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Energy Central Job Center =09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09 HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES= | DATA CENTER TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2002 =09 =09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Recent events have made security = a greater priority for everyone. "Energy Infrastructure Security: Protectin= g Staff, Assets & Operations from Potential Sabotage & Terrorist Threat," a= new report by Utilis Energy, LLC examines current vulnerabilities, federal= legislation, and security measures in the energy industry. This report mak= es recommendations on creating safety and security policies, preventing una= uthorized access to information systems, enhancing operating reliability, a= nd improving action plans. Protect your company's assets and resources with= the essential information in this report. http://www.energycentral.com/lin= ks/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100838 TOP STORIES FERC's Brownell: Quick a= ction needed in El Paso case By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reute= rs) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should "expeditiously" wrap up= its investigation into whether El Paso Corp. manipulated the California na= tural gas market last winter to inflate prices by billions of dollars, a FE= RC commissioner said. Canadian energy profit gusher to slow to a trickl= e By Jeffrey Jones, CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 14 (Reuters) Canada's energy com= panies are expected to pump out their weakest quarterly results in two year= s due to slumping oil and gas prices, with warnings from Talisman Energy In= c. and Suncor Energy Inc. already setting the tone. Pertamina to talk g= as sales with Malaysia's Petronas JAKARTA, Jan 14 (Reuters) Indonesian sta= te oil firm Pertamina said on Monday it planned to hold talks in Kuala Lump= ur later this month with its Malaysian counterpart about natural gas sales = from fields in the South China Sea. Press Release TransFormance G= roup Study Highlights Pitfalls For Australian Electricity Suppliers In Stat= e Of Victoria Morristown, New Jersey - 14th January, 2002 Energy companies= in Australia's State of Victoria face significant new challenges in meetin= g customer expectations as full retail contestability (FRC) comes into effe= ct on 1st January 2002. That's the finding of new research by Transformance= Group, who found that over 80% of Victorian consumers are aware of FRC and= hope for significant reductions in electricity prices as a result of incre= ased competition. THOMAS M. RAY III NAMED PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGE= R OF KWI NORTH AMERICA HOUSTON (January 14, 2002) KWI, a leading supplier = of trading and risk management systems for the energy market, has hired Tho= mas (Trip) M. Ray III as president and general manager of the company's Nor= th America operations. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Merge= r Talk: Oil majors poised to bridge energy divide NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reuter= s) - Big oil is limbering up for a push into the brave new world of deregul= ated power, in a move to reinforce its already strong grip on the energy bu= siness. ENI says Italgas is strategic, will not be sold MILAN, Jan 1= 4, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- ENI SpA chief executive Vittorio Mincato= said that Italgas SpA is a strategic asset and the group does not intend t= o sell its controlling 41.15 pct stake. Totalfina Elf to Bid for Conoc= o Jan 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex The French oil group = TotalFina Elf is planning to launch a bid for the US energy company Conoco = in order to prevent this entity from merging with fellow-American Phillips = Petroleum Co, the UK press alleged yesterday. Essent Eyes Gasunie Trad= e Company Jan 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Essent, the D= utch energy company, would like to join forces with the trade company of Du= tch gas company Gasunie. ADVERTISEMENT Gain the competitive int= elligence you need to make informed business decisions. Energy Central's Op= erating Plant Experience Code (OPEC) is a must for all aspects of analyzing= nuclear power plant performance. Identify causes of poor performance, comp= are lost generation trends, and set performance criteria! Free trial - visi= t http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases/OPEC Legislation= /Regulation Senate banking committee says sets hearing on Enron WASHI= NGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) The powerful Senate Banking Committee said on Monda= y it will hold a Feb. 12 hearing on Enron Corp., the energy trading giant w= hose bankruptcy filing last year threw thousands out of work, devastated in= vestors and raised questions about its accounting practices. Ferc's Pr= oposed Affiliate Rule Creates Confusion, Alarm Jan 14, 2002 - Oil & Gas Jo= urnal The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's proposal to apply the e= lectric industry discount standard to natural gas pipeline transactions is = creating both confusion and opposition in the industry. Gas Pricing/Hu= bs Canadian spot natgas mixed, Alberta eases slightly NEW YORK, Jan 1= 4 (Reuters) Canadian spot natural gas prices were mixed Monday, with Albert= a values easing slightly as a glut of gas in storage continued to exert a b= earish influence on the market, industry sources said. NYMEX Hub gas e= nds higher, gains limited by weather NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub = gas, lifted by some short covering, ended higher on Monday, but traders sai= d the upside was limited by fairly moderate weather forecasts this week and= concerns about excess gas in inventory. NYMEX gives U.S. day-ahead na= tural gas small lift SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 14 (Reuters) U.S. spot natgas move= d a touch higher Monday, lifted by an early short covering rally on NYMEX d= espite mild weather across most of the nation. Drilling/Exploration = Bush Wants Drilling off Santa Barbara, Calif.-Area Shores Without State'= s OK By Mark Van De Kamp, Santa Barbara News-Press, Calif., Jan. 13 The sh= owdown over developing 36 controversial oil and natural gas leases off Sant= a Barbara County's shores is heating up again. CNOOC, Shell sign produ= ction sharing contract for Bohai Bay HONG KONG, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-Asia vi= a COMTEX) -- CNOOC Ltd said its parent China National Offshore Oil Corp and= Shell Exploration China Ltd have signed a production sharing contract for = the exploration of the Bonan area of Bohai Bay, northwest of Longkou in Chi= na. Futures Feb Futures Edges Higher amid Non-Commercial Short Co= vering Jan. 14 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) February natural gas futures settled= 4.6 cents higher at $2.25 as short covering dominated today's trading sess= ion and bolstered the nearby month as high as $2.325, a 12.1-cents rise, sa= id traders. Special Offer from this Publisher! Pipelines Economy= Minister announces gas pipeline expansion Jan 14, 2002 (New World Publis= hing via COMTEX) -- Poland will spend $170 million to boost the capacity of= the first phase of the Yamal gas pipeline, deputy Economy Minister Marek K= ossowski announced after government delegation talks in Moscow. Thaila= nd asks Malaysia for more time to decide on natural gas pipeline project = BANGKOK, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Thailand has asked Malaysia = for more time to consider whether to go ahead with building a cross-border = natural gas pipeline, Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai said, accordin= g to ministry officials. Asean gas pipeline project takes shape Jan 1= 3 - Business Times - Kuala Lumpur THE RM22.8 billion Trans Asean Gas Pipeli= ne (TAGP) project is taking shape despite a delay in the Thai-Malaysia Gas = Pipeline project and the yet-to- be-signed memorandum of understanding (MOU= ) for the realisation of the project. Storage UNUSUALLY HIGH 2001= YEAR-END U.S. GAS INVENTORIES SIGNAL 2002 PRODUCTION DIP By Nick Snow in= Washington, Jan 14, 2002 (Petroleum Finance Week/PBI Media via COMTEX) -- = Abnormally warm weather during the fourth quarter left 2001 year-end U.S. n= atural gas inventories at an estimated 2.86 trillion cubic feet (Tcf), 1.1 = Tcf above their level at the end of 2000 and 19 percent above the average f= or the previous five years, the Department of Energy's Energy Information A= dministration (EIA) said last week. General Ex-Enron Execs Launch= Own Firm By BILL BERGSTROM AP Business Writer, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 14, 200= 2 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Several former Enron executives launched a new = company Monday to market energy services to small and medium-sized business= es instead of the large industrial customers the bankrupt giant had sought = out. Enron's Mark Is Deep in Political Pockets By Julie Mason, Housto= n Chronicle, Jan. 13 Texas politicians, long the biggest beneficiaries of E= nron Corp.'s prodigious campaign spending, are now facing the downside of t= he fallen corporation's political largess. Royal Dutch/Shell to expand= gas ops, also considers acquisitions FRANKFURT, Jan 13, 2002 (AFX-UK via= COMTEX) -- Royal Dutch/Shell Group wants to expand its gas operations, and= in doing so, may make acquisitions, said Paul Skinner, chief executive of = the group's Oil Products division. Enron Reportedly Gave to Politician= s TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Florida's pen= sion fund investment in Enron Corp. has cost the state more than $300 milli= on, but many top politicians received money from the Texas-based energy gia= nt. Document ordering data destruction raises legal questions, senator= says By H. JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 14, 200= 2 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The timing of an accounting firm's memo di= recting the destruction of documents raises the serious possibility of obst= ruction of justice, says the chairman of a Senate committee investigating E= nron Corp.'s collapse. Bush Officials Downplay Enron Calls Jan 14, 20= 02 - United Press International Bush administration officials on Sunday sai= d there was no reason to tell the president or the public about telephone c= alls they received from Kenneth Lay, the chairman and chief executive offic= er of bankrupt energy trader Enron Corp., prior to the company's collapse. = Andersen Under Scrutiny: How Much Culpability Does the Accounting Firm= Have for Enron's Collapse? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 14 (Sciente= ch) The heat on Enron's auditors went up another notch on Jan. 13 following= a report that Arthur Andersen executives issued an order to destroy audit = documents just days before Enron posted a $618-million third-quarter loss. = Special Offer from this Publisher! Enron Scandal Grows As Andersen Sa= ys Staff Disposed of Documents Jan. 14 (Utility Spotlight) Amid the growin= g number of investigations into the mushrooming Enron scandal, Andersen, th= e nation's 5th largest accounting firm, notified the Securities and Exchang= e Commission that "in recent months individuals disposed of a significant b= ut undetermined number of electronic and paper documents and correspondence= relating to the Enron engagement." Special Offer from this Publisher! = Joint Ventures & Alliances Aquila and NiSource Form Alliance KANSA= S CITY, Mo., Jan. 14 /PRNewswire/ The Aquila subsidiary of UtiliCorp United= and NiSource Inc. today announced the formation of a unique alliance under= which the two companies will seek to capitalize on market opportunities an= d deliver comprehensive energy solutions by leveraging the capabilities and= knowledge of the two companies. Trading/Marketing Swiss Bank UBS= Nears Deal to Assume Enron's Energy Trading Operation By Laura Goldberg, = Houston Chronicle, Jan. 14 Enron Corp. would exit the energy trading and ma= rketing business that was once the heart of the company under a deal it was= close to finalizing late Sunday with Swiss investment bank UBS. Legal= Judge Says Enron's Bankruptcy Trial Will Stay in New York City By Ch= arlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 12 Some former employees of En= ron Corp. savored mental images of what company executives might face durin= g a bankruptcy trial in the city that once counted the energy trader among = its most successful corporate citizens. Texas Attorney General Recuses= Himself from Enron Inquiry By Jay Root, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, = Jan. 12 Joining a growing list of politicians seeking distance from collaps= ed energy giant Enron, Texas Attorney General John Cornyn recused himself F= riday from a state investigation of the company. People Enron CEO= Took Long Path from Farm to Rig By Robert Schlesinger, The Boston Globe, = Jan. 13 Kenneth Lay came from humble roots that, his friends and associates= say, he never forgot. Review Shows Enron Chief, Wife Gave More Money = to Bush in Texas Governor Race By Wayne Slater, The Dallas Morning News, J= an. 12 In distancing himself from Enron, President Bush said that CEO Kenne= th Lay "was a supporter" of Democrat Ann Richards in his first race for Tex= as governor in 1994. Environmental Bush Moves Worry Environmental= Community By Bennett Roth, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 14 The environmental c= ommunity has grown increasingly concerned that the Bush administration is q= uietly rolling back water, air and land protections, making changes that ha= ve gone largely unnoticed as war and the economy have dominated the headlin= es. Round table promotes emissions-trading system to reduce pollution = ALISON AULD, HALIFAX, Jan 14, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Can= ada could save $20 billion over the next decade if it adopts an innovative = program that uses financial incentives to encourage companies to cut greenh= ouse gas emissions, according to a federal report. Financial Form= er Enron CEO Skilling shorted competitor's stock NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reuters= ) Jeffrey Skilling, the former chief executive of Enron Corp., sold short A= ES Corp.'s stock last summer in a bet that the competing power company's sh= are price would fall, his spokeswoman said on Monday. Enron worker war= ned execs on accounting -lawmakers WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) An Enron C= orp. employee warned the energy giant's top executive in August 2001 about = potential problems with how it accounted for certain transactions, Congress= ional investigators said on Monday. Enron Shares Halted on NYSE Jan 1= 4, 2002 - AFX News Limited Enron Corp shares were halted at the market open= ing on the New York Stock Exchange. Financial - Ratings European = utilities' rating downgrades set to continue in 2002 - Moody's LONDON, Ja= n 14, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Moody's Investors Service said it exp= ects credit rating downgrades among European utility companies to continue = in 2002. Financial - Results Anadarko earnings fall short, budget= slashed HOUSTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Anadarko Petroleum Corp., the largest= U.S. independent oil and gas producer, said on Monday its fourth-quarter e= arnings will fall short of Wall Street's expectations because of a decline = in production and prices. International Russian gas deal needs mo= re time By Paul Shockley, Jan 14, 2002 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) = -- Officials renegotiating a long-term gas delivery deal with Russia's Gazp= rom will not have a pact ready for Russian President Vladimir Putin to sign= during his Warsaw visit this week, while analysts say it's unclear how cha= nges to the deal would impact last year's gas import agreements with Norway= . Govt: Natural Gas Subsidy Will Not Affect Expansion Brazil, Jan 14= , 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- The proposed subsidy on natural gas t= ransport costs for thermoelectric power plants should not affect the planne= d expansion of the Bolivia-Brazil natural gas pipeline or the open market f= or gas, senior government officials told reporters on Monday. Gas Tari= ffs to Grow by 35 Percent in Russia in 2002 Jan 14, 2002 - Itar-Tass News = Agency Gas tariffs will be raised in Russia in 2002 by 35 percent on averag= e, according to the head of the Federal Energy Commission, Georgy Kutovoi. = 'Shell And Exxon in China Project' Jan 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abst= racts via Comtex Royal Dutch/Shell Group, the Anglo-Dutch oil company, will= work together with rival Exxon in the gas project in China after all, it w= as reported by the British press. Enron Fallout Extends to Britain Ja= n 14, 2002 - United Press International Lord John Wakeham, the former Conse= rvative government minister and the chairman of Britain's Press Complaints = Commission, Monday faced the prospect of being called to the U.S. Senate to= give evidence on the collapse of the Enron energy corporation. Dynegy= Create Subsidiaries to Compete in The Spanish Energy And Telecoms Markets = Jan 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Dynegy, the energy serv= ices subsidiary of US oil group Chevron Texaco, is to enter the Spanish mar= ket. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you have check= ed any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Articles' button below will = deliver all of the checked articles in one page. This is a convenient way t= o get exactly the news you need - quickly! NEED INFORMATION ON TH= E POWER INDUSTRY? ENERGY CENTRAL'S GOT IT! ENERGY CENTRAL DAILY ELECTRIC= POWER NEWS An e-mail news service that delivers every major story every = day directly to your e-mail address. Inquire for corporate and group discou= nt rates. sales@energycentral.com JOB CENTER The Job Center provides ins= tant access to the best employment opportunities and prospective employees = in the energy industry through comprehensive job listings and active resume= database. 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