Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/14/02
Date:Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:15:15 -0800 (PST)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Do the right energy professionals=
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white papers, e-mail mjohnson@energycentral.com. http://www.energycentral.c=
om/sections/research TOP STORIES Utility Eyes Pipeline to Ship =
Gas to Arizona from Wyoming By Ed Taylor, The Tribune, Mesa, Ariz., Jan. 1=
1 Salt River Project and two partners want to build a 300-mile natural gas =
pipeline and underground storage complex in western Arizona that would brin=
g additional gas supplies to electric power plants in Tempe and Gilbert. =
Pakistan to revive Turkmen gas project only when peace in Afghanistan Ja=
n 12, 2002 - Agence France-Presse The two-billion-dollar gas pipeline proje=
ct from Turkmenistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan will be revived as soon as=
peace returns to the war-torn country, Pakistan's petroleum minister said =
Saturday. Georgia Public Service Commission Extends Emergency Natural G=
as Service By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 11 =
Eligibility for emergency natural gas service was extended Thursday to an a=
dditional 6,000 households in Georgia -- but officials are beginning to won=
der how many people actually need the help. Mergers, Acquisitions & Di=
vestitures Westcoast says takeover by Duke nearly complete VANCOUVER,=
British Columbia, Jan 10 (Reuters) - The British Columbia Supreme Court an=
d two regulatory agencies have given their approval to Westcoast Energy Cor=
p's planned takeover by Duke Energy Corp., the Canadian company said on Thu=
rsday. CNOOC may buy Enron oil field China, Jan 11, 2002 (ChinaOnlin=
e via COMTEX) -- The China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) is on the ma=
rket for an oil field and may purchase one from U.S.-based Enron Corp. =
Italian Oil Company Reportedly Plans to Offer Another Bid for Enterprise O=
il By Brian O'Connor, Daily Mail, London, Jan. 11 Italy's ENI kept the bid=
heat on Enterprise Oil with strong hints that it would come back with anot=
her offer. Legislation/Regulation Enron spread the wealth around =
Washington WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Former energy-trading giant Enro=
n Corp. not only lavished campaign donations on President George W. Bush, b=
ut was one of America's biggest political contributors, spreading money acr=
oss both parties on Capitol Hill. THE ENRON COLLAPSE / Scandal could t=
aint White House Jan 13 - San Francisco Chronicle As the White House scram=
bles to release information about its contacts with energy giant Enron, it =
is fighting the perception that the company bought its way into the Bush ad=
ministration. Enron Asked Bush Administration for Help Calling Off Ban=
kers By Ken Moritsugu, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 12 As Enron C=
orp. tried to stave off financial collapse last fall, the company's preside=
nt asked a senior Bush administration official to call its bankers, the Tre=
asury Department said Friday. U.S. Rep. Waxman seeks more data from En=
ron's Lay WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Reuters) A high-ranking House Democrat on Sa=
turday asked Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth Lay to provide details on communi=
cations between the company and its employees last summer regarding the fin=
ancial condition of Enron. ADVERTISEMENT Gain the competitive i=
ntelligence you need to make informed business decisions. Energy Central's =
Operating Plant Experience Code (OPEC) is a must for all aspects of analyzi=
ng nuclear power plant performance. Identify causes of poor performance, co=
mpare lost generation trends, and set performance criteria! Free trial - vi=
sit http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases/OPEC Gas Prici=
ng/Hubs Canadian natgas mostly higher with stronger NYMEX NEW YORK, J=
an 11 (Reuters) Canadian spot natural gas prices mostly rose slightly on Fr=
iday, taking cues from stronger NYMEX futures trade in some pre-weekend sho=
rt covering, industry sources said. U.S. spot natgas falls on weekend =
demand, temps SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 11 (Reuters) U.S. spot natural gas prices=
traded mostly lower Friday, pressured by lighter weekend energy demand and=
mild weather early next week. NYMEX Hub gas ends mixed, fronts up on =
short covering NEW YORK, Jan 11 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended mixed Friday=
in moderate trade, with front months lifted by some short covering ahead o=
f the weekend despite concerns about excess inventories and a sluggish econ=
omy, sources said. U.S. Gas Spot Market Stagnates; Canada Climbs on Su=
pply Concerns Jan. 11 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) The natural gas spot market a=
cross the U.S. held relatively unchanged from Thursday's values, according =
to traders. Special Offer from this Publisher! Drilling/Exploration =
Denver's Delta Petroleum Joins Lawsuit against U.S. over Offshore Drill=
ing By Steve Raabe, The Denver Post, Jan. 11 A Denver energy company has s=
ued the U.S. government in a dispute over oil and natural gas fields off th=
e coast of California. Feds Move to Overturn Calif. Order By DAVID K=
RAVETS Associated Press Writer, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 10, 2002 (AP Online via =
COMTEX) -- The Bush administration urged a federal appeals court Thursday t=
o overturn a court order blocking oil and natural gas exploration off Calif=
ornia's central coast. Futures Natural gas consolidates in rangeb=
ound trade Jan 14, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas futures =
edged higher in Friday's rangebound trade as light short covering support u=
nderpinned quiet trade. Pipelines Malaysian, Thai foreign ministe=
rs to discuss gas pipeline Monday KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 13, 2002 (AFX-Asia vi=
a COMTEX) -- Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar will hold talks on Monday wi=
th his Thai counterpart Surakiart Sathirathai which will include discussion=
s on a controversial gas pipeline project, Bernama news agency reported. =
Federal Regulators Begin Rolling Out New Rules Jan 12, 2002 - Cox News =
Service Pipeline operators must monitor closely for corrosion and file more=
detailed reports on spills and other incidents under new rules adopted by =
the federal Office of Pipeline Safety. Rates For more information o=
n rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Atlanta Gas Light Co. Se=
eks $50 Million Rate Hike By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constit=
ution, Jan. 12 Atlanta Gas Light Co. wants to raise its natural gas rates b=
y $50.3 million a year. Rigs Baker Hughes-U.S. rig count down 27,=
Canada up 134 NEW YORK, Jan 11 (Reuters) The number of rigs searching for=
oil and gas in the United States fell by 27 to 856 during the week ending =
Jan. 11, according to oil services firm Baker Hughes. General Hou=
ston feds collected significant information on Enron By C. Bryson Hull, HO=
USTON, Jan. 11 (Reuters) The top federal prosecutor in Houston on Friday sa=
id his office had collected a significant amount of information about the c=
ollapse of Enron Corp. before being recused from the case because of person=
al relationships with employees of the fallen energy trader. More Sout=
h Dakotans Ask for Help with Heat Bills By Russ Keen, American News, Aberd=
een, S.D., Jan. 11 Even with mild winter weather and lower prices for heati=
ng fuels than a year ago, the number of South Dakotans applying for help fr=
om the state Low Energy Assistance Program is up 4.5 percent. Accounti=
ng Firm of Enron Corp. Admits to Destroying Relevant Documents By Laura Go=
ldberg, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 12 Andersen, Enron Corp.'s auditor, said Th=
ursday its employees destroyed "a significant but undetermined number" of e=
lectronic and paper documents in recent months relating to work it did for =
the Houston-based company. Differing Versions in Enron Affair By PET=
E YOSTA Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 11, 2002 (AP Online via CO=
MTEX) -- Transformed in just one day from the nation's biggest bankruptcy t=
o a major political controversy, some of the players in the Enron affair ar=
e already giving conflicting versions of who said what to whom. Key da=
tes in Enron's collapse Jan 11 - San Francisco Chronicle Enron Corp., form=
ed in 1985 and based in Houston, was the largest natural gas merchant in No=
rth America and the largest marketer of electricity in the United States be=
fore its collapse. Morale falling faster than Enron stock / Enron's ma=
ster of disaster Jan 11 - San Francisco Chronicle Enron employees, whose r=
etirement plans vanished amid the debris of the energy giant's bankruptcy, =
are quietly pointing federal investigators toward the man they think most r=
esponsible for the fiasco: former Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling.=
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project and Sempra Energy=
Resources Announce Open Season for Proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage an=
d Transportation System PHOENIX, AZ., Jan. 10 /PRNewswire/ The Desert Cros=
sing Gas Storage and Transportation System (Desert Crossing) is holding an =
Open Season for customers interested in capacity, beginning today and exten=
ding through Feb. 8, 2002. Williams Energy Donates $300,000 to Bakersf=
ield, Calif.-Area United Way By Erin Waldner, The Bakersfield Californian,=
Jan. 11 The United Way of Kern County has more than $300,000 coming its wa=
y. Trading/Marketing UBS to Buy Enron Trading Operation By BRAD=
FOSS AP Business Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 11, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- =
Enron Corp. took an important step Friday in getting its once-influential e=
nergy trading operation running again, as Swiss-owned investment bank UBS W=
arburg won the bidding to buy a big part of the ailing company. Deals/=
Contracts Indusrial Gas Consumers Complain About Pemex Gas Contract =
MEXICO CITY, Jan 11, 2002 (Reforma/Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities,=
Inc. via COMTEX) -- Mexico's steel sector and natural gas distributors ask=
ed that the Energy ministry cancel Petroleos Mexicanos' (Pemex) natural gas=
contracts with industrial consumers once it has recovered its own losses, =
reported Mexico City daily Reforma. Kuwait, Qatar, Exxonmobil Sign Gas=
Agreement Jan 11, 2002 - Xinhua News Agency Kuwait Petroleum Corporation =
(KPC), Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil Middle East Gas Marketing Limited on =
Friday inked an agreement on key terms of supplying Qatari gas to Kuwait. =
Legal Prosecutors Face Tough Challenges in Enron Investigation Ch=
icago Tribune, Jan. 11 Government attorneys face major obstacles in their i=
nvestigation of Enron Corp., legal experts say, and while prosecution is po=
ssible, it could take many months to find evidence of crime. Enron Pro=
be Could Complicate UBS Warburg's Attempts to Sell Assets By Melita Marie =
Garza, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 12 Even as investment bank UBS Warburg won a b=
idding contest for Enron Corp.'s wholesale energy trading business, legal e=
xperts said the widening criminal investigation of Enron could complicate t=
he bankrupt company's efforts to sell off its remaining assets. People=
City Misses Deadline to Hire Boss for Philadelphia Gas Works By Mark=
McDonald, Philadelphia Daily News, Jan. 8 Almost a year ago, the Street ad=
ministration cut a deal with state regulators: Let us collect more money fr=
om Philadelphia Gas Works ratepayers and we'll hire a new CEO by Dec. 31. =
Enron CEO Ken Lay resigns from Compaq's board NEW YORK, Jan 11 (Reuter=
s) Ken Lay, chief executive of troubled energy giant Enron Corp., stepped d=
own from Compaq Computer Corp.'s board of directors on Dec. 31, a spokesman=
for the No. 2 personal-computer maker said on Friday. Justice Dept: E=
nron Funded Ashcroft By KAREN GULLO Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, =
Jan 11, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Shortly after he was confirmed as at=
torney general, John Ashcroft was invited by Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth L=
ay to speak at an exclusive meeting of corporate leaders, Justice Departmen=
t officials said Friday. Bush and Enron chief rose out of the same cir=
cles of achievement By DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON,=
Jan 12, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- President George W. Bush besto=
wed the nickname "Kenny Boy" on embattled Enron executive Kenneth Lay back =
when the two were up-and-comers in Texas. Pennsylvania Public Utility =
Commission Promotes Staffer to Executive Director By David DeKok, The Patr=
iot-News, Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 11 The state Public Utility Commission Thur=
sday promoted from within to fill the key position of PUC executive directo=
r. New CEO for Enron crude oil marketing unit EOTT HOUSTON, Jan 10 (R=
euters) EOTT Energy Partners L.P., a publicly traded limited partnership th=
at markets and transports crude oil, said Dana Gibbs has been elected as it=
s chief executive officer. Robert Rubin disclosed as an Enron contact =
WASHINGTON, Jan 12, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- A Sen=
ate panel probing energy conglomerate Enron Corp.'s sudden collapse sent a =
subpoena Friday to Texas Republican Sen. Phil Gramm's wife, Wendy Gramm, pa=
nel sources confirmed. Labor/Human Resources BP layoffs first in =
oilpatch as lower energy prices force belt-tightening JAMES STEVENSON, CA=
LGARY, Jan 10, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- BP Canada's 100 layo=
ffs are the first of 2002 as the oilpatch implements austerity measures to =
ride out lower natural gas and oil prices. Enron Misled Employees on S=
tock By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer, Jan 12, 2002 (AP Online via CO=
MTEX) -- In a pair of e-mails to his employees in August, the chairman of n=
ow-bankrupt Enron touted the company's stock and declared that the energy t=
rader giant's growth "has never been more certain." Financial U.S=
. energy firms reap record profits in 2000--EIA WASHINGTON, Jan 11 (Reuter=
s) Bolstered by sharply higher prices for oil and natural gas, profits for =
U.S. energy firms set a new record in 2000, soaring 133 percent to $53.2 bi=
llion from the prior year, according to a report released on Friday. A=
ndersen's future at stake after Enron NEW YORK, Jan 11 (Reuters) - Anderse=
n, once the creme de la creme of accounting firms, has been knocked to its =
knees after a series of revelations about its audit of bankrupt energy trad=
er Enron Corp. National Fuel Seeks Ok to Double Executive Bonus Plan =
Jan 13, 2002 - Buffalo News National Fuel Gas Co. is asking its shareholder=
s to approve changes in its long-term bonus plan for top executives that co=
uld double the amount of money they could earn if the Buffalo-based energy =
company does well. Prompted by Enron's Collapse, Administration to Rev=
iew Pension, 401(k) Rules By Pamela Yip, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 11 =
Reacting to the Enron debacle, President Bush on Thursday ordered his econo=
mic team to undertake a rare review of rules regulating company pensions an=
d 401(k) plans. International Bahia Preempts Enron Natgas Sale =
Brazil, Jan 11, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Brazil's Bahia state go=
vernment has received shareholders approval to suspend a shareholders' agre=
ement with its partners in local natural gas distributor Companhia de Gas d=
a Bahia (Bahiagas), Gazeta Mercantil reported. Gas Transporters Concer=
ned over Subsidy Proposal Brazil, Jan 11, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX=
) -- Newcomers to the Brazilian natural gas transport market have expressed=
concern over suggestions that the government may introduce a subsidy to lo=
wer the costs of transporting natural gas for thermoelectric power plants. =
Gas Natural suffers from rising electricity prices Jan 11, 2002, (Exp=
ansion /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Spanish electricity companies Endesa,=
Union Fenosa, Hidrocantabrico and Iberdrola were charging a historic high =
of 15 eurocents (Pta25) per kilowatt hour of electricity yesterday. Li=
nking energy, softwood a mistake, U.S. ambassador tells B.C. DENE MOORE, =
VANCOUVER, Jan 11, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- North America mu=
st move away from depending on the Middle East for its energy, U.S. Ambassa=
dor Paul Cellucci told members of Vancouver's business community Friday. =
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