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OpenLink Financial =09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09 HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES= | DATA CENTER MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2001 =09 =09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Competitive Intelligence now avai= lable. Identify potential suitors, those who threaten your position across = the value chain or those who demonstrate best practices with Company Profil= e Reports from Datamonitor. These reports are the definitive intelligence r= esource on 106 top companies in the energy industry. Reports include: speci= fic business background, history, locations and subsidiaries, products, ser= vices and key employees. View the list of Datamonitor's Company Profiles. h= ttp://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23003&rpu= blisher=3D11408&rtype=3Dall [IMAGE] [IMAGE] How has Enron remained = a dominant factor in energy markets while other firms have struggled? Globa= l Change Associates' publication, "Enron 2001: An Inside View", is an objec= tive study that takes an insider's look at the firm's operations and the ke= ys to its success. The study covers: The recruitment and training of employ= ees; How Enron empowers and compensates its employees; The keys to structur= ing Enron type "risk free" transactions; How to negotiate with Enron; Why E= nron occasionally forgives counterparty obligations. For firms dealing with= Enron, or thinking about adopting some of Enron's business practices, it i= s an invaluable tool. http://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D1= 00386 TOP STORIES Natural Gas Drilling Activity Slacks Off in O= klahoma By Russell Ray, Tulsa World, Okla., Oct. 20 Idle drilling rigs are= piling up in the yards of contractors everywhere, leaving the workers who = manned them jobless and vexed. Missouri Agency Advises Rejection of Gas= Utility's Effort to Recoup Payments By Repps Hudson, St. Louis Post-Dispa= tch, Oct. 20 The staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission recommende= d Friday that the regulatory panel reject an unusual proposal by the state'= s largest natural-gas utilities to include their delinquent bills in all cu= stomers' winter rates. Northwest Lines Up $2B Loan Package For Portland= Acquisition Oct. 21 (Power Finance & Risk) Portland, Ore.-based Northwest= Natural Gas is in the process of arranging three corporate facilities, one= for $1.65 billion and two for $450 million, which it will use to help fund= its $2.1 billion acquisition of Portland General Electric from Enron. Spec= ial Offer from this Publisher! Energy Security Companies, Govern= ments May Pass New Security Costs on to Consumers By Carolyn Shapiro, Dail= y Press, Newport News, Va., Oct. 18 Heightened security measures at airport= s, power plants and shopping malls in the wake of domestic terrorist attack= s aim to make consumers safer. California Crisis State Sees Lower= Cost for DWR Contracts; Renegotiations Not a Priority Oct. 21 (California= Energy Markets) After sending highly mixed signals about possible contract= renegotiations, Governor Gray Davis' representatives on Friday downplayed = the issue to instead emphasize that the cost impacts of Department of Water= Resources contracts are lower because of reduced natural gas prices. Speci= al Offer from this Publisher! ADVERTISEMENT Representatives fr= om the Bush Administration, Congress, FERC, NRC, and state PUCs will come t= o Wall Street at the Energy Investor Policy and Regulation Conference, Dece= mber 3-4, 2001, New York City, to outline the future direction of energy po= licy and regulation. Details for this important event available at http://w= ww.infocastinc.com/energyinvestor.htm National Energy Policy = Attacks make energy bill key - U.S. energy chief WASHINGTON, Oct 19 (Reute= rs) The Sept. 11 attacks on the United States have amplified the need for a= n energy security bill that decreases American dependence on foreign oil, U= .S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said in an interview to be broadcast o= n Saturday. Legislation/Regulation FERC upholds Calif. natgas rep= orting order WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Co= mmission said Thursday it would hold the line on an earlier ruling that ena= cts strict reporting requirements for companies that buy and sell natural g= as in California. FERC plans natgas pipeline capacity nomination chang= es WASHINGTON, Oct 19 (Reuters) Natural gas pipelines and customers have u= ntil Nov. 19 to offer suggestions on a plan by federal energy regulators th= at would allow shippers to recall released capacity and renominate the capa= city. Public Utilities Commission of the State of California v. El Pas= o Natural Gas Company, El Paso Merchant Energy-Gas, L.P. and El Paso Mercha= nt Energy Company Oct. 22 (Btu Watch) The Chief Judge issued an initial de= cision that found El Paso Corporation and its affiliates in clear violation= of Standards of Conduct F and G. Special Offer from this Publisher! = Gas Pricing/Hubs U.S. spot gas slips for weekend, NYMEX up sharply NE= W YORK, Oct 19 (Reuters) U.S. spot natural gas prices for the weekend mostl= y lost ground despite a sharp NYMEX rally, pressured by light loads and fai= rly mild weather forecasts into next week, industry sources said. Cana= da spot natgas mixed, Alberta follows NYMEX up NEW YORK, Oct 19 (Reuters) = Canadian spot natural gas prices were mixed Friday with Alberta spot prices= chasing NYMEX futures higher and export values moving lower behind weaker = U.S. spot gas, industry sources said. NYMEX Hub gas ends up sharply on= cold winter forecast NEW YORK, Oct 19 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended sharp= ly higher Friday in moderate trade, driven by some pre-weekend short coveri= ng and long-term weather forecasts this week calling for a colder-than-norm= al winter, sources said. Gas Supply/Demand California confirms in= terest in Bolivian natural gas Oct 21, 2001 - Efe California confirmed it = was interested in acquiring Bolivian natural gas to solve its severe energy= crisis, the Bolivian Economic Development Ministry said. Futures = Nov Futures Hits 8-Week High on Short-Covering, Weather Outlooks Oct. 19 = (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) November natural gas futures settled up 19.5 cents a= t $2.681 after breaking resistance at Wednesday's $2.69 high to hit a fresh= near 8-week high for a nearby month at $2.72, as non-commercial buying sho= t the contract 24.9 cents higher said market players. Special Offer from th= is Publisher! LNG Officials to hold LNG emergency exercise Oct = 19 - Boston Herald Public safety and Distrigas officials plan to run throug= h a "table- top" exercise today to determine how well emergency crews could= handle a fire aboard a liquefied natural gas tanker heading into the compa= ny's Everett terminal. Pipelines Gas Pipeline Remains Volatile Is= sue for Sherwood, Ore.-Area Residents By Emily Tsao, The Oregonian, Portla= nd, Ore., Oct. 18 NW Natural's proposal to build a 62-mile natural gas pipe= line through three counties has cleared another hurdle, and some residents = are working to alter the pipeline's path. USA continues to support Tur= kmen gas pipeline Oct 18 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union The United S= tates continues to support the idea of building a Transcaspian gas pipeline= for delivering Turkmen gas to Turkey across the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan an= d Georgia, Steven Mann, the special adviser for Caspian energy basin develo= pment at the US Department of State, who has arrived in Asgabat, to attend = the TIOGE-2001 international conference, told a news conference on Thursday= [18 October]. Legislators voice pros, cons of Great Lakes pipelines = Oct 20 - State Legislatures In the face of rising prices and consumer disco= ntent, there's growing interest in drilling and piping natural gas from und= er the Great Lakes to offset shortages across the country. FARC attack= on gas pipeline kills 5 Oct 21, 2001 - Efe The bombing early Sunday of a = gas pipeline near the Colombian city of Riohacha killed five people and inj= ured 11 others, military spokesmen said. Gazprom Hopes to Win Pipeline= Tender in China with Shell Oct 21, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agency Russia's = Gazprom gas giant hopes to win the tender for building the West-East trans-= Chinese gas pipeline, which leads to Big Shanghai area, and to take an acti= ve part in the development of the gas system in China, Gazprom head Alexei = Miller has told Itar-Tass. Rates For more information on rate tarif= fs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] NYSEG Files Natural Gas Rate Changes= to Take Effect Late Next Year BINGHAMTON, N.Y., Oct. 19 /PRNewswire/ NYSE= G today filed with the Public Service Commission (PSC) proposed natural gas= rate changes to take effect when the company's current rate plan expires i= n September 2002. Major Natural-Gas Provider to Charlotte, N.C., Area = Seeks Rate Decrease By Ted Reed, The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Oct. 19 You= know that heat you just started using again? You can enjoy it more, becaus= e it's going to cost about $200 less this season. South Carolina Elect= ric & Gas Has Plan to Cut Natural Gas Rates By John P. McDermott, The Post= and Courier, Charleston, S.C., Oct. 18 Heating bills will be cooling off f= or natural gas customers this winter. Missouri Gas Energy Seeks State = Permission to Cut Rate 31 Percent By Steve Everly, The Kansas City Star, M= o., Oct. 19 Missouri Gas Energy plans to reduce the price it charges for na= tural gas by 31 percent, bringing the rate to its lowest point since July 2= 000. Reduction in rates sought; Missouri Gas Energy wants to cut key f= ee 31 percent Oct 19 - The Kansas City Star Missouri Gas Energy plans to r= educe the price it charges for natural gas by 31 percent, bringing the rate= to its lowest point since July 2000. Lower bills for gas likely Oct = 20 - Tulsa World Ample natural gas supplies and declining prices will likel= y mean that Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. customers can expect significantly low= er utility bills this winter, ONG said Thursday. Rigs Baker Hughe= s-U.S. rig count down 41, Canada down eight NEW YORK, Oct 19 (Reuters) The= number of rigs searching for oil and gas in the United States fell by 41 t= o at 1,100 during the week ending Oct. 19, according to oil services firm B= aker Hughes. General Utilities File Plan To Recoup Unpaid Bills = Oct 19 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch Four investor-owned utilities in Missouri,= including Laclede Gas Co., are asking the state Public Service Commission = to let them include delinquent accounts from last winter's gas bills in win= ter rates that take effect next month. Deals/Contracts Houston En= ergy Conglomerate to Buy Norwegian Natural Gas By Antonio Fins, South Flor= ida Sun-Sentinel, Oct. 19 A Houston energy conglomerate planning to build a= second natural gas pipeline to Florida said Thursday it has signed contrac= ts to purchase natural gas from Norway. Russia, Turkmenistan in talks = on big gas deal Oct 20 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union Russia and Tur= kmenistan are negotiating a deal on the delivery of 30bn cubic meters of Tu= rkmen natural gas over a period of 10 years, Russian Deputy Foreign Ministe= r and presidential envoy at Caspian Sea status talks Viktor Kalyuzhnyy anno= unced in Asgabat. Xinao lands largest natural gas supply contract Oct= 20 - South China Morning Post Growth Enterprise Market-listed Xinao Gas (H= oldings) has landed its largest gas supply deal to date. People S= emco Energy says CFO Coppola has left company FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich., Oct= 19 (Reuters) SEMCO Energy Inc., a distributor of natural gas, on Friday sa= id its chief financial officer, Sebastian Coppola, left the company. S= enate Panel Considers DOE Fossil Energy Nominee Oct 19, 2001 - E?Publishin= g The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Thursday will hear f= rom Michael Smith, President Bush's nominee for assistant secretary for fos= sil energy at the Energy Department. Financial Enron stock sustai= ns further heavy losses HOUSTON, Oct 19 (Reuters) - Enron Corp. stock sust= ained further heavy losses on Friday as investor confidence in the former W= all Street favorite was rocked by reports about the company's relationship = with a limited partnership that was run until recently by Enron's chief fin= ancial officer. NewPower frees up cash with Enron revisions NEW YORK,= Oct 19 (Reuters) National power marketer NewPower Holdings Inc. has freed = up $40 million of cash by revising the financing provided by three Enron Co= rp. subsidiaries, NewPower spokeswoman Gael Doar said on Friday. Mutua= l funds sell Enron on management concerns By Judith Crosson (Reuters) DENV= ER, Oct 19 (Reuters) Several mutual funds that once held large positions in= Enron Corp. have either liquidated or reduced their holdings, their confid= ence undermined in the management and transparency of the once high-flying = energy giant, fund managers said on Friday. Plunging Gas Prices Force = National Fuel to Write Down Value of Canadian Sites Oct 21, 2001 - Buffalo= News National Fuel Gas Co., stung by plunging natural gas and oil prices, = will reduce the value of its Canadian oil and gas producing properties in a= charge that will cut its fourth-quarter profits by $90 million to $110 mil= lion. Enron cuts shareholder equity by 1.2 bln usd due to partnership = deal Oct 18 - AFX Enron Corp said it has reduced its shareholder equity by= 1.2 bln usd as the company decided to repurchase 55 mln of its shares that= it had issued as part of a series of complex transactions with an investme= nt vehicle connected to its chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow, the Wal= l Street Journal reported in its online edition. Financial - Results = Canadian energy profits drop with oil, gas prices CALGARY, Alberta, Oc= t 18 (Reuters) - Three major Canadian oil companies, Imperial Oil Ltd., Alb= erta Energy Co. Ltd. and Nexen Inc., pumped out lower third-quarter profits= Thursday as slumping oil and gas prices weighed on their bottom lines and = reduced their expectations. Nicor posts quarterly profit vs. loss NAP= ERVILLE, Ill., Oct 18 (Reuters) Nicor Inc., parent of gas distribution util= ity Northern Illinois Gas, on Thursday posted a third-quarter profit, compa= red with a year-ago loss, and said full year earnings may be higher-than ex= pected on strong performance in its non-utility units and gas distribution = center. International Gazprom Won't Sign New Contracts on Gas Sup= ply to Europe Oct 19, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agency Russia's Gazprom gas gi= ant does not think it possible to sign new contracts on the gas supply to E= uropean markets under current circumstances, first deputy head of the Gazpr= om management Pyotr Rodionov said at the 6th conference of gas companies' c= hiefs in Paris on Friday. U.S. CEO Says Natural Gas Helps Apec Economy= Oct 19, 2001 - Xinhua News Agency Natural gas, the third fossil fuel alon= g with the crude oil and coal, is in abundant supply and has tremendous pot= ential to help the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies meet = the energy supply shortage, a prominent U.S. businessman said here Saturday= . Turkish envoy: Blue Stream Project on track, Russian stand on PKK sa= me Oct 19 - BBC Monitoring European Nabi Sensoy, Turkey's ambassador in Mo= scow, said on Thursday [18 October] that it was seen that there would not b= e any problems in the construction of the natural gas pipeline beneath the = sea within the scope of Blue Stream natural gas project. Gas company p= resses Georgia and Armenia over debts Oct 20 - BBC Monitoring Former Sovie= t Union The Itera international group of companies has started to gradually= reduce supplies of natural gas to Armenia and Georgia due to chronic non-p= ayment for gas and debt owed by consumers, a source in the company's press = service told Interfax. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber = and you have checked any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Articles' = button below will deliver all of the checked articles in one page. This is = a convenient way to get exactly the news you need - quickly! NEED= INFORMATION ON THE POWER INDUSTRY? ENERGY CENTRAL'S GOT IT! ENERGY CENT= RAL DAILY ELECTRIC POWER NEWS An e-mail news service that delivers every = major story every day directly to your e-mail address. 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