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Infocast =09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09 HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES= | DATA CENTER MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 2002 =09 =09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Save $100 now on "Load Management= 2001 - Balancing Customers, Regulators and Energy Demand" by The C Three G= roup. The report reveals how programs are in a state of flux with some vend= ors struggling as utilities face great ambiguity. It includes candid and so= metimes hard-hitting commentary on the design details of 18 leading utility= programs as well as 23 vendor profiles. The report analyzes major issues, = trends and technology developments. Gain insights and competitive intellige= nce in this essential report. Complete table of contents and profile sample= s are available at http://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D1008= 37 TOP STORIES Virginia Gas Company Wants to Offer Users Choice= By Carolyn Shapiro, Daily Press, Newport News, Va., Jan. 19 Columbia Gas = of Virginia, jumping on the energy-deregulation bandwagon, wants to let all= its customers choose their natural-gas supplier. Atlas Pipeline buys T= riton Coal from Vulcan NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) Atlas Pipeline Partners,= operator of gas pipeline systems in the U.S., announced on Friday it was p= lanning to acquire Triton Coal Company from New Vulcan Coal Holdings. S= audi gas committee meets top ExxonMobil officials RIYADH, Jan 19 (Reuters)= Officials from Saudi Arabia and ExxonMobil have met to chart progress in t= he kingdom's huge gas opening in which the supermajor has star billing, the= official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported overnight on Friday. Energ= y Security Federal Agencies Warn of Possible Terrorist Attacks on U.S.= Utilities By Seth Borenstein, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 18 Tw= ice this week federal security agencies have warned city, county and state = officials about possible terrorist attacks on American utilities, according= to threat advisories that Knight Ridder obtained. National Energy Pol= icy Bush Refuses Congress' Request for Data on Cheney-Enron Talks By = Bennett Roth, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 18 The White House on Thursday reject= ed congressional requests that it make public information about Vice Presid= ent Dick Cheney's energy task force that met six times with Enron officials= last year. ADVERTISEMENT Public Utilities Fortnightly magazine= is providing last minute advertising opportunities in their annual "Gas Ex= ecutives Forum" issue. In addition to reaching Fortnightly's influential re= aders, this issue will receive bonus distribution at the GasMart/Power 2002= Conference. Contact Joe Paparello for details at paparello@pur.com or 703-= 847-7759. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures E.ON to ask gov= t to lift cartel block on Ruhrgas buy FRANKFURT, Jan 19 (Reuters) - German= utility E.ON said on Saturday it would ask the government to overrule a ca= rtel office decision to block its purchase of a 25.5 percent stake in Ruhrg= as, the country's main natural gas supplier. Federal Trade Commission = Wants More Details about Phillips-Conoco Merger Deal By Russell Ray, Tulsa= World, Okla., Jan. 18 The Federal Trade Commission is seeking more informa= tion about Phillips Petroleum Co.'s planned merger with Conoco Inc. Ch= inese Oil Co. to Buy Properties Jan 18 - Associated Press China's offshore= oil and gas producer CNOOC Ltd. said Friday it has agreed with internation= al oil producer Repsol-YPF to acquire nine Repsol subsidiaries in Indonesia= for $585 million in cash. Legislation/Regulation All But One Tex= an in Congress Received Donations from Enron The Dallas Morning News, Jan.= 18 Enron has been a powerful source of political contributions in Texas, g= iving money to all but one member of the state's congressional delegation. = House Investigators Focus on Enron Auditors By Jerry Seper, The Washi= ngton Times, Jan. 19 House investigators probing the collapse of Enron Corp= . have focused on officials at the Houston-based company's accounting firm,= Arthur Andersen & Co., trying to determine who at Andersen gave the order = to destroy thousands of Enron financial records and why. Enron collaps= e looms as U.S. election fodder AUSTIN, Texas, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Democrat= s are making an election-year attempt to charge Republicans with guilt by a= ssociation in the Enron scandal, but Republican operatives say the accusati= ons will not stand up. Senate energy panel says sets Jan 29 hearing on= Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Res= ources Committee said on Friday it has scheduled a hearing for Jan. 29 on t= he collapse of energy trading giant Enron Corp. Responding in 'timely'= way to Enron requests-US Trsy WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) Treasury Secre= tary Paul O'Neill responded on late Friday to a lawmaker's request for deta= ils of Treasury contacts with officials from bankrupt Enron, saying that re= quests from the many government bodies examining the energy giant's collaps= e would be addressed in a "timely" manner. Enron Donations By The As= sociated Press, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Enron individual and= company contributions from 1989 through 2001 to members of Congress who ar= e on committees investigating the company's collapse. Congress Members= Took Enron Donations By JESSE J. HOLLAND Associated Press Writer, WASHIN= GTON, Jan 18, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- More than $700,000 in campaign= donations has gone from Enron Corp. to the members of seven congressional = committees investigating its collapse, but none of the lawmakers has decide= d to drop out of the probe. Bush can't put Enron behind him By MARTI= N SIEFF, Senior News Analyst, WASHINGTON, Jan 18, 2002 (United Press Intern= ational via COMTEX) -- President George W. Bush has so far proven masterful= at toppling murderous tyrants and the terrorists they protect half way aro= und the world. Connecticut Democratic Leaders Seek Answers for Agency'= s Loss to Enron By Ken Dixon, Connecticut Post, Bridgeport, Jan. 17 Democr= atic majority leaders Wednesday announced support for legislative hearings = into the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority's apparent loss of $220 m= illion in a deal with the bankrupt Enron Corp. Gas Pricing/Hubs N= YMEX Hub gas ends mixed, fronts off on weather, techs NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Re= uters) NYMEX gas ended mixed Friday in a holiday-shortened session, with fr= ont months pressured by a soft physical market, fairly mild weather forecas= ts next week and some technical selling after yesterday's sharp slide, sour= ces said. Canada natgas eases ahead of U.S. holiday weekend NEW YORK,= Jan 18 (Reuters) Spot natural gas prices in Canada eased Friday, taking cu= es from lower U.S. gas prices and expectations of weak demand early next we= ek due to the Martin Luther King Day holiday on Monday, industry sources sa= id. Despite Expected Snow, Cash Slides with Futures, Coming Warmth Ja= n. 18 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) Cold weather and snow are expected for central= and eastern portions of the country today and Saturday, but the falling fu= tures contract and forecasts calling for temperatures to rise back into the= 50s next week allowed gas prices for weekend delivery to slip. Special Off= er from this Publisher! Holiday weekend, temps push U.S. spot natgas = lower SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 18 (Reuters) U.S. spot natural gas packages for d= elivery through Tuesday were pushed lower Friday, with most dealers pinning= the drop to lighter demand over the Martin Luther King Day holiday weekend= . Production Shell starts two new U.S. Gulf oil and gas fields N= EW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) Two new subsea fields in the U.S. Gulf, Crosby an= d Einset, have started up, Shell Exploration & Production Co. (SEPCo) said = on Friday. Gas Supply/Demand Denver Energy Consultant Says U.S. C= ould See Natural-Gas Crunch Again By Steve Raabe, The Denver Post, Jan. 18= Today's low natural-gas prices could leave Americans in a future supply sq= ueeze, a Denver energy consultant said Thursday. Drilling/Exploration = Pakistan awards exploration rights to Canadian firm KARACHI, Jan 18 (= Reuters) Pakistan has awarded an oil and gas exploration concession to a jo= int venture led by a Canadian firm Scimitar Hydrocarbons Corporation in cen= tral Punjab province, the official APP news agency said on Friday. Arc= tic Drilling Won't Harm Polar Bears By JOHN HEILPRIN Associated Press Wri= ter, WASHINGTON, Jan 17, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Interior Secretary = Gale Norton believes there's room for both polar bears and oil drillers in = a remote Alaska refuge. Futures Naturals gas edges lower in cauti= ous pre-weekend trade. Jan 22, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural = gas futures edged further south in Friday's session as market anxiety emerg= ed to weigh on pre-weekend trade. LNG China gas hopes brighten = By Tracey Joynson, Jan 19, 2002 (The West Australian - ABIX via COMTEX) -- = Australia is on a short list to provide China with about $A1.1bn worth of l= iquefied natural gas (LNG) a year. Pipelines Egypt Exports Natura= l Gas To Jordan Jan 18 - Middle East News Online Egyptian and Jordanian of= ficials discussed the establishment of a USD 200 million natural gas pipeli= ne project, as part of Egypt's plan to extend its natural resources to the = Levant. Path of pipeline still not known Jan 19 - The Charleston Gaze= tte A proposed natural gas pipeline could be seen from such places as Hawks= Nest State Park. Rates For more information on rate tariffs visit = Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] 6% gas bill rise is on the way Jan 19 - The = Herald - Glasgow GAS bills for ScottishPower customers are to increase by a= n average of 6%, more than three times the rate of inflation, from next mon= th. Lgw Bills Not Shock They Were Last Winter Jan 17 - The Commercial= Appeal After monthly utility bills of up to $212 last winter, William Duck= worth won't quibble with the $73 bill he got from Memphis Light, Gas & Wate= r last month. Rigs Baker Hughes-U.S. rig count up 13, Canada up 1= 0 NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) The number of rigs searching for oil and gas = in the United States rose by 13 to 869 during the week ending Jan. 18, acco= rding to oil services firm Baker Hughes. Domestic Oil and Gas Rig Coun= t Up HOUSTON, Jan 18, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The number of rigs a= ctively exploring for oil and natural gas in the United States this week in= creased by 13 to 869. General Florida to Investigate Purchase of = Enron Stock for State Pension Fund By Mark Hollis, South Florida Sun-Senti= nel, Jan. 18 Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth said Thursday that hi= s office has opened an investigation into whether a money-management firm h= ired by the state's pension fund acted improperly when it made poorly timed= purchases of Enron stock. Ex-Andersen Employees Doubt Former Colleagu= e Acted Alone in Destroying Files By Mike Tolson, Houston Chronicle, Jan. = 18 When the glare of publicity suddenly found him, David B. Duncan was cast= as a rogue accountant, panicked into a shredding frenzy by the thought of = investigators sifting through his auditing team's paperwork. Enron's B= roadband-Unit Hype Didn't Match Reality By Tom Fowler, Houston Chronicle, = Jan. 18 A year ago this month, at Enron's annual analysts' meeting at the F= our Seasons Hotel in Houston, then-President Jeff Skilling was emphatic abo= ut the potential of the company's broadband Internet business. CHRONOL= OGY - Rise and fall of energy giant Enron NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) Follo= wing are key dates in the history of energy trading giant Enron Corp.: = Enron at box office? Never say never in Hollywood LOS ANGELES, Jan 19 (Re= uters) - Here's the pitch: A thriller about a tough working mom who tries t= o blow the lid off a financial scam at a giant energy company that ultimate= ly leads to the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history and threatens to drag do= wn the White House with it. Execs Struggle With Enron Scandal By CON= NIE CASS Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 19, 2002 (AP Online via C= OMTEX) -- Clearly, in the pinched language of damage control, "mistakes wer= e made." CIOs Offer Perspectives and Insights on Shared Services at th= e Utility By Jon T. Brock, IssueAlert, Jan. 17 (Scientech) Four chief info= rmation officers (CIOs) for electric and gas utilities participated on a pa= nel entitled "Shared Services" this last Tuesday at the Energy-IT Conferenc= e in New Orleans. Special Offer from this Publisher! KUB's fee balloo= ns for gas service calls today; Gas, electric now equal Jan 18 - News Sent= inel Beginning today, gas customers of the Knoxville Utilities Board will b= egin paying a minimum of $39.95 for service calls. Trading/Marketing = Dynegy CEO Says Energy Trading Is Not Guilty of Causing Enron Debacle = By Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 18 Dynegy Chairman and Chief Exec= utive Chuck Watson said Thursday that Enron's downfall should not become an= indictment of the energy-trading business. Bankruptcy judge approves = UBS-Enron trading deal NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) - A U.S. bankruptcy cour= t judge on Friday approved UBS Warburg's plan to buy Enron Corp.'s energy t= rading business, the one-time crown jewel of the troubled company. War= burg Skims Cream from Top of Enron Trading Operations Jan. 20 (California = Energy Markets) This week Enron Corporation and Swiss banking giant UBS AG = revealed details of their arrangement to have the UBS Warburg affiliate tak= e over Enron's wholesale trading operations, including the EnronOnline elec= tronic trading platform. Special Offer from this Publisher! Deals/Con= tracts Russia, Vietnam, Japan Sign Agreement on Oil, Gas Jan 20, 2002= - Itar-Tass News Agency Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko h= as signed a trilateral agreement under which the Russian foreign trade comp= any Zarubezhneft, the Vietnamese state corporation PetroVietnam and the Jap= anese corporation Idemitsu will set up a consortium to develop an oil field= on Vietnam's continental shelf. OPPD awards contract to Enron unit J= an 19 - Omaha World - Herald The Omaha Public Power District Thursday enter= ed a contract with a subsidiary of the bankrupt energy giant Enron, but off= icials with the electric utility said the deal does not put Omaha ratepayer= s at risk. Legal Enron lawyer raised partnership concerns-Salon.c= om NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) An Enron Corp. lawyer raised the alarm last = summer at the energy trader about off-balance-sheet partnerships that helpe= d drive it into bankruptcy, said Internet media company Salon.com on Friday= . Judge orders Andersen to stop shredding documents HOUSTON, Jan 18 (= Reuters) A Texas judge on Friday ordered accountancy firm Andersen to halt = the destruction of documents relating to its auditing of energy trading fir= m Enron Corp.which collapsed into bankruptcy late last year. States Fi= le Lawsuit Against Enron By ROBERT TANNER AP National Writer, Jan 18, 200= 2 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- With the Enron collapse wiping out at least $1 = billion from the retirement funds of teachers, firefighters and other publi= c employees, states are joining a class-action lawsuit to win back some mon= ey from the once-giant energy trading company. People As Ex-Regul= ator, Enron Director Should Have Seen Signals, Critics Say By Jim Landers,= The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18 Wendy Lee Gramm's official profile begins= with a bouquet from The Wall Street Journal, which in 1999 called her "the= Margaret Thatcher of financial regulation." Enron Chairman Is Missour= i Native and University of Missouri-Columbia Grad By David Goldstein, The = Kansas City Star, Mo., Jan. 18 Embattled Enron chairman Kenneth Lay is an a= lumnus of the University of Missouri-Columbia who endowed a $1.1 million ch= air in international economics three years ago. Madison Gas and Electr= ic names CEO Wolter Chairman MADISON, Wis., Jan 18 (Reuters) Madison Gas &= Electric Co. on Friday said it named President and Chief Executive Gary Wo= lter to the additional post of chairman. Former Enron executive quits = as Texas PUC chairman AUSTIN, Texas, Jan 18 (Reuters) - A former Enron Cor= p. executive resigned on Friday as chairman of the Texas Public Utility Com= mission amid concerns his ties to the scandal-tainted company could hurt Go= v. Rick Perry. Enron lobbyist Racicot elected Republican party chairma= n By JIM VERTUNO Associated Press Writer, AUSTIN, Texas, Jan 18, 2002 (AP= WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The Republican National Committee elected Marc = Racicot, a former state governor and lobbyist for Enron Corp., as party cha= irman Friday, brushing off concerns about his ties to the failed energy gia= nt. Clinton Giving Enron Cash to Charity NEW YORK, Jan 18, 2002 (AP = Online via COMTEX) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that she woul= d donate her campaign contributions from Enron to a charitable fund being s= et up to help employees of the failed energy giant. Fuel FPL pull= s a switch; Plan to burn natural gas is cause for cautious optimism Jan 18= - Sarasota Herald Tribune Four years after losing a lengthy battle to burn= a controversial fuel substitute, Florida Power & Light is ready to do what= many critics wanted the utility to do all along -- switch to cleaner- burn= ing natural gas. Financial Enron Fires Andersen as Its Auditor B= y Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 18 As evidence surfaced Thursday tha= t Arthur Andersen was worried about Enron Corp.'s accounting and conflicts = of interest as early as February, the one-time energy giant fired Andersen = as its auditor. Enron Head Touted Stock Amid Trouble By MARCY GORDON= AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 19, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Buy= the company's stock, Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay urged employees a month af= ter he was warned that the energy-trading giant faced potential accounting = scandals. Shareholders in Small Houston Oil Firm Mutiny over Company's= Freefall By Michael Davis, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 19 A nasty fight is es= calating between shareholders and management of Adair International Oil and= Gas, a small Houston oil company that has been making big promises but so = far has not delivered. Andersen's Pride and Morale Take Hits in Midst = of Enron Scandal By Delroy Alexander, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 19 As revelati= ons in the Enron scandal rain down on the Andersen accounting firm, its emp= loyees have found themselves transformed from the confident champions of a = mighty industry to players in one of the most sordid stories in the history= of American business. Energy Forecast Dismal By Russell Ray, Tulsa W= orld, Okla., Jan. 18 U.S. oil and gas producers should prepare for lower re= venues and prices in 2002. U.S. Taxpayers May Have to Pay Millions for= Enron's Overseas Losses By James Kuhnhenn, Knight Ridder Washington Burea= u, Jan. 19 In the aftermath of Enron's collapse, which ruined the investmen= ts and retirement accounts of thousands of Americans, U.S. taxpayers may ha= ve to pay millions of dollars for the company's losses from overseas invest= ments. ChevronTexaco moves to keep 26.5 pct Dynegy stake HOUSTON, Jan= 17 (Reuters) Dynegy Corp, which pulled out of a deal to acquire rival ener= gy trader Enron Corp. in November, said on Thursday oil giant ChevronTexaco= Corp. will exercise its right to buy new shares of Dynegy, thus retaining = a 26.5 percent stake. Enron, Auditor Pin Blame on Each Other By MARC= Y GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 18, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX= ) -- Enron Corp. and its auditor, Arthur Andersen, are trying to pin respon= sibility on each other for allowing questionable financial practices to con= tinue and push Enron toward bankruptcy. Memo Warned of Enron Meltdown = HOUSTON, Jan 19, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A memo in which an Enron = Corp. whistle-blower raised serious concerns that the company would "implod= e in a wave of accounting scandals" was initially a response to chairman Ke= nneth Lay's promise to answer employee questions, a newspaper reported. = Report notes growing gas demand despite recession Jan 19 - Tulsa World P= ipeline companies such as Williams Cos. Inc. and El Paso Corp. need to inve= st about $3.2 billion a year through 2015 to meet increased demand for natu= ral gas, an industry group says. Financial - Results Houston-Base= d Kinder Morgan Energy Companies Report Record Yearly Earnings By Michael = Davis, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 18 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners and its gen= eral partner Kinder Morgan both reported record annual earnings Thursday, d= riven by strong internal growth and a good performance by newly acquired pi= pelines and storage facilities. NUI posts lower 1st-qtr results, cuts = '02 outlook BEDMINSTER, N.J., Jan 18 (Reuters) NUI Corp., a natural gas co= mpany, on Friday posted lower first-quarter earnings and lowered its earnin= gs outlook for 2002, citing a sluggish economy, ongoing weakness in the tel= ecommunications equipment sector and extremely warm temperatures. Inte= rnational Totalfina eyes Enron's Dabhol-India official BOMBAY, Jan 19= (Reuters) - France's Totalfina Elf is interested in buying a stake in ruin= ed energy giant Enron Corp's Dabhol Power Company (DPC), an Indian official= said on Saturday. Petrobras Eyes Enron's Stake in TGS Argentina, Ja= n 18, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Brazil's federal energy company P= etrobras is eyeing the stake that US-based power company Enron owns in Arge= ntine natural gas transport company Transportadora de Gas del Sur (TGS), ac= cording to business newspaper Buenos Aires Economico. MPs demand Ofgem= keep price controls on utilities Jan 18 - The Guardian More than 35 MPs y= esterday signed an early day motion calling on Ofgem, the energy regulator,= to keep the remaining price controls on gas and electricity which it propo= ses to abolish. Montedison unbundles gas transport, storage unit Jan = 18 - AFX Montedison SpA said it has met a legal requirement to separate, or= "unbundle", its gas transport and storage activities into a new separate u= nit called Edison T&S. Two executives from Gazprom subsidiary charged = with abuse of authority Jan 18 - Associated Press Prosecutors charged two = top executives late Friday from a subsidiary of the world's largest gas com= pany Gazprom with abuse of authority, the first indictments handed down in = an investigation after a Kremlin-urged crackdown on Russia's freewheeling g= as industry. Mexico's state-owned oil company to launch largest invest= ments in 20 years MEXICO CITY, Jan 17, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -= - Mexico's state-owned oil monopoly Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, will inv= est 134 billion pesos (dlrs 14.7 billion) in 2002 out of a total budget of = 218 billion (dlrs 23.9 billion) the company's director said Thursday. = If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you have checked any new= s articles above, selecting the 'Get Articles' button below will deliver al= l of the checked articles in one page. This is a convenient way to get exac= tly the news you need - quickly! NEED INFORMATION ON THE POWER IN= DUSTRY? ENERGY CENTRAL'S GOT IT! ENERGY CENTRAL DAILY ELECTRIC POWER NEW= S An e-mail news service that delivers every major story every day direct= ly to your e-mail address. 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