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Energy Central Job Center =09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09 HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES= | DATA CENTER THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2002 =09 =09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Save $100 now on "Load Management= 2001 - Balancing Customers, Regulators and Energy Demand" by The C Three G= roup. The report reveals how programs are in a state of flux with some vend= ors struggling as utilities face great ambiguity. It includes candid and so= metimes hard-hitting commentary on the design details of 18 leading utility= programs as well as 23 vendor profiles. The report analyzes major issues, = trends and technology developments. Gain insights and competitive intellige= nce in this essential report. Complete table of contents and profile sample= s are available at http://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D1008= 37 TOP STORIES Energy Consultants' Study Favors Canada Plan for= Gas Pipelines By Tony Hopfinger, Anchorage Daily News, Alaska, Jan. 16 An= energy consultant who grew up in Alaska believes the least risky way to ta= p the North Slope's huge natural gas reserves is to do so in stages, runnin= g multiple pipelines across the Canadian Arctic during the next 16 years. = US natgas pipelines to spend $68 bln on expansion WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (R= euters) To meet rising demand for natural gas, U.S. and Canadian energy fir= ms will invest nearly $68 billion by 2015 to expand pipelines and storage f= acilities, according to an industry study released on Wednesday. US FER= C oks North Baja natgas pipeline project WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave final approval on Wednesday to th= e U.S. segment of the North Baja Pipeline project that will bring natural g= as from Mexico to fuel electric generating plants in southern California an= d northern Mexico. Energy Security US FERC to keep sensitive pipe= line maps under wraps WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regu= latory Commission (FERC) on Wednesday said it will continue to restrict pub= lic access to information about U.S. pipeline routes and other sensitive en= ergy-related sites. National Energy Policy Bush Pushes Senate to = Pass Energy-Policy Package, Change Free-Trade Rules By Ron Hutcheson, Knig= ht Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 16 President Bush demanded that the Senat= e pass his energy-policy package and legislation that would make it easier = for him to negotiate free-trade agreements. ADVERTISEMENT Gain = the competitive intelligence you need to make informed business decisions. = Energy Central's Operating Plant Experience Code (OPEC) is a must for all a= spects of analyzing nuclear power plant performance. Identify causes of poo= r performance, compare lost generation trends, and set performance criteria= ! Free trial - visit http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases/OPEC = Competition & Deregulation For reports and related information o= n this topic visit our Data Center [IMAGE] Georgia Power Explores Ente= ring Gas Market By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan= . 16 Georgia Power Co. has a plan to enter the natural gas business by offe= ring itself as a regulated alternative to the state's unregulated gas marke= ters, the company said Tuesday. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures = Williams And Duke Energy Field Services Agree to Swap Selected Midstrea= m Natural Gas Interests Jan 16, 2002 - PR Newswire A unit of Williams and = Duke Energy Field Services have agreed to an exchange of natural gas gather= ing and processing interests located in Wyoming, Texas and Oklahoma. A= tmos Energy Corporation Acquires Natural Gas Sales Contracts from Duke Ener= gy Jan 15, 2002 - PR Newswire Atmos Energy Corporation said today that Woo= dward Marketing, L.L.C., a subsidiary of Atmos Energy Marketing, has acquir= ed natural gas sales contracts for approximately $1 million from Duke Energ= y Trading and Marketing, L.L.C. Legislation/Regulation Congress q= uizzes fired Andersen partner on Enron role WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) -= Congressional investigators said on Wednesday they quizzed fired Andersen = audit partner David Duncan about the accounting firm's ties to collapsed en= ergy trading giant Enron Corp. Justice official refuses to step aside = on Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The head of the U.S. Justice Departm= ent's investigation of Enron rejected suggestions on Wednesday that he shou= ld step aside because of his ties to a law firm that had represented the gi= ant energy company. Bush Administration Says Enron Calls Were Routine = By Bob Deans, Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Jan. 16 The Bush administr= ation has said the flurry of phone calls Enron Corp. executives made to sen= ior Cabinet officials last fall were routine communications that take place= between the government and corporate America. Senate Panel Reviews En= ron over Tax Breaks By John C. Henry, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 16 Enron Cor= p., which sought federal tax breaks as the company hurtled toward bankruptc= y last fall, is coming under scrutiny by federal lawmakers for possible mis= use of corporate tax laws. White House plays down talk of Pitt Enron r= ecusal WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The White House on Wednesday played do= wn suggestions that Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt= recuse himself from the commission's probe of fallen energy trader Enron C= orp. Gas Pricing/Hubs Canada spot natgas again higher with U.S. f= utures NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) Canadian spot natural gas prices moved s= lightly higher for the second day in a row Wednesday, again taking cues fro= m stronger NYMEX gas futures that were boosted by short covering, industry = sources said. NYMEX Hub gas ends up, AGA storage data seen neutral NE= W YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas, propped early by a firm cash and sh= ort covering ahead of weekly inventory data, ended higher Wednesday, but sh= owed little reaction to the late release of a neutral storage report, sourc= es said. NYMEX, incremental demand push up U.S. spot natgas SAN FRANC= ISCO, Jan 16 (Reuters) U.S. day-ahead natural gas extended small gains on W= ednesday as firm NYMEX trade, lifted by short covering, and increased heati= ng demand extended cash prices at most pipelines a third straight day, sour= ces said. Production Phillips UK Jade oil/gas field to start up e= nd-Jan LONDON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The startup of the Phillips Petroleum oper= ated Jade oil and gas field in the British North Sea has been pushed back b= y a month to end January, a company spokeswoman said on Wednesday. Nat= ural Gas Output Drops Jan 16, 2002 - www.newsok.com Production of natural = gas -- Oklahoma's leading energy export -- dropped 11 percent in the first = 10 months of 2001. Futures February Futures Climbs on Sizeable St= orage Withdrawal Jan. 16 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) February natural gas futur= es settled up 10.3 cents at $2.394 as today's latest American Gas Associati= on storage report detailed a substantial decrease to reserves, which prolon= ged the bout of short covering that has prevailed so far this week. Special= Offer from this Publisher! Natural gas edges higher ahead of AGA rel= ease Jan 16, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas futures edged = higher in Tuesday's session as short covering support underpinned quiet tra= de. LNG Govt. Expects Definition on LNG Project in Feb. Bolivia= , Jan 16, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Bolivia's government expects = to receive further clarification from investors and consumers to proceed wi= th the liquid natural gas (LNG) export project, Bolivia's foreign minister = Gustavo Fernandez said, quoted by Los Tiempos. Pipelines Millenni= um gas line faces stiff fight in suburban N.Y. NEW YORK, Jan 15 (Reuters) = Westchester County, an upscale suburb just north of New York City, said Tue= sday it plans to fight the Millennium pipeline project that would bring nat= ural gas from Canada to the New York metropolitan region. L?terminates= share purchase deals on 2 Indonesian gas pipeline projects SINGAPORE, Ja= n 15, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- L?Group Investments Ltd said its wholly= -owned subsidiary L?Petromas Pte Ltd has terminated agreements on its acqui= sition of stakes in two gas pipeline projects in Indonesia. PGN needs = $2.95 billion to develop gas pipeline Jan 16, 2002 - Associated Press Stat= e-owned gas company PGN will need about US$2.95 billion in funds up to 2007= to develop four pipeline projects in the country that are aimed at meeting= growing gas demand, according to a senior company executive. Rates = For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] U= tility Costs in West Virginia Rose 6.6 Percent in 2001, State Lawmakers Lea= rn By Phil Kabler, The Charleston Gazette, W.Va., Jan. 15 State residents'= costs for electric, gas, water and telephone utilities jumped an average o= f 6.6 percent in 2001, Public Service Commission Consumer Advocate Billy Ja= ck Gregg said Monday. Rigs Drilling Activity Up in Western Canada= Jan 16, 2002 - Resource News International The number of Canadian oil and= gas rigs active as of Tuesday, January 15, totaled 495, up from the previo= us week's 473, according to the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Co= ntractors (CAODC). Storage AGA says U.S. weekly natgas stocks fal= l 137 bcf WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The American Gas Association issued= the following weekly estimates of U.S. working gas in storage (in bcf): = General U.S. Senator from Texas May Aid Enron Workers By Jack Doug= las Jr., Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 16 Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison= is considering giving away some of the campaign contributions she received= from Enron if the money could help employees of the collapsed energy tradi= ng company, she said Monday. Some Bush Officials Sold Enron Stock Befo= re Bankruptcy By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 16 Government ethi= cs rules forced Bush administration officials to sell their Enron Corp. sto= ck last year, a move that, in the end, spared them hundreds of thousands of= dollars in losses when the Houston energy giant imploded. Enron Made = Campaign Contributions to Some North Carolina Politicians By Paul B. Johns= on, High Point Enterprise, N.C., Jan. 15 Rep. Howard Coble is one of four c= ongressmen from North Carolina who received contributions from the bankrupt= Enron Corp., reports a pair of campaign-finance tracking organizations. = Andersen rushes out ads in try to boost confidence NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Re= uters) A week after it was found that Andersen destroyed documents that cou= ld be crucial to the government's probe into Enron Corp.'s collapse, the ac= counting firm on Wednesday took out full-page ads in major U.S. newspapers = to attempt to restore confidence in its business practices. Enron whis= tleblower also warned Andersen-lawmakers WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) Sher= ron Watkins, the Enron Corp. executive who warned the company's chairman of= troubling accounting practices, also spoke to the former energy giant's au= ditor last August, U.S. lawmakers said on Wednesday. Enron's Woes Don'= t Worry Jenkintown, Pa., Subsidiary's Workers By Margie Fishman, The Phila= delphia Inquirer, Jan. 16 Williard Inc. employees in Jenkintown are followi= ng the news blitz about the massive bankruptcy and investigation of their p= arent company, energy trader Enron Corp., with interest but little immediat= e concern. Oregon Senator Donates Money Received from Enron to Former = Workers By Tom Detzel, The Oregonian, Portland, Ore., Jan. 15 Sen. Gordon = Smith, R-Ore., who's taken in more Enron campaign cash than any Oregon poli= tician, said Monday he'll donate the money to Enron workers whose retiremen= t accounts shriveled with the company's stock. Ex-Enron Employee Hawki= ng Manual By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 16, 2002 = (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Getting laid off from Enron Corp. turned Matt Mit= chell into an entrepreneur. Trading/Marketing UBS Wuffli says Enr= on trading ops acquisition diversification not new strategy ZURICH, Jan 1= 6, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- UBS AG president Peter Wuffli said UBS W= arburg's acquisition of Enron Corp wholesale energy trading operations repr= esents a diversification of already existing trading technology and risk ma= nagement, not a new strategy. Legal INTERVIEW-Nikko unit may mull= legal action over Enron TOKYO, Jan 17 (Reuters) - The new president of Ni= kko Cordial Corp's asset management unit -- a major Japanese victim of Enro= n Corp's failure -- said on Wednesday his company may consider taking legal= action against the U.S. energy trader. Energy company sues Andersen; = experts expect many more suits for accounting firm By ALAN CLENDENNING AP = Business Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 16, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- An e= nergy company has sued Arthur Andersen LLP, the accounting firm that issued= audits for Enron Corp., and experts predict that Andersen will soon face a= rash of similar lawsuits accusing it of complicity in Enron's spectacular = collapse. Financial Enron may find it likes Pink Sheet trading B= y Mark Weinraub, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) Collapsed energy trading firm E= nron Corp., under heavy scrutiny for the accounting it used to polish earni= ngs, has one thing to be thankful for: It does not have to report its finan= cial performance anymore. El Paso's Southern Natural files $200 mln de= bt offer WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) El Paso Corp.'s Southern Natural Gas= Co. unit filed on Wednesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission to= sell up to $200 million in debt securities. Enron joins attacks, econ= omy as earnings excuse By Denise Duclaux, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) When = Enron Corp. threw in the towel to file for the biggest U.S. bankruptcy ever= late last year, the fallen energy trader left companies ranging from banks= to dairies nursing bumps and bruises. Feds Study Enron Effect on Econ= omy By RON FOURNIER, WASHINGTON, Jan 16, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- W= hite House economic adviser Larry Lindsey studied the economic impact of th= e potential collapse of Enron Corp. as the Texas-based energy firm struggle= d for its financial life, the Bush administration disclosed Wednesday. = Natural gas well tax valuations going up Jan 16 - Charleston Daily Mail O= wners of producing natural gas and oil wells in the state will see about a = 50-percent jump in the assessed value of those wells this year because of b= ooming natural gas prices, State Tax Commissioner Rebecca Melton Craig said= . Enron, Andersen bond went beyond auditing By KRISTEN HAYS Associate= d Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 15, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Arthur= Andersen LLP didn't just monitor Enron Corp.'s books. Energy funds: C= an a sooty sector finally throw some heat? By Guy Halverson Staff writer = of The Christian Science Monitor, NEW YORK, Jan 14, 2002 (The Christian Sci= ence Monitor via COMTEX) -- Dan Gillespie, who manages the Rydex Energy Fun= d, likes his sector - big time. Financial - Ratings RESEARCH ALER= T-Morgan Stanley rates Alliant Energy 'neutral' NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters)= Morgan Stanley on Wednesday began coverage on Alliant Energy Corp. with a = "neutral" rating, calling the company "a solid, regulated business with ups= ide potential from unregulated generation, international energy, and E?oper= ations." Financial - Results Dominion to meet or exceed 2001 esti= mates RICHMOND, Va., Jan 16 (Reuters) - Dominion Resources Inc., one of th= e largest U.S. energy producers, on Wednesday said its 2001 earnings before= special charges will meet or exceed Wall Street expectations. Low ene= rgy prices batter Canadian service firms CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 16 (Reuters= ) Canadian energy service firms are expected to post sharply lower fourth-q= uarter earnings, with one analyst saying on Wednesday the stocks will langu= ish until the U.S. economy turns around. International Piechota s= ays he wants gas deal with Russia by year's end Jan 16, 2002 (New World P= ublishing via COMTEX) -- Economy Minister Jacek Piechota yesterday declared= his desire to finalize the gas deal with Russia by the end of this year. = Suez Group Mulls New Energy Projects Peru, Jan 16, 2002 (BNamericas.c= om via COMTEX) -- France's Suez group is interested in increasing its prese= nce in Peru's energy sector and is looking at several potential projects in= the country, reported Diario Gestion. Prodi threatens to use special = directive to force energy liberalisation STRASBOURG, Jan 16, 2002 (AFX-Eu= rope via COMTEX) -- European Commission President Romano Prodi said he may = use a special single market directive to force liberalisation of the EU's g= as and electricity markets if no progress is made by member states. Tr= actebel To Announce New Plant In Mexico MEXICO CITY, Jan 15, 2002 (Reform= a/Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Tractebel Pr= esident Jean Pierre Hansen next Monday will be in Mexico to meet with Mexic= an President Vicente Fox, and will ratify his company's commitment to the c= ountry, reported Mexico City daily Reforma business columnist Dario Celis E= strada. Congress to Debate Private Investment in Energy Sector Mexic= o, Jan 16, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Mexico's congress will debat= e whether or not to allow private investment in the country's energy sector= this March, energy commission president Juan Camilo Mourino said, quoted b= y Diario de Monterrey. Natural Gas Liberalisation for Valentine`S Day = Jan 16, 2002 - South American Business Information February 14, 2002, mark= s the official liberalisation of the natural gas sector, permitting private= firms to enter into Contratos de Servicios Multiples (CSM). Ukraine W= ants to Cooperate with Brazil in Oil, Gas Extraction Jan 16, 2002 - Itar-T= ass News Agency Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma said his country wants to= cooperate with Brazil in the extraction of oil and gas in the Black Sea an= d the Sea of Azov. Nga to Formulate Action Plan for Domestic Gas Use = Jan 16, 2002 - Africa News Service THE Nigerian Gas Association is set to p= ut forward an action plan for the utilisation of gas as an alternative sour= ce of fuel in the country. If you are an Energy Central News Subscri= ber and you have checked any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Articl= es' button below will deliver all of the checked articles in one page. This= is a convenient way to get exactly the news you need - quickly! = NEED INFORMATION ON THE POWER INDUSTRY? ENERGY CENTRAL'S GOT IT! ENERGY = CENTRAL DAILY ELECTRIC POWER NEWS An e-mail news service that delivers ev= ery major story every day directly to your e-mail address. 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