
quarter net income. Alberta Energy profit falls on weak oil prices CA=
LGARY, Alberta, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Alberta Energy Co. Ltd., Canada's No. 2 =
independent oil and gas producer, said on Thursday its quarterly profit fel=
l 12 percent despite a jump in production, due to slumping commodity prices=
. Burlington Resources earnings fall with gas prices HOUSTON, Oct 18 =
(Reuters) - Natural gas producer Burlington Resources Inc. said Thursday it=
s third-quarter earnings plummeted, reflecting a steep decline in gas price=
s. International Discount Deals with American Energy Firms to Hel=
p Trim Power Costs in Thailand By Yuthana Praiwan, Bangkok Post, Thailand,=
Oct. 18 PTT Plc is expected to save about 1.15 billion baht under separate=
agreements reached with Unocal and Chevron to amend natural gas purchase c=
ontracts. Gazprom Plan to Sell Off Ld Is Not Ultimatum to Lithuania O=
ct 18, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agency The Russian gas giant Gazprom has propo=
sed parity privatization of the Lithuanian gas selling and distributing com=
pany Lietuvos Dues, Gazprom's press- service said Thursday. Russia to =
Begin to Supply Gas to Turkey Next Year Oct 17, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agen=
cy The laying of the pipes of a 400-kilometre gas trunkline on the Black Se=
a bed to supply gas from Russia to Turkey will be completed in February-Mar=
ch next year. Gazprom increasing gas supplies to Russia's westernmost =
region Oct 18 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union Kaliningrad Region will=
receive 600m cubic m of natural gas in 2002, which is 100m cubic m more th=
an in the current year. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber=
and you have checked any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Articles'=
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