Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 10/24/01
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:03:35 -0700 (PDT)

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TOP STORIES Atlanta Governor Vows Speed in Forming Panel on Gas Der=
egulation By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Oct. 2=
3 Gov. Roy Barnes said he wants to "move pretty quickly" in forming a consu=
mer protection task force on the state's troubled natural gas deregulation.=
FERC Moves to Create More Flexibility for Firm Capacity Holders in Str=
ucturing Capacity Release Transactions Oct. 24 (Btu Watch) The Federal Ener=
gy Regulatory Commission (FERC), in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, propos=
ed to amend its open access regulations to require that interstate pipeline=
s permit releasing shippers to recall released capacity and re-nominate tha=
t recalled capacity at any of the scheduling opportunities provided by inte=
rstate pipelines according to the notice and bumping provisions applicable =
to interruptible shippers. Special Offer from this Publisher! Massachus=
etts Officials Disagree over Allowing Gas Tankers in Boston Harbor By Ralph=
Ranalli, The Boston Globe, Oct. 23 Acting Governor Jane M. Swift and Bosto=
n Mayor Thomas M. Menino still disagree about the safety of allowing liquif=
ied natural gas tankers to pass through Boston Harbor, but after a 45-minut=
e meeting yesterday, both reportedly agreed to discuss the issue again. =
on took a major step in its global expansion today with the opening of its =
first international subsidiary - LODESTAR Solutions Limited -- in London, E=
ngland. LODESTAR is a leading provider of software solutions to the energy =
industry. Caminus Corporation to Report Third Quarter Results on Octobe=
r 30, 2001 New York, NY - October 23, 2001 -- Caminus Corporation, a leadin=
g provider of software solutions and strategic consulting services to parti=
cipants in the competitive energy markets throughout North America and Euro=
pe, will be announcing its financial results for the third quarter ended Se=
ptember 30, 2001 after market close on Tuesday, October 30, 2001. Nati=
onal Energy Policy Oklahoma Oil, Gas Producers Say Energy Policy Need I=
s Urgent By Russell Ray, Tulsa World, Okla., Oct. 23 The United States is t=
oo reliant on foreign oil, Oklahoma's independent oil and gas producers say=
. ADVERTISEMENT Representatives from the Bush Administration, C=
ongress, FERC, NRC, and state PUCs will come to Wall Street at the Energy I=
nvestor Policy and Regulation Conference, December 3-4, 2001, New York City=
, to outline the future direction of energy policy and regulation. Details =
for this important event available at http://www.infocastinc.com/energyinve=
stor.htm Competition & Deregulation For reports and related info=
rmation on this topic visit our Data Center [IMAGE] Slow European gas li=
beralisation irks consumers By Stuart Penson (Reuters) LONDON, Oct 23 (Reut=
ers) The European Union started liberalising its natural gas market over a =
year ago but disenchanted energy consumers say they are still waiting to re=
ap the benefits. LA Tribune: French Companies Excluded from Opening Up =
of Spanish Gas Market Oct 23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Si=
x companies out of 14 candidates have been selected by the Spanish authorit=
ies to participate in the deregulation of the gas sector. Mergers, Acq=
uisitions & Divestitures Takeover target Westcoast sells retail assets =
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Westcoast Energy Inc. said on Monday i=
t sold C$385 million ($244 million) of energy retail and services assets to=
two Canadian buyers as it moved closer to being taken over by Duke Energy =
Corp. Gas Pricing/Hubs Canada natgas rises on U.S. strength, weath=
er CALGARY, Alberta, Oct 23 (Reuters) Spot gas prices in Canada gained on T=
uesday because of cool weather in Alberta, higher physicals in the United S=
tates and early strength in New York, industry sources said. NYMEX Hub =
gas ends down after early rally stalls NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub=
gas, lifted early by a firm cash and forecasts for cooler weather later th=
is week, ended lower Tuesday, pressured by some profit taking when a mornin=
g rally attempt stalled at resistance, sources said. Drilling/Explorat=
ion City Seeks Input on Oil And Gas Drilling Ordinance Oct 23, 2001 - T=
he Fort Worth Star-Telegram To better regulate a booming industry, city off=
icials will host a round-table discussion Monday on oil and gas drilling. =
Saskatchewan Government: Record for Natural Gas Drilling Oct 23, 2001 - =
M2 Communications Saskatchewan has already broken the all-time record numbe=
r of natural gas wells drilled in a year, surpassing last year's record of =
1,203. Futures Nov Futures Slumps on Profit-taking after Hitting 8=
-Wk High Oct. 23 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) November natural gas futures settle=
d down 12.6 cents at $2.681 as early buying gave way to selling as those wh=
o had recently acquired length in the nearby month chose to shorten those p=
ositions and take profits. Special Offer from this Publisher! Pipeline=
s Gas Pipeline Remains Volatile Issue for Some Sherwood, Ore., Resident=
s By Emily Tsao, The Oregonian, Portland, Ore., Oct. 22 NW Natural's propos=
al to build a 62-mile natural gas pipeline through three counties has clear=
ed another hurdle, and some residents are working to alter the pipeline's p=
ath. Philippines to pick gas line contractor by year end BUENOS AIRES, =
Argentina, Oct 22 (Reuters) The Philippines will choose by year end the bui=
lder of a natural gas pipeline linking Manila and Batangas to the south, wh=
ere a $4.5 billion gas project recently came on line, the country's energy =
minister said on Monday. Khristenko Discusses North European Pipeline i=
n Finland Oct 23, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agency A special group made up of R=
ussian, German and Finnish specialists will draw up a detailed plan within =
three or four months, which will outline ways of building a North European =
gas pipeline, which will go across the territory of Finland, Russian Deputy=
Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko said on Monday at a press conference on t=
he results of his talks with Finnish Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen. Ri=
gs Drilling Activity Decreases in Western Canada Oct 23, 2001 - Resourc=
e News International The number of Canadian oil and gas rigs active as of T=
uesday, October 23 totaled 330, down from the previous week's 349, accordin=
g to the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). =
General Limits sought on rules for power shutoffs Oct 23 - Providence =
Journal As cold weather sets in, an estimated 7,200 families in Rhode Islan=
d are without heat because their gas or electricity has been cut off for no=
npayment of bills. Davis Floats Plan To Spend Coastal Grants Oct 23, 20=
01 - E?Publishing California Gov. Gray Davis (D) released a plan Friday to =
spend $15.5 million in federal funds on management of the state's coastal r=
esources, including more than $3 million to protect and restore wetlands. =
Joint Ventures & Alliances Iberdrola And Endesa Sign An Agreement P=
rotocol for the Joint Construction of A Regasification Plant in Castellon O=
ct 23, 2001 - Business Wire Iberdrola and Endesa signed yesterday an agreem=
ent protocol so that Endesa will become partner in the development and cons=
truction of the regasification plant in Castellon. Deals/Contracts =
Nippon M'bishi buys gas stake in Gulf of Mexico TOKYO, Oct 23 (Reuters) Ja=
pan's largest oil refiner Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Corp said on Tuesday it had=
purchased a stake in the Aconcagua Gas Field in the Gulf of Mexico. P=
eople ENERGY WEST Announces Edward Bernica as President and CEO GREAT =
FALLS, Mont., Oct. 22 /PRNewswire/ ENERGY WEST Incorporated, a gas utility =
and energy sales company headquartered in Great Falls, Montana, has announc=
ed that Edward J. Bernica has been named President and Chief Executive Offi=
ce of the company, as of October 1, 2001, following the retirement of Larry=
Geske. Financial Enron seeks to soothe investors after stock slum=
p By Carolyn Koo (Reuters) NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reuters) Enron Corp. sought to=
assuage investor concerns on Tuesday after U.S. regulators said they were =
looking into transactions involving the company's chief financial officer a=
nd its stock shed more than $10 billion in value over the past week. SE=
C Requests Enron to Provide Information on Investment Partnerships By Laura=
Goldberg, Houston Chronicle, Oct. 23 Shares in Enron Corp. fell almost 21 =
percent Monday after the company disclosed federal securities regulators as=
ked for details on investment partnerships formerly run by its chief financ=
ial officer. Financial - Results Houston-Based Conoco Reports $193=
Million in Third-Quarter Net Income By Michael Davis, Houston Chronicle, O=
ct. 23 Conoco blamed its lower third-quarter earnings on weaker oil and gas=
prices Monday, but the Houston company still soundly beat out Wall Street'=
s lowered expectations and announced a major oil discovery in Vietnam. =
Pioneer Natural net drops on lower energy prices DALLAS, Oct 23 (Reuters) P=
ioneer Natural Resources, an oil and natural gas exploration company, on Tu=
esday said third-quarter net income dropped nearly two-thirds to $24.6 mill=
ion on lower oil and gas prices. RGS Energy profits fall, sees future d=
rop NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reuters) RGS Energy Group Inc. on Tuesday reported fa=
lling quarterly profits and said future earnings would also be below last y=
ear's levels as the weakening economy cuts into sales to industrial custome=
rs. CONSOL Q1 net loss on high costs, sees growth NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reu=
ters) U.S. coal mining and natural gas company CONSOL Energy Inc. on Tuesda=
y reported a first-quarter net loss, reversing a year-ago profit, due to a =
combination of high coal mining costs and low gas prices. PS Enterprise=
profits rise 21 percent NEWARK, N.J., Oct 23 (Reuters) - Public Service En=
terprise Group, owner of New Jersey's largest gas and electric utility, on =
Tuesday reported a 21 percent rise in third-quarter earnings, but the resul=
ts were near the low end of Wall Street expectations. Petro-Canada prof=
it falls on lower oil, gas prices CALGARY, Alberta, Oct 23 (Reuters) - Petr=
o-Canada said on Tuesday its third-quarter profit fell 35 percent, a deeper=
than expected drop that the country's No. 3 oil producer, refiner and gaso=
line retailer blamed on lower oil and gas prices. Burlington Resources =
Reports Net Income Drops to $73 Million for Third Quarter Oct 22 - Houston =
Chronicle Houston natural gas producer Burlington Resources Inc. said today=
its third-quarter earnings plummeted, reflecting a steep decline in the pr=
ice of its main product. International Nigeria looks to gas age as=
oil glitter wears off By John Chiahemen (Reuters) LAGOS, Oct 23 (Reuters) =
Still reeling from the gloom that followed its short-lived 1970s oil boom, =
Nigeria is turning to its vast gas reserves as the money spinner of the fut=
ure. CNOOC to Invest in Fujian Gas Market Development BEIJING, Oct. 23=
/PRNewswire/ CNOOC Limited announced today that CNOOC, its parent, has sig=
ned an agreement with Fujian provincial government on natural gas market de=
velopment in Fujian. "Gazprom" Will Put Into Operation Its Largest Post=
-Soviet Era Project for Production of Gas Oct 22, 2001 - A & G Information =
Service The official ceremony for the opening of the Zapolyarny gas field, =
with reserves of 3,3 trillion cubic meters of gas, is planned for October 2=
4. Iberdrola And BP Carry Off Lion's Share of Algerian Gas Contract Oct=
23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex There were few suprises yes=
terday in the Spanish government's award of a 25 per cent share of the Alge=
rian gas contract to Spain's four electricity companies Endesa, Iberdrola, =
Union Fenosa and Hidrocantabrico and to foreign oil groups Shell and BP. =
Bernabe Says Ok to Enel's Diversification Into Gas Sector Oct 23, 2001 - =
FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Franco Bernabe, former chairman of Ital=
ian oil group ENI, has said that he is in favour of the diversification of =
Italian electricity group Enel into the gas sector following its recent acq=
uisition of a majority stake in Camuzzi, the Italian gas distribution compa=
ny. Pipeline to Deliver Gas to Turkey Oct 22 - Associated Press Turkey =
expects to start receiving natural gas through a new pipeline from Iran by =
mid-December, officials said Monday. First Iranian gas to reach Turkey =
in December 2001 - officials Oct 22 - BBC Monitoring European Iran is expec=
ted to start pumping natural gas to Turkey in December of 2001. ECONOMI=
C SLOWDOWN Decline in gas use expected, NATION Oct 22 - WorldSources Online=
Thailand's natural-gas consumption next year is expected to drop from a pr=
evious forecast, in line with revisions for lower-than-expected economic gr=
owth next year, industry sources say. Unocal of USA to submit proposal =
to Bangladesh on gas export to India Oct 23 - BBC Monitoring South Asia - E=
conomic US oil major Unocal is expected to formally submit a proposal to th=
e Bangladesh government soon for construction of a 900m dollar pipeline to =
export natural gas to India. Turkmen president proposes Afghanistan gas=
project to United Nations Oct 23, 2001 - Associated Press Turkmen Presiden=
t Saparmurad Niyazov offered the United Nations to consider the possibility=
of implementing a gas pipeline project through Afghanistan to Pakistan, a =
newspaper reported Tuesday. If you are an Energy Central News Subscr=
iber and you have checked any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Artic=
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