Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 11/20/01
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:22:12 -0800 (PST)

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Central Job Center has a new look, new features, premier employers and is =
updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest on-line job center today=
: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs TOP STORIES Conoco=
, Phillips Petroleum Agree to Merge in $35 Billion Deal By Nelson Antosh, =
Houston Chronicle, Nov. 19 Conoco and Phillips Petroleum have agreed to mer=
ge, forming an oil company that will be the third-largest in the United Sta=
tes and the sixth-largest in the world. Cash Rockets on Cold Weather Ou=
tlooks, Storage Play Nov. 19 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) Some cold weather felt=
in parts of the West and forecasts calling for temperatures to drop in the=
Midwest and East sent next day gas prices soaring 50 to 60 cents on averag=
e today, traders said. Special Offer from this Publisher! Ruhrgas plan=
casts doubts on import deals By Joe Harper, Nov. 19, 2001 (New World Pub=
lishing via COMTEX) -- Natural gas import deals signed with Norway and Denm=
ark this year were in doubt last week following an announcement by Germany'=
s Ruhrgas that the government would approve its pipeline project, analysts =
N AGREEMENT Media, PA, November 19, 2001-- Powerweb Technologies, Inc. tod=
ay announced that is has signed a nationwide Distribution and Joint Marketi=
ng Agreement with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Th=
is agreement will enable SAIC to market and deploy Powerweb's Omni-Link Int=
ernet Energy Platform, to energy organizations as well as end-use energy cu=
stomers throughout the United States. National Energy Policy SENA=
ane Week/PBI Media via COMTEX) -- The Senate came one step closer to puttin=
g energy on the agenda when Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) filed a scaled- down=
version of the House-passed energy bill, H.R. 4, as an amendment to the ec=
onomic stimulus package being debated in Congress. ADVERTISEMENT =
Gain the competitive intelligence you need to make informed business deci=
sions. Energy Central's Operating Plant Experience Code (OPEC) is a must fo=
r all aspects of analyzing nuclear power plant performance. Identify causes=
of poor performance, compare lost generation trends, and set performance c=
riteria! Free trial - visit http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases=
/OPEC Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Mississippi Valley=
Gas plans merger with Dallas company Nov 19 - The Mississippi Business Jo=
urnal Mississippi Valley Gas Company, the largest natural gas utility in Mi=
ssissippi serving about 261,500 customers in 36 counties in the state, will=
become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atmos Energy Corporation if a proposed=
merger is approved as planned. Dynegy's Buying Enron Results in Bitte=
rness, Problems And Support Nov. 19 (Utility Spotlight) The proposed acqui=
sition of Enron by cross-town rival Dynegy has ruffled some feathers of Enr=
on employees, many of whom will lose not only their jobs but also what was =
once a fortune, now in nearly worthless stock options. Special Offer from t=
his Publisher! DSM to sell Energie Beheer Nederland stake to Dutch go=
vt for 1.243 bln eur AMSTERDAM, Nov 19, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- D=
SM NV said it will sell its stake in Energie Beheer Nederland to the Dutch =
government for 1.243 bln eur. The Sunday Telegraph: Westlb Makes A Gra=
b for Gbp1bn Wessex Water Nov 19, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comt=
ex Germany-based bank WestLB is negotiating with US-based energy concern En=
ron for a possible acquisition of Wessex Water. Gas Pricing/Hubs =
Canadian spot gas recovers from seven-day rout CALGARY, Alberta, Nov 19 (R=
euters) Canadian spot natural gas prices jumped across the board on Monday,=
especially in Alberta, where prices nearly doubled from depressed weekend =
levels on the strength of higher export demand, traders said. U.S. spo=
t gas jumps 23 pct on cold midweek weather SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 19 (Reuters)=
U.S. spot natural gas prices surged Monday on cold-weather forecasts deale=
rs said were likely to trigger widespread heating demand in the Midwest and=
Northeast consuming regions. NYMEX Hub gas ends higher on weather, sh=
ort cover NEW YORK, Nov 19 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended higher Monday aft=
er a soft open, lifted by colder midweek weather forecasts and short coveri=
ng ahead of the long holiday weekend despite a lagging cash market, industr=
y sources said. Production LOWER 48 GAS PRODUCTION STEEPENS ITS F=
ALL IN 3Q Nov 19, 2001 (Gas Processors Report/PBI Media via COMTEX) -- Th=
ere is perhaps something to be made of the fact that the minute producers s=
topped hiring so many rigs, gas production fell. LNG PHILLIPS PET=
2001 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- Phillips Petroleum today denied a report tha=
t it had backed Royal Dutch-Shell's $A4 billion ($US2.08 billion) plan to b=
uild the world's first floating liquified natural gas (LNG) plant in the Ti=
mor Sea. Pipelines Energy Companies Work to Get Around Barrier to=
Alaska Gas Pipeline By Liz Ruskin, Anchorage Daily News, Alaska, Nov. 16 =
A $4 billion financial cloud hanging over the proposed Alaska Highway gas p=
ipeline cleared a little Thursday, when nine energy companies announced the=
y have agreed to come together to settle the problem and pitch a business p=
lan to North Slope natural gas owners. Ibama Fines Petrobras US$4mn fo=
r Pipeline Error Brazil, Nov 19, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Braz=
il's environment agency Ibama has fined Brazil's federal oil company Petrob=
ras US$4mn (10mn reais) for installing a 4km undersea pipeline to extract n=
atural gas from the Marlim Sul field without the relevant environmental lic=
ensing, according to daily newspaper Valor Economico. State ponders in=
vestment Nov 19 - Journal of Alaska Business and Commerce A citizen commit=
tee asked by Gov. Tony Knowles to evaluate possible state investment in a n=
atural gas pipeline has reached a tentative conclusion to advise against th=
e idea, unless there is some compelling and overriding public interest. =
Ukraine pledges not to siphon Russian gas from pipelines Nov 19 - ITAR -=
TASS News Wire Ukraine has passed legislative acts that confirm its pledge=
not to siphon natural gas from transit pipelines crossing its territory. =
Rates For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs =
[IMAGE] Court Orders Camuzzi to Freeze Gas Rate Hike Argentina, Nov 19=
, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Argentine judge Jorge Pfleger has ord=
ered gas distributor Camuzzi Gas del Sur to not apply increased gas rates f=
or users in Patagonia until negotiations with the government over subsidy p=
ayments are concluded, La Nacion reported. General New Jersey Bal=
ks at Increase in Seniors' Heating Aid By Herb Jackson, The Record, Hacken=
sack, N.J., Nov. 19 It gives the term "budget freeze" a whole new meaning. =
New Technologies/Markets Scientists Seek New Energy Sources Nov =
18 - Associated Press In Canada's Northwest Territories, where the Mackenzi=
e River empties into the Beaufort Sea, scientists are studying a vast depos=
it of frozen methane as a potential energy source. Financial Cong=
ressman urges probe of Andersen on Enron WASHINGTON, Nov 19 (Reuters) - A =
U.S. Congressman has called for an investigation of Big Five accounting fir=
m Arthur Andersen LLP in connection with its audits of Enron Corp. and Wast=
e Management Inc., according to a letter released on Monday Employees'=
401(k) Plans Sink with Enron By Jeff Manning, The Oregonian, Portland, Or=
e., Nov. 16 Enron, the once-mighty energy giant, took millions of dollars o=
f its employees' retirement savings down with it as it collapsed with shock=
ing swiftness during the past month. FUND SCORE-Utilities funds may la=
g in economic recovery By Christopher Noble, BOSTON, Nov 19 (Reuters) Mutu=
al funds that focus on utilities have posted average returns this year, but=
they may well fall behind more cyclical stocks as the economy recovers in =
the months ahead, a fund manager said on Monday. B.C. GAS FILES SHELF =
inance Week/PBI Media via COMTEX) -- B.C. Gas Inc. filed a base shelf prosp=
ectus with Canadian regulatory authorities to issue up to C$1 billion of de=
bt or subordinated debt over two years. GUARDIAN PIPELINE CLOSES $180 =
MILLION OF PROJECT FINANCING Nov 19, 2001 (Petroleum Finance Week/PBI Med=
ia via COMTEX) -- Guardian Pipeline closed $180 million of project financin=
g that was arranged by Prudential Capital Group. Financial - Results =
MOL posts losses, receives bids for gas division By Dan Nashaat, Nov =
19, 2001 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- Hungarian oil and gas company=
MOL Rt posted losses of Ft 14.29 billion ($51 million) in the first nine m=
onths, compared with profits of Ft 23.06 billion over the corresponding per=
iod of 2000. International Lithuanian Gas Privatisation Launched =
FRANCE, Nov 19, 2001 (Prline via COMTEX) -- The Government of Lithuania a=
nd its Adviser, BNP Paribas Corporate Finance, have launched the privatisat=
ion of the Lietuvos dujos (Lithuanian Gas) company. Gas Problem Settle=
d with Ukraine - Putin Nov 19, 2001 - Itar-Tass News Agency Large work car=
ried out by Russia and Ukraine over the past 18 months in the gas sphere ha=
s been completed. LA Tribune: Gdf on The Advance in Mexico Nov 19, 20=
01 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex French gas distributor Gaz de Fran=
ce (GDF) is to invest at least $500m (568.2m euros) in Mexico over the next=
five years, according to Gerard Mallet, director of the group's Mexican su=
bsidiary. Bolivian And Peruvian Authorities Discuss Gas Projects to Av=
oid Competition Nov 19, 2001 - South American Business Information The Per=
uvian Ministry of Mines and Power informed that Bolivian authorities will c=
ome to Peru soon in order to discuss the gas projects that will be develope=
d by both countries, so as to avoid competition between them. Brazil :=
BR Invests R$12mil at Espirito Santo Nov 19, 2001 - South American Busine=
ss Information The growth of natural gas market at Espirito Santo state sti=
mulated the BR Distribuidora to expand its investment in the region in 2002=
. Dark Clouds Threaten Sunrise Gas Partners Nov 19, 2001 - Australasi=
an Business Intelligence Further tensions between the partners in the Sunri=
se gas reservoir development were revealed on 19 November 2001. ENI pl=
ans to be 'supermajor' oil co via acquisitions, increased output MILAN, N=
ov 18, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- ENI SpA plans to become "a supermajo=
r" oil company via acquisitions and increased exploration activities, said =
chief executive Vittorio Mincato in Il Sole 24 Ore's Saturday edition. =
The gas giant Gazprom: Not interested in Nova Nov 19, 2001 (New World Pu=
blishing via COMTEX) -- The Russian gas giant Gazprom denies it would be in=
terested in investing to TV Nova. Gazprom to take part in privatizatio=
n of Slovak Gas Company Nov 19 - ITAR - TASS News Wire Gazprom head Alexei=
Miller and Slovak Privatization Minister Maria Machova have agreed on the =
participation of Russia's Gazprom gas giant in the privatization of the Slo=
vak Gas Company, the Gazprom press service told Itar-Tass on Tuesday. =
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