Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/18/02
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:36:52 -0800 (PST)

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TOP STORIES Enron collapse could affect China gas pipeline BEIJIN=
G, Jan 17 (Reuters) The collapse of U.S. energy trader Enron Corp has throw=
n into question funding for a $400 million natural gas pipeline project in =
China which was billed as the first joint venture of its kind. NYC subu=
rb launches attack to block Canada gas line NEW YORK, Jan 17 (Reuters) Wes=
tchester County, an affluent suburban area north of New York City, vowed on=
Thursday to use every political and legal weapon in its arsenal to block a=
$700 million pipeline that would carry natural gas from Canada to the New =
York region. Weak Rivalry, Delinquent Consumers Keep Natural Gas Prices=
High in Georgia By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Ja=
n. 17 Consumers who don't pay their bills account for about 12 percent of m=
onthly natural gas bills for those who do pay, according to research prepar=
ed for the Georgia Public Service Commission. Press Release LODES=
TAR Corporation to Provide Billing Capabilities to Georgia System Operation=
s Corporation PEABODY, Mass., January 16, 2002 LODESTAR Corporation, the w=
orld's leading provider of software solutions for energy companies, today a=
nnounced that Georgia System Operations Corporation (GSOC) will use LODESTA=
R's BillingExpert? software solution to manage interval data and price, cal=
culate imbalances, perform energy settlement, and present trading partners =
information to meet the new billing demands in the energy marketplace. =
California Crisis CPUC Says Power Authority Should Not Invest in Gas =
Lines or Storage Jan. 17 (California Energy Markets) The California Public=
Utilities Commission believes that existing and planned natural gas infras=
tructure improvements will be more than sufficient to meet state needs thro=
ugh 2006 and that the California Power Authority should not make any invest=
ments in gas delivery or storage facilities. Special Offer from this Publis=
her! ADVERTISEMENT Gain the competitive intelligence you need =
to make informed business decisions. Energy Central's Operating Plant Exper=
ience Code (OPEC) is a must for all aspects of analyzing nuclear power plan=
t performance. Identify causes of poor performance, compare lost generation=
trends, and set performance criteria! Free trial - visit http://www.energy=
central.com/sections/databases/OPEC National Energy Policy Wh=
ite House to move ahead on energy plan with directives CHICAGO, Jan 17 (Re=
uters) Faced with a Senate impasse over legislation to boost U.S. energy pr=
oduction, the Bush administration will turn to executive orders to push for=
ward its agenda, a senior Energy Department official said on Thursday. =
White House dismisses report it favored Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 17 (Reuters=
) - The White House on Thursday denied its energy plan had been crafted to =
benefit Enron Corp., President George W. Bush's biggest political patron, c=
alling a senior Democrat's report on the matter a "waste of taxpayers' mone=
y." Bush enlists US unions in push for energy plan By Patricia Wilson=
, WASHINGTON, Jan 17 (Reuters) U.S. President George W. Bush enlisted labor=
leaders on Thursday to press Democratic allies in the Senate to approve oi=
l drilling in an Alaskan wildlife refuge, saying his energy plan would crea=
te jobs. Competition & Deregulation For reports and related informa=
tion on this topic visit our Data Center [IMAGE] TXU sets up Oncor, re=
gulated energy delivery unit DALLAS, Jan 17 (Reuters) TXU Corp. said on Th=
ursday it had set up a new unit called Oncor to operate and maintain its el=
ectricity and natural gas delivery infrastructure in Texas as part of the s=
tate's move to deregulate electricity. EU sets July 1 deadline for Fra=
nce to embrace gas, electricity liberalization BRUSSELS, Belgium, Jan 17,=
2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The European Union's executive Commiss=
ion Thursday set a July 1 deadline for France to endorse a liberalization o=
f the gas and electricity markets, a key part of efforts to make the EU eco=
nomy more competitive. Legislation/Regulation Fired Enron Auditor=
Deflects Blame By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2=
002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The auditor fired for destroying documents in=
the Enron Corp. affair is laying the blame squarely on his accounting firm=
, Arthur Andersen LLP, telling congressional investigators he was just foll=
owing advice from its lawyers. US SEC's Pitt proposes post-Enron accou=
nting boss WASHINGTON, Jan 17 (Reuters) - U.S. Securities and Exchange Com=
mission Chairman Harvey Pitt on Thursday proposed a tougher governing body =
for accountants to help prevent future financial debacles like Enron Corp.'=
s collapse. Sen. Mulls Removal from Enron Probe By MARCY GORDON AP B=
usiness Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Because =
Enron's political reach was so wide, it is becoming difficult to find gover=
nment officials without connections as federal law enforcement agencies and=
Congress pursue investigations of the collapsed energy-trading giant. =
Enron settles with FCC over license transfers WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters=
) Fallen energy giant Enron Corp. has agreed to pay $7,500 to settle charge=
s that the company failed to seek proper approval for the transfer of wirel=
ess licenses to various entities, U.S. telecommunications regulators said o=
n Wednesday. FACTBOX-US committees, agencies in Enron investigation N=
EW YORK, Jan 17 (Reuters) Eight U.S. congressional committees and three fed=
eral agencies are probing various aspects of Enron and its collapse. G=
as Pricing/Hubs Canadian natgas rises slightly behind U.S. prices CAL=
GARY, Alberta, Jan 17 (Reuters) Spot natural gas prices in Canada edged up =
slightly on Thursday because of stronger U.S. physicals early in the day, i=
ndustry sources said. NYMEX Hub gas ends lower on technical selloff N=
EW YORK, Jan 17 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended lower Thursday despite a firm=
er physical market, pressured by bearish fundamentals and some technical se=
lling after an early attempt to move higher stalled, industry sources said.=
U.S. spot natgas makes slight gains on weather SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 17=
(Reuters) U.S. day-ahead natgas made slight gains on Thursday, firming on =
moderate weather-related demand as dealers reported seeing increased sellin=
g from gas storage ahead of mild weather forecasts next week, when cash pri=
ces are likely to retrace. Drilling/Exploration Marathon abandons=
two Gulf of Mexico wells HOUSTON, Jan. 16 , Jan 16 (Reuters) Marathon Oil=
Co. said Wednesday two exploratory wells it drilled in the deep waters of =
the U.S. Gulf of Mexico failed to uncover any oil or natural gas. Judg=
e Lifts Order Blocking Oil Drilling PITTSBURGH, Jan 16, 2002 (AP Online v=
ia COMTEX) -- A judge Wednesday lifted an order blocking a 71-well oil and =
gas drilling project in the Allegheny National Forest, saying environmental=
ists have not yet shown the wells would harm the forest. Jordan to end=
orse new exploration for gas in Risheh Jan 16 - Middle East News Online Th=
e government is expected soon to endorse a decision to start exploring for =
gas in Risheh field's untapped area, sources in the energy sector said on T=
uesday. Futures February Futures Shed Length Acquired on Wednesda=
y's AGA Run Jan. 17 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) In an "impressive sell-off," Fe=
bruary natural gas futures settled down 14 cents at $2.254 as the length th=
at was acquired in Wednesday's trading was liquidated today. Special Offer =
from this Publisher! Natural gas higher on encouraging AGA draw Jan=
17, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas futures ended Wednesday'=
s session higher as fund buying support underpinned trade. Pipelines =
"Over-the-top" Arctic pipeline seeks support CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 16 =
(Reuters) - Executives behind an ambitious plan for a C$12.5 billion ($7.8 =
billion) pipeline to tap both Alaska and northern Canada natural gas filed =
details with regulators on Wednesday while admitting they lacked key suppor=
t from major producers, governments and native groups. Phillips optimi=
stic about Alaska gas pipeline ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Jan. 16 (Reuters) - Phil=
lips Petroleum will seek permits to build a pipeline to ship natural gas fr=
om Alaska's North Slope to Lower 48 markets, as long as Congress acts this =
year to aid the project, a company representative told state lawmakers in J=
uneau on Wednesday. Arctigas files preliminary application for a $12-b=
illion gas pipeline JAMES STEVENSON, CALGARY, Jan 16, 2002 (The Canadian =
Press via COMTEX) -- A little-known company called ArctiGas Resources wants=
to bridge the political quagmire of two competing natural gas pipeline pro=
jects, with a plan for a shorter $12-billion line that will access massive =
reserves in both the Northwest Territories and Alaska. Bg to Start Act=
ion to Use Pipeline Jan 17, 2002 - South American Business Information The=
Brazilian BG, the arm of British Gas, can start an action to resume the tr=
ansport of 2mil m3 of natural gas through the pipeline Bolivia - Brasil, to=
meet the demand of Comgas at Sao Paulo state. Poland set to finance g=
as pipeline to Europe, says Russian source Jan 16 - BBC Monitoring Former =
Soviet Union Poland has confirmed its commitment to financing the first uni=
t of the Yamal-Western Europe gas pipeline in the originally expected amoun=
t, a source in the Russian presidential delegation visiting Poland told TAS=
S on Wednesday [16 January]. General Most Texas Politicians Plan =
to Keep Enron Money By Armando Villafranca, Houston, Jan. 17 Enron Corp. h=
as been a generous benefactor to Texas politicians and most intend to keep =
the money, despite the company's collapse that cost 4,500 people their jobs=
and many more their retirement savings. Northern Indiana Utility to C=
lose Five Service Hubs, Eliminate Jobs By Keith Benman, South Bend Tribune=
, Ind., Jan. 17 The Northern Indiana Public Service Co. will close five of =
its 12 service hubs in Northern Indiana and eliminate jobs among the linewo=
rkers and others who staff them. Enron, Andersen Tightly Entangled; Ex=
perts Question Links between Two Firms By Robert Manor, Chicago Tribune, J=
an. 17 Accounting giant Andersen and collapsed power trader Enron Corp. sha=
re a long and now uncomfortably close relationship that begins--but certain=
ly doesn't end--with a procession of executives who moved from the auditing=
firm to occupy top posts at Enron. New rules to encourage Canada coal=
bed methane wells VICTORIA, British Columbia, Jan 16 (Reuters) British Col=
umbia moved to encourage development of its estimated 90 trillion cubic fee=
t of coalbed methane reserves on Wednesday, reducing royalty charges and of=
fering drilling incentives. Most Lawmakers Lost Money on Enron By DA=
VID PACE Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via C=
OMTEX) -- Six months before Enron Corp.'s collapse, California Rep. Jane Ha=
rman unloaded more than $250,000 in the company's stock when it was still t=
rading in the $50 range. Enron's auditor has financial ties of its own=
to lawmakers, Bush administration By CHRISTOPHER NEWTON Associated Press =
Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Auditing gi=
ant Arthur Andersen, which faces federal investigations into the destructio=
n of Enron documents, has given large contributions to the Bush administrat=
ion and lawmakers playing key roles in the inquiry, according to a governme=
nt watchdog group. Memo: Andersen Raised Concerns in Feb. By MARCY G=
ORDON AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -=
- Senior managers at Arthur Andersen raised concerns about Enron Corp.'s ac=
counting practices last February and considered dropping the energy company=
as a client, according to an accounting firm memo uncovered by congression=
al investigators. Enron's Chief Executive to Part with Aspen, Colo., H=
omes By Nancy Lofholm, The Denver Post, Jan. 17 Three weeks before Enron C=
orp. filed for bankruptcy, for-sale signs went up on two typically plush As=
pen mansions and an undeveloped lot with a prized view of Aspen Mountain. =
Enron Workers Net Profits though Sales of Company Trinkets on eBay By =
Daniel J. Vargas, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 17 Newsflash: Enron is turning a =
profit. Oklahoma Governor to Meet with Conoco Chief Executive By Rick=
Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 16 It's been nearly two months since P=
hillips Petroleum Co. announced it would acquire Conoco Inc. and move its h=
eadquarters to Houston, but efforts to alter that plan are still alive in O=
klahoma. Enron Sells Company Plants By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press=
Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 16, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Despite its bankru=
ptcy and layoffs, Enron Corp. offered its remaining Houston employees a bou=
nty of botanical bargains Wednesday. Deals/Contracts Despite Worr=
y, Houston City Council Approves Contract with Arthur Andersen By Matt Sch=
wartz, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 17 City Council approved a $200,000 contract=
with Arthur Andersen on Wednesday despite concerns from two council member=
s about the consulting firm's involvement in the collapse of Enron Corp. =
Costain in $86 mln deal to build gas plant LONDON, Jan 17 (Reuters) Cos=
tain Group Plc said on Thursday it had won a 60 million pound ($86 million)=
contract with Burlington Resources Inc to build a gas compression and trea=
tment plant in Barrow-in-Furness, northwest England. Legal Housto=
n Teachers Group Joins Legal Fray over Enron Houston Chronicle, Jan. 17 Th=
e Houston Federation of Teachers, with 675 members who say $30 million in p=
ension funds was invested in Enron Corp. stock, filed an amended lawsuit We=
dnesday asking a court to order that no further Enron documents be destroye=
d. People Fired Andersen Auditor Worked Closely with Enron Chief =
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 17 Before he was fired for destroyin=
g documents related to the country's biggest bankruptcy case, Arthur Anders=
en auditor David Duncan stayed out of his firm's spotlight, but frequently =
worked shoulder to shoulder with Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay in visible civi=
c endeavors. Enron Executive Who Wrote Memo Draws Media Notice By Bil=
l Murphy, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 17 Sherron Smith Watkins is described as =
a "very hard worker" and "a very direct person." Ex-Lieberman Aide Lob=
bied For Enron By LARRY MARGASAK Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan=
16, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Sen. Joseph Lieberman's former top aide=
, working as an Enron lobbyist, met three times with the senator's staff an=
d tried unsuccessfully to arrange a meeting between Enron's chairman and Li=
eberman - now leading an investigation of the failed energy company. L=
arry Thompson Heading Enron Inquiry By RON KAMPEAS Associated Press Write=
r, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- When it comes to whit=
e-collar crime, the deputy attorney general has argued both sides: In the 1=
980s, then-U.S. attorney Larry Thompson jailed fraudsters; in the 1990s, pr=
icey private lawyer Larry Thompson sought to overturn fraud convictions. =
Financial Critics Caution against Cozy Auditor-Client Ties By Laur=
a Goldberg, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 17 The relationship between Enron Corp.=
and auditor Arthur Andersen provides a vivid picture of the perils account=
ing critics see when the relationship between auditor and client become too=
tight. Progress Energy sees closing stock price in error RALEIGH, N.=
C., Jan 16 (Reuters) Progress Energy Corp. said it believes an error may ha=
ve contributed to a $5 per share discrepancy between the closing price of i=
ts stock on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday and the price of its shar=
es in the after hours market. Citigroup sheds light on Enron, Argentin=
a exposure NEW YORK, Jan 17 (Reuters) Citigroup Inc., one of Enron Corp.'s=
top lenders, on Thursday broke its silence and said it has about $650 mill=
ion in secured loans to the bankrupt energy trader, plus unsecured debts an=
d short-term financing, after taking a fourth-quarter hit for the former en=
ergy giant. N.M. Funds Took $54.5 Million Enron Bath Jan 17 - Albuque=
rque Journal Four of New Mexico's largest investment funds lost almost $55 =
million because of the Enron Corp. bankruptcy filing last month, according =
to fund managers. Dynegy Announces Additional Share Purchase by Chevro=
nTexaco HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 17, 2002 Dynegy Inc. today announce=
d that ChevronTexaco will exercise its pre-emptive right to retain its prop=
ortionate 26.5 percent common stock ownership interest in the company. =
Financial - Results Kinder Morgan quarterly net income rises NEW YOR=
K, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Pipeline operator Kinder Morgan Inc. said on Thursday=
fourth-quarter net income rose 30 percent on stronger transportation earni=
ngs as well as higher earnings from its retail operations. Internation=
al Statoil says swaps offshore stakes with ExxonMobil OSLO, Jan 17 (R=
euters) Norwegian energy company Statoil said on Thursday that it had obtai=
ned new production licences in the Barents Sea after swapping some of its i=
nterests on the Norwegian continental shelf with ExxonMobil. Macau to =
build natural-gas facilities China, Jan 16, 2002 (ChinaOnline via COMTEX)=
-- Macau will build natural-gas pipelines and storage facilities, whose in=
itial cost is estimated at US$100 million, to provide an alternative energy=
source to residents. Enron Down but Not Out Overseas By BRUCE STANL=
EY AP Business Writer, LONDON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Knock=
ed out but not yet dead, Enron Corp. remains a potential player in Europe's=
commodities trading business, and many of its overseas power plants and ot=
her projects continue to hum. UK energy customers paying 120 mln stg a=
year for competition - MPs Jan 16 - AFX Electricity and gas customers are=
paying an extra 120 mln stg for the cost of companies modifying their syst=
ems to support the introduction of competition in the market, a select comm=
ittee report has found. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber=
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