Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/24/02
Date:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:45:35 -0800 (PST)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Competitive Intelligence now avai=
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blisher=3D11408&rtype=3Dall TOP STORIES BG gets cut-price Enron=
India fields LONDON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Britain's BG Group Plc said on We=
dnesday it would pay stricken U.S. energy trader Enron a knock-down $350 mi=
llion for its stake in three oil and gas fields off western India after ren=
egotiating the deal. Natural Gas Rates May Decline Again for Las Vegas-=
Area Customers By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 23 Las V=
egas area natural gas customers will get a third consecutive decrease in ra=
tes if state regulators approve a proposal submitted by Southwest Gas Corp.=
late Tuesday. Providence, R.I., Gas Firm, Union, Set New Talks on Cont=
ract By Timothy C. Barmann, Providence Journal, R.I., Jan. 23 New England =
Gas Co. and the union that represents nearly a third of its workers have ag=
reed to meet with a federal mediator on Friday to try to resolve their disp=
ute over a new contract. Press Release Excelergy Completes Record=
Year in 2001 LEXINGTON, MA (January 23, 2002) Excelergy Corporation, the =
world's leading provider of high performance software products automating b=
usiness processes in the energy/utility industry and other restructuring ma=
rkets, reported today it completed a record quarter for sales in Q4 2001. T=
his capped a record year for Excelergy for 2001, a year in which overall re=
venues increased 65 percent, overall bookings increased 89 percent, softwar=
e license revenue grew 91 percent, and maintenance and support services rev=
enue grew 130 percent despite generally down market conditions in the techn=
ology sector. National Energy Policy Democrats Increase Pressure =
Over Enron By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2002=
(AP Online via COMTEX) -- Four top Democratic senators Wednesday gave thei=
r full support to a General Accounting Office inquiry into meetings between=
the Bush White House and industry leaders on administration energy policy.=
Massachusetts Senator Seeks Energy Panel List By Glen Johnson, The B=
oston Globe, Jan. 23 The Bush administration's reluctance to say who advise=
d the White House task force as it formulated its national energy policy in=
dicates the guidance was tilted toward the oil and gas industry and not out=
siders with novel ideas, Senator John F. Kerry said yesterday. Senate =
Republicans want mid-Feb energy bill vote WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - S=
enate Republican Leader Trent Lott on Wednesday said he expects the Senate =
to begin debate on a broad energy bill early next month and hopefully vote =
on the measure by mid-February. ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE YOUR CAR=
EER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features, premier e=
mployers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest on-line =
job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs Compe=
tition & Deregulation For reports and related information on this topic =
visit our Data Center [IMAGE] PSC Strengthens Consumer Protections in =
Competitive Energy Markets Albany, NY - January 23, 2002 (News Release) To=
further strengthen consumer protections in New York's competitive energy m=
arkets, the New York State Public Service Commission today voted on financi=
al requirements that will apply to energy services companies (ESCOs) offeri=
ng prepayment plans or requiring deposits from their customers. Legisl=
ation/Regulation Enron Auditor Refuses to Testify By MARCY GORDON AP=
Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The Ar=
thur Andersen auditor fired for his role in the destruction of Enron-relate=
d documents is refusing to testify to Congress about the shredding, his att=
orney said Wednesday. Panel Seeks Enron Tax Return Release By CURT A=
NDERSON AP Tax Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A=
Senate committee asked Enron Corp. on Wednesday to authorize release of it=
s tax returns to give the public and Congress a "more informed understandin=
g" of the bankrupt energy trader's financial dealings. Enron Debacle C=
ould Fuel Campaign-Finance Battle By Dick Polman, The Philadelphia Inquire=
r, Jan. 23 The last decade has not been kind to those who want to take big =
money out of politics. Congressional Investigators Subpoena Andersen O=
fficials in Enron Case Chicago Tribune, Jan. 23 Congressional investigator=
s decided Tuesday to subpoena four top Andersen officials, including its ch=
ief executive, to testify before a Thursday hearing about destruction of th=
e accounting firm's documents related to Enron Corp.'s collapse. Devel=
opments Related to Enron Probe By The Associated Press, Jan 23, 2002 (AP =
Online via COMTEX) -- Senior officials of the Arthur Andersen accounting fi=
rm are receiving subpoenas to compel them to testify to Congress about the =
massive destruction of Enron-related documents. Bush Defends Administr=
ation's Dealings with Enron's Fall By Ron Hutcheson, Knight Ridder Washing=
ton Bureau, Jan. 23 President Bush defended his administration's handling o=
f the Enron debacle Tuesday and expressed outrage at the losses suffered by=
the company's stockholders, including his mother-in-law. US Congress =
returns to Enron, recession, politics By Thomas Ferraro, WASHINGTON, Jan 2=
3 (Reuters) U.S. lawmakers return on Wednesday for the second and final yea=
r of the 107th Congress with the Enron scandal, the recession and the upcom=
ing November elections crowding center stage. White House cancels phot=
o op with Congress leaders WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) The White House on=
Wednesday abruptly canceled a picture-taking session between President Geo=
rge W. Bush and congressional leaders to lay out his agenda as Congress ret=
urns to work after a holiday recess. Ex-Senator Metzenbaum calls for S=
EC head to resign WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Retired Senator Howard Metz=
enbaum, now head of a leading U.S. consumer group, said on Wednesday that H=
arvey Pitt should resign as Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman bec=
ause of his past work representing accounting firms. Gas Pricing/Hubs =
Canada gas eases slightly behind lower U.S. prices NEW YORK, Jan 23 (=
Reuters) Canadian spot natural gas prices eased Wednesday, taking cues from=
lower U.S. values as a glut of gas in storage and mild weather forecasts f=
or gas hungry regions continued to set a bearish tone, sources said. N=
YMEX Hub gas ends mixed, fronts off on weather, AGAs NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reu=
ters) NYMEX Hub gas ended mixed Wednesday in moderate trade, with front mon=
ths pressured to new lows early by mostly mild U.S. weather forecasts, then=
again later by a bearish weekly inventory report, sources said. Mild =
weather drives U.S. spot natgas lower again SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 23 (Reuters=
) U.S. day-ahead natural gas prices lost ground again Wednesday as mild wea=
ther restrained heating demand, traders said. Futures Feb Futures=
Weakens as AGA Figure Prompts Fresh 4-Month Low Jan. 23 (Btu's Daily Gas =
Wire) February natural gas futures settled 3 cents lower at $2.076 after th=
e American Gas Association reported a withdrawal from gas storage at the lo=
wer end of most market expectations. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Natural gas hits fresh low on weak fundamental outlook Jan 23, 2002 (T=
radeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas futures extended downside weakness i=
n Tuesday's session as fresh long liquidation emerges to weigh on trade. =
LNG Three Firms on List for China's First LNG Project BEIJING, Ja=
n 23, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Three overseas suppliers were shortlisted=
by China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC), the nation's third largest oi=
l company, for a 10 billion U.S. dollars supply contract for China's first =
liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, according to Wednesday's China Daily. =
Four LNG Terminals Planned for Mexico Mexico, Jan 23, 2002 (BNameric=
as.com via COMTEX) -- Three US energy companies are planning to build four =
liquid natural gas (LNG) terminals in Mexico, each one costing between US$3=
50mn and US$400mn, according to Ed Weatherly, petroleum terminals group man=
ager at Industrial Information Resources. Pipelines Petronas conf=
ident Thai-Malaysia gas pipeline to get approval in March KUALA LUMPUR, J=
an 23, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) said=
it is confident the Thai-Malaysia gas pipeline project will obtain officia=
l approval in March and begin work in April, Bernama reported. Gas Nat=
ural invests 5.76 mln eur in Tarragona gas pipeline MADRID, Jan 23, 2002 =
(AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Gas Natural SDG SA said it has invested 5.76 mln=
eur in the construction of a gas distribution pipeline in Tarragona, north=
ern Spain. Rates For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rat=
e Tariffs [IMAGE] National Gas Utility to Ask Pennsylvania Commission =
for Rate Cut By Doug Oathout, Erie Times-News, Pa., Jan. 22 Home heating b=
ills, already far below year-ago levels, are likely to dip even lower. =
Storage AGA says U.S. weekly natgas stocks fell 124 bcf WASHINGTON, =
Jan 23 (Reuters) The American Gas Association issued the following weekly e=
stimates of U.S. working gas in storage (in bcf): General Federal=
Authorities Take Over at Enron's Houston Headquarters Knight Ridder Washi=
ngton Bureau, Jan. 23 Federal authorities appeared to take control of Enron=
's headquarters here Tuesday in response to mounting accusations that vital=
documents were being shredded by the bankrupt energy empire's employees. =
CHRONOLOGY - Rise and fall of energy giant Enron NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reu=
ters) Following are key dates in the history of energy trading giant Enron =
Corp.: Security Team Leaves Enron to Form Consulting Company By Alan =
Bernstein, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 Enron's top security team, including =
four former CIA officers and an ex-FBI agent, has left the company to form =
a private consulting firm. ConAgra Foods Nearly Took Enron Route out o=
f Nebraska By Steve Jordon, Omaha World-Herald, Neb., Jan. 22 Kenneth L. L=
ay came to Omaha in 1985 and left, more or less for good, in 1986. Tra=
ding/Marketing Oil firms want trustee to control key Enron unit HOUST=
ON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Wiser Oil Co. and several other creditors have asked a=
federal judge to place a trustee in control of Enron North America Corp., =
the core wholesale energy trading subsidiary of bankrupt Enron Corp., an at=
torney representing Dallas-based Wiser said on Wednesday. Legal E=
nron Creditors Seek Outside Supervision of Firm's Management By Eric Berge=
r, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 Lawyers for Enron creditors have asked a U.S.=
bankruptcy judge to appoint an outsider to supervise the current managemen=
t or take control of the troubled company. Enron Contributions Are at =
Issue in Texas Judge's Confirmation to Federal Post By Janet Elliott, Hous=
ton Chronicle, Jan. 23 Enron's political contributions have become an issue=
in the confirmation battle involving a Texas Supreme Court justice who has=
been nominated to a federal appellate bench. Lawyers Agree on Propose=
d Restraining Order to Safeguard Enron Documents By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston =
Chronicle, Jan. 23 Attorneys for Enron shareholders agreed late Tuesday on =
a proposed restraining order to safeguard financial documents and investiga=
te their destruction by employees of the company and its auditor, Arthur An=
dersen. People Texas Congressman Changes Course, Gives Enron Dona=
tion to Worker Fund By Kristen Mack, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 Reversing =
himself, U.S. Rep. John Culberson said Tuesday he would donate the $5,000 h=
e received from Enron's political action committee to a fund benefiting the=
company's employees. Sen. Gramm Could Face Conflict of Interest if Hi=
s Wife Is Questioned on Enron By David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicle, Jan. =
23 Wendy Gramm, a member of Enron's board of directors, stands to lose more=
than $686,000 in retirement funds because of the company's bankruptcy fili=
ng. Hunt rejoins SEC, another commissioner may join soon By Peter Ram=
jug, WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Isaac Hunt on Wednesday regained his comm=
issioner seat at the Securities and Exchange Commission, filling one of sev=
eral empty slots as the SEC continues to piece together the complex dealing=
s behind Enron Corp.'s dramatic fall. Environmental NE states to =
press clean air case with U.S. EPA WASHINGTON, Jan 22 (Reuters) Eight stat=
es will press the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wedne=
sday to cease any effort to weaken Clean Air Act limits on emissions from p=
ower plants, refineries and industrial plants, a member of the New York att=
orney general's staff said on Tuesday. Environmental Groups in West Vi=
rginia Plan Protest for President Bush's Visit By Ken Ward Jr., The Charle=
ston Gazette, W.Va., Jan. 22 Environmental and citizens groups plan to welc=
ome President Bush to Charleston today with a protest against the administr=
ation's energy policies. Financial North Carolina Banks, State Pe=
nsion Fund among Shareholders Hurt by Enron Hit By Rick Rothacker, The Cha=
rlotte Observer, N.C., Jan. 23 Charlotte's big banks and the state pension =
funds in both Carolinas are among the thousands of Enron Corp. shareholders=
forced to sell shares in a decline or hold on to nearly worthless stock af=
ter the Houston energy company's collapse. Enron Spinoff Pays Bill for=
Sins of Its Parent By Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 EOTT Ener=
gy Partners was battered on the New York Stock Exchange Tuesday, mainly bec=
ause of problems related to its former parent, Enron Corp. Enron, Kmar=
t Woes Highlight Role of Surety Bonds By Sheryl Jean, Saint Paul Pioneer P=
ress, Minn., Jan. 23 Two of the nation's biggest bankruptcies -- the recent=
failures of energy trader Enron Corp. and Kmart Corp. -- has focused atten=
tion on a little-known, but widely used insurance product: surety bonds. =
Orogen, Oil Search shares surge MELBOURNE, Jan 23 (Reuters) Oil Search =
Ltd's A$1.4 billion offer for Orogen Minerals Ltd drove the once lagging sh=
are prices of both companies higher on Wednesday as the merged entity was s=
een as a vastly more attractive company with growth potential. Anderse=
n Quakes as Enron Puts Accountancy into Crisis By Matthew Lynn, Sunday Bus=
iness, London, Jan. 20 David Duncan probably never expected to have a huge =
impact on his profession. Accounting Oversight Board to Disband WASH=
INGTON, Jan 23, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A board that oversees the ac=
counting profession has voted to disband after raising concerns about propo=
sed changes in the way firms are regulated following the collapse of Enron.=
Financial - Ratings Standard & Poor's Warns of More Enron-Like F=
ailures, Urges Better Disclosure By Robert Bailhache, Sunday Business, Lon=
don, Jan. 20 Standard & Poor's, one of the world's leading credit-rating ag=
encies, has urged global financial markets to enforce a culture of greater =
disclosure if spectacular corporate failures such as Enron's are to be mini=
mised. Financial - Results Berlin, Conn.-Based Northeast Utilitie=
s Says Revenues Up 17 Percent in 2001 By David A. Smith, Waterbury Republi=
can-American, Conn., Jan. 23 Northeast Utilities Inc., which owns subsidiar=
ies serving 1.3 million electric and gas customers in Connecticut, said Tue=
sday its 2001 revenues increased 17 percent, helping push its year-end prof=
its to nearly $245 million. Schlumberger earnings fall on big tax bite=
HOUSTON, Jan 22 (Reuters) - Schlumberger Ltd., the world's No. 1 oilfield=
services company, said Tuesday its fourth-quarter net income fell as taxes=
took a big bite out of its operating income, which rose despite a slowdown=
in oil and natural gas drilling in North and South America. Energen t=
o take fourth-quarter Enron-related charge BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan 23 (Reute=
rs) Diversified energy company Energen Corp. said on Wednesday that it will=
take a fourth-quarter charge, as well as a benefit in 2002, for its exposu=
re to troubled energy trader Enron Corp. Kerr-McGee posts net loss vs =
year-ago profit OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Exploration and producti=
on company Kerr-McGee Corp. on Wednesday posted a fourth-quarter net loss, =
reversing a year-ago profit, as oil and natural gas prices fell sharply on =
weak demand. Progress fourth-quarter earnings beat estimate RALEIGH, =
N.C., Jan 23 (Reuters) Progress Energy Inc., which owns utilities distribut=
ing electricity and natural gas in the U.S. Southeast, on Wednesday reporte=
d a fourth-quarter profit compared with a year-earlier loss and beat Wall S=
treet earnings expectations despite mild weather and a slowdown in industri=
al demand because of the weak economy. Burlington Resources posts loss=
after charges HOUSTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Independent oil and gas produce=
r Burlington Resources Inc. on Wednesday posted a fourth-quarter loss due t=
o sharply lower natural gas prices and one-time charges linked to the sale =
of oil and gas properties. Helmerich & Payne Q1 net falls, cuts foreca=
st NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) Contract energy drilling and exploration fir=
m Helmerich & Payne Inc. said on Wednesday that its first-quarter net incom=
e fell based on low natural gas prices and said its 2002 results would miss=
expectations. WGL Holdings cuts first-quarter profit outlook WASHING=
TON, Jan 23 (Reuters) WGL Holdings Inc., the parent company of Washington G=
as Light Co., said on Wednesday it expects first-quarter profits to fall be=
low expectations due to warm weather and fallout from bankrupt energy compa=
ny Enron Corp. Amerada Hess earnings fall on low oil prices NEW YORK,=
Jan 23 (Reuters) - Oil and gas company Amerada Hess Corp. on Wednesday sai=
d fourth-quarter earnings dropped 85 percent from last year's peaks on lowe=
r natural gas and oil prices and compounded by weaker refining profit margi=
ns. Exxon Mobil Q4 profits down nearly 50 pct NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reute=
rs) - Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, r=
eported a 49 percent drop in fourth-quarter profits on Wednesday as the rec=
ession put the brakes on petroleum demand and sent prices tumbling from the=
ir year-ago highs. International Andersen May Lose Audits for Top=
British Firms in Enron Fallout Evening Standard, London, Jan. 22 Accounti=
ng giant Andersen is facing the prospect of losing more lucrative contracts=
to audit some of Britain's leading companies as concerns grow over the fir=
m's role in the collapse of energy group Enron. Iran Starts Exporting =
Gas to Turkey BAZARGAN Border (Iran), Jan 23, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) --=
After a three-year delay due to technical problems, Iran has started trans=
porting natural gas to the neighboring Turkey following an official ceremon=
y. Woodside chases BP assets By Ian Howarth and Stephen Wisenthal, J=
an 24, 2002 (The Australian Financial Review - ABIX via COMTEX) -- The Aust=
ralian oil and gas company, Woodside Petroleum, is engaging investment bank=
s to fund a new deal. Spanish energy commission could investigate BBVA=
stakes in Repsol and Iberdrola Jan 22, 2002, (Expansion /FT Information v=
ia COMTEX) -- The Spanish energy commission (CNE) could launch an investiga=
tion into Spanish bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) to analyse wh=
ether its stakes in oil group Repsol YPF and power utility Iberdrola breach=
legal restrictions on stakes in rival companies. Arthur Andersen assu=
red operations can continue in Emirates ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, =
Jan 23, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Concerned monetary officials ha=
d summoned representatives of the former auditing firm of bankrupt U.S. ene=
rgy giant Enron, but said Wednesday the company could continue to operate n=
ormally in the United Arab Emirates. Scandal over missing funds may hu=
rt chances of Fox's energy bill By Edgar Hernandez, Mexico City, Jan 22, =
2002 (EFE via COMTEX) -- The investigation of the alleged diversion of $120=
million from Pemex to the 2000 PRI presidential campaign coffers may affec=
t the debate on an energy reform bill sponsored by the government because P=
RI members believe the allegation are part of a political vendetta of the a=
dministration. Hong Kong & China Gas in talks for two gas projects in =
Shangdong Province HONG KONG, Jan 22, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Hong =
Kong & China Gas Co Ltd said it is negotiating two projects in Qingdao-Jimo=
and the Laoshan Hi-Tech Development Zone in Shandong Province. UK Fir=
ms Are Caught Up in the Backlash from Enron Debacle Sunday Business, Londo=
n, Jan. 20 Andersen faces a backlash in this country because of its involve=
ment with Enron. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and yo=
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