Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/16/02
Date:Tue, 15 Jan 2002 18:35:00 -0800 (PST)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Competitive Intelligence now avai=
lable. Identify potential suitors, those who threaten your position across =
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blisher=3D11408&rtype=3Dall TOP STORIES Raleigh, N.C.-Based Uti=
lity to Buy Texas Natural-Gas Company By Dudley Price, The News & Observer=
, Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 15 Progress Energy is buying a Texas natural-gas comp=
any for $153 million. California Governor Won't Settle Lawsuit over Off=
shore Oil, Gas Leases By Mark Van De Kamp, Santa Barbara News-Press, Calif=
., Jan. 15 Governor Gray Davis on Monday joined local environmentalists and=
anti-oil groups in rejecting efforts by the U.S. Department of the Interio=
r to settle a lawsuit regarding California's right to review 36 undeveloped=
offshore oil and gas leases, most of them off Santa Barbara County's shore=
s. PetroChina in talks with partners on gas pipeline SHANGHAI, Jan 15 =
(Reuters) PetroChina said on Tuesday it was still negotiating with potentia=
l partners including Exxon Mobil on stakes in a massive gas pipeline, despi=
te market speculation Exxon might have been excluded from the project. =
Press Release Peter Swartz Joins EPIS as Vice President of Developmen=
t West Linn, Oregon, January 16, 2002 EPIS, Inc., developer of the AURORA(=
TM) Electric Market Model, announced that Peter J. Swartz has joined EPIS a=
s Vice President of Development, with responsibility for the development of=
market modeling software as well as forecasting products and services. =
California Crisis Foul Windfall?; L.A. County Claims Sempra Part Of =
Price Conspiracy Jan 15 - Daily News - Los Angeles Los Angeles County has =
filed suit against Sempra Energy, and its subsidiary, the Southern Californ=
ia Gas Co., claiming a massive conspiracy to drive up the cost of natural g=
as and electricity will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. =
Business Groups Propose New State Department of Energy Jan 15, 2002 - E?=
Publishing The California Chamber of Commerce and California Business Round=
table seek to eliminate two state agencies and consolidate the duties of ot=
hers by creating a new state Department of Energy. ADVERTISEMENT =
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sions. Energy Central's Operating Plant Experience Code (OPEC) is a must fo=
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/OPEC National Energy Policy Cheney Still Shielding Energy Ta=
sk Force Documents from Gao, Congress Jan 15, 2002 - E?Publishing The mome=
ntum behind a threatened General Accounting Office lawsuit against Vice Pre=
sident Cheney's energy task force appears to be building amid disclosures t=
hat Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay knew about his company's profit overstatemen=
ts as early as last summer and possibly sooner. Mergers, Acquisitions =
& Divestitures Enron to Sell 3 Energy Assets Mexico, Jan 15, 2002 (B=
Namericas.com via COMTEX) -- Bankrupt US-based energy company Enron could b=
egin this week the sale of its assets in Mexico: a cogeneration electricity=
plant, a gas pipeline and permission to transport gas. Cnooc to Reach=
Deal with Enron Jan 15, 2002 - Asiaport Daily News Wei Liucheng, the Pres=
ident of the CNOOC, China's largest ocean petroleum and natural gas manufac=
turer, indicates that the company will reach a deal to purchase an oil fiel=
d abroad at the cost of USD600 million. Legislation/Regulation US=
lawmaker seeks Enron pension, accounting probes WASHINGTON, Jan 15 (Reute=
rs) - The chairman of a powerful Senate committee probing Enron Corp.'s col=
lapse on Tuesday requested investigations into financial reporting and empl=
oyee retirement fund investments in company stock, matching a White House c=
all last week for reviews in the same areas. Given Washington's Ties t=
o Enron, Impartial Investigation Will Be Difficult By Stephen J. Hedges, C=
hicago Tribune, Jan. 15 The political and financial reach of Enron Corp. ha=
s exposed so many conflicts of interest among U.S. prosecutors, lawmakers a=
nd administration officials that the government is struggling to launch its=
investigation of the company whose spectacular collapse swept away the sav=
ings of thousands of employees and shareholders. Enron Faces Congressi=
onal Tax Probe By CURT ANDERSON AP Tax Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 15, 2002 (=
AP Online via COMTEX) -- Enron Corp., which led a lobbying campaign to repe=
al a corporate tax as it neared collapse, will undergo scrutiny in Congress=
of its own tax returns to determine if shelters or other practices may hav=
e concealed its financial condition. Enron Goes from White House Frien=
d to Foe The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 14 Once one of the Bush campaign's =
biggest financial assets, Ken Lay and Enron Corp. have suddenly become the =
Bush presidency's biggest political liability. Wisconsin Energy Regula=
tors' Heightened Secrecy Sparks Furor By Lee Hawkins Jr., Milwaukee Journa=
l Sentinel, Jan. 13 Mark Penaherrera never claimed to be Perry Mason. =
Business group wary of new regs from Enron case By Peter Kaplan, WASHINGTO=
N, Jan 15 (Reuters) The head of corporate America's biggest lobbying group =
on Tuesday said the government should not rush to impose new business regul=
ations in the wake of Enron Corp.'s collapse. Gas Pricing/Hubs U.=
S. spot natural gas moves up on temps, NYMEX SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 15 (Reuter=
s) U.S. day-ahead natural gas prices extended gains on Tuesday, rising on f=
orecasts calling for cooler late-week weather and firmer NYMEX trade. =
NYMEX Hub gas ends mixed, short cover lifts fronts NEW YORK, Jan 15 (Reute=
rs) NYMEX Hub gas ended mixed Tuesday in moderate trade, with front months =
again lifted by a firmer physical market and a steady stream of short cover=
ing ahead of Wednesday's weekly inventory report, sources said. Produc=
tion Gazprom Reports Plans On Gas Production In 2002 Moscow, Russia,=
Jan 15, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- The Russian gas giant G=
azprom is going to produce no less than 530 billion cubic meters of natural=
gas in 2002, Gazprom's head Alexey Miller announced at the opening of the =
exhibition Shell UK says Shearwater gas platform to resume ops in Feb =
LONDON, Jan 15, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Shell UK Exploration and Prod=
uction's 1.2 bln usd Shearwater natural gas platform will resume production=
next month after the group decided to close down the facility in December =
due to damage in one of the condensate pipes, a company spokeswoman said. =
Drilling/Exploration Report on Canada Pacific drilling ban to be s=
tudied VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan 15 (Reuters) It will be "a couple =
of weeks" before the results of a review of Canada's moratorium on energy e=
xploration off its Pacific Coast will be made public, a provincial governme=
nt official said on Tuesday. Futures Natural gas higher on short =
covering support Jan 15, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas fu=
tures ended Monday's session higher but off the days high as late long liqu=
idation curbs early rise. Gas Processing Westcoast reduces output=
at British Columbia plant CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 15 (Reuters) Westcoast En=
ergy Inc. has reduced capacity by 33 percent at a major processing plant on=
its natural gas system in British Columbia. Leases/Acreage Feds =
are getting ready to fence in eastern gulf drilling Jan 14 - New Orleans C=
ityBusiness FEDERAL OFFICIALS PLAN to lock in restrictions on oil and gas l=
easing in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for the next five years, easing Florid=
a's environmental concerns but angering the energy industry, which wants mo=
re access to federal offshore areas. Pipelines U.S. group plans t=
o file details for Arctic gas line CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 14 (Reuters) The =
proponents of a multibillion-dollar gas pipeline to Alberta from Alaska's P=
rudhoe Bay via the Beaufort Sea, one of three plans in the works to ship Ar=
ctic gas to southern markets, said on Monday they planned to file an outlin=
e of the project this week. Boyer Gas Line Spur Deferred Jan 14, 2002=
- Australasian Business Intelligence Construction of the section of Tasman=
ia's $A400m natural gas pipeline terminating at Bridgewater can commence in=
February 2002. Poland Supports Gas Transportation Across Its Territor=
y Jan 15, 2002 - Itar-Tass News Agency Warsaw fully supports the idea of b=
uilding a pipeline for the transportation of Russian gas to Western Europe =
across the territory of Poland, by-passing Ukraine, Polish Deputy Prime Min=
ister and Finance Minister Marek Belka told Tass on the eve of the Russian-=
Polish summit. India-Iran gas pipeline to reduce tension in region, sa=
ys oil minister Jan 15 - BBC Monitoring Middle East Iranian Petroleum Mini=
ster Bizhan Namdar- Zanganeh said on Tuesday [15 January] that India-Iran g=
as pipeline would reduce the tension in the region. Rates For more =
information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Meriden, Co=
nn.-Based Yankee Gas Service Burned in Bid for Gas-Rate Hike By Dana Ambro=
sini, Connecticut Post, Bridgeport, Jan. 12 Sometimes it does hurt to ask. =
MPC's bills for natural gas to drop by 18% for many Jan 14 - The Bill=
ings Gazette Montana Power Co.'s typical residential natural gas customers =
will see their total monthly bills drop by 18 percent or $12.38 a month, be=
ginning Jan. 1, 2002, the company said Friday in its annual gas tracking fi=
ling. General Employee's Note Warned Enron Chairman of Financial =
Implosion By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 15 An Enron Corp. employ=
ee warned Chairman Kenneth Lay in August about the company's practice of hi=
ding financial losses in various partnerships -- the same methods now blame=
d for the one-time energy giant's historic collapse. Enron Collapse Wo=
n't Take Down Houston By Flynn McRoberts, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 15 Enron's=
two skyscrapers tower over this city's downtown. Enron Fallout May Ex=
tend to Accounting Firm By Tim Lemke, The Washington Times, Jan. 15 Arthur=
Andersen is in the middle of a nightmare. Enron Collapse Felt at Garf=
ield, N.J., Paper Mill By Monsy Alvarado, The Record, Hackensack, N.J., Ja=
n. 13 Every time Mendo Anevski hears more news about Enron's financial down=
fall, he grows more angry. Joint Ventures & Alliances Kansas City=
, Mo., Energy Marketer Forms Alliance with Utility Holding Firm By Steve E=
verly, The Kansas City Star, Mo., Jan. 15 Aquila announced Monday an allian=
ce with NiSource Inc., a holding company with assets that include power pla=
nts, natural gas storage facilities and 16,500 miles of interstate pipeline=
s. Trading/Marketing Details of Enron deal released; Swiss invest=
ment bank to share one-third of trading profits By ALAN CLENDENNING AP Bus=
iness Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 15, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- A Swiss=
investment bank won't pay anything to acquire Enron Corp.'s energy trading=
business, won't assume any of the troubled company's debts and will share =
a third of its profits with Enron and its creditors, under terms of a deal =
made public Tuesday. Enron trading shop ready to go - but can it? By =
C. Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) Enron Corp. has the financial bac=
king, top talent and computer systems it needs to restart its dormant tradi=
ng operations, but its success remains a challenging all-or-nothing proposi=
tion, analysts said on Monday. Legal Judge Inexplicably Withdraws=
from Hearing Any Enron Cases By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 15 =
Three days after she denied a motion to freeze the assets held by Enron exe=
cutives and board members, U.S. District Judge Lee H. Rosenthal has inexpli=
cably recused herself from all Enron cases. People Fired Andersen=
partner did no wrong, says attorney HOUSTON, Jan 15 (Reuters) The partner=
accused by accounting firm Andersen of ordering the destruction of documen=
ts relating to its audit of collapsed energy trader Enron Corp. followed th=
e instructions of an Andersen lawyer and did nothing wrong, his attorney sa=
id on Tuesday. Texas Senate Candidate Plans to Keep $180,000 from Enro=
n Executives By Gromer Jeffers Jr., The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 15 Repub=
lican Senate candidate John Cornyn said Monday he would not return $180,000=
in past political contributions from Enron Corp. executives. Avista C=
FO Eliassen to retire SPOKANE, Wash., Jan 15 (Reuters) Avista Corp., an el=
ectrical and gas utility, said Tuesday that Chief Financial Officer Jon Eli=
assen will retire in April 2003. Labor/Human Resources Enron Mana=
gement Put on Upbeat Stock Front for Workers By Jeff Manning, The Oregonia=
n, Portland, Ore. , Jan. 13 In August 2001, Enron was just weeks away from =
one of the biggest business collapses of all time. Financial Husk=
y Energy focuses on Western Canada in $1.4B spending plan for 2002 CALGAR=
Y, Jan 15, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Husky Energy Inc. has an=
nounced plans for $1.4 billion in capital spending during 2002. Enron =
shares to be delisted from NYSE NEW YORK, Jan 15, 2002 (United Press Inte=
rnational via COMTEX) -- Trading of Enron shares was suspended Tuesday by t=
he New York Stock Exchange, which announced formal plans to delist the grea=
tly devalued stock of the financially troubled former energy giant. An=
dersen Fires Lead Enron Auditor By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHI=
NGTON, Jan 15, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Arthur Andersen LLP said Tues=
day that auditors destroyed Enron Corp. documents after federal securities =
regulators requested information on the collapsed energy company. Enro=
n Disaster Might Spur Call for 401(k) Insurance By Pamela Yip, The Dallas =
Morning News, Jan. 14 In the wake of a recently announced effort by the fed=
eral government to review rules regulating company pensions and 401(k) plan=
s, a logical question is expected to surface: Would it be possible to insti=
tute some type of insurance that would protect employees from seeing their =
401(k) money wiped out? Houston Oil Company Shares Take Wild Ride afte=
r Profit Warning By Michael Davis, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 15 Anadarko Pet=
roleum Corp.'s stock was off almost $1 per share in early trading Monday bu=
t closed with a small gain after the Houston oil company warned investors t=
hat it would not meet analysts' profit expectations. Teco Energy Compl=
etes Sale of $400 Million of Securities Jan 15, 2002 - PR Newswire TECO En=
ergy, Inc. today reported that it has completed the previously announced sa=
le of $400 million of mandatorily convertible securities. Internationa=
l Lattice, RWE Gas to launch gas logistics services jv in March LOND=
ON, Jan 15, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Lattice Group PLC said it has reach=
ed an agreement with RWE AG's gas operations arm to launch a gas logistics =
services joint venture in March. Gas, Electricity Tariffs to Go Up Ove=
r 30% in 2002 - Chubais Jan 15, 2002 - Itar-Tass News Agency The total ris=
e of gas tariffs will make 35 percent, while electricity tariffs will be up=
32 percent in 2002, top manager of the Unified Energy Systems of Russia gr=
id Anatoly Chubais said Tuesday. Energy Commission assumes responsibil=
ity Jan 15 - New Straits Times The Energy Commission, formed under the Ene=
rgy Commission Act 2001, became fully operational since Jan 2 and has assum=
ed all the responsibilities of the Department of Electricity and Gas Supply=
. Jordan looks to increase and diversify energy sources Jan 15, 2002 =
- Agence France-Presse Jordan is seeking to increase and diversify its ener=
gy sources with oil, gas, and electricity projects, including windfarms, to=
make up for its lack of natural resources, its energy minister told AFP in=
an interview. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you =
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