Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/25/02
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:32:23 -0800 (PST)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Do the right energy professionals=
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white papers, e-mail mjohnson@energycentral.com. http://www.energycentral.c=
om/sections/research TOP STORIES Georgia Senator's Plan Would E=
stablish Regulated Gas Supplier By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-C=
onstitution, Jan. 24 Legislation is due to be promoted in the state Senate =
today that would establish a regulated supplier for the state's deregulated=
natural gas market. Reliant Energy Entex Reduces Gas Bills for Houston=
Customers by 22 Percent By David Kaplan, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 Houst=
on residents got good news Wednesday, thanks to the continued drop in natur=
al gas prices. US gov't oil, natgas royalties at record $8.61 bln WASH=
INGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) The U.S. government collected a record $8.61 billi=
on during the most recent budget year from royalties paid by energy compani=
es drilling for oil and natural gas on federal leases, according to figures=
released on Thursday. Press Release City Utilities Of Springfiel=
d, MO Enhances Customer Management Flexibility Using SPL WorldGroup Softwar=
e Morristown, New Jersey - January 24th, 2002 SPL WorldGroup B.V. (SPL), t=
he leading provider of customer management solutions to the global energy, =
water and waste management industries, has successfully implemented SPL's c=
ustomer management software product at City Utilities of Springfield, MO (w=
ww.cityutilities.net ). City Utilities is a customer-owned utility that ser=
ves approximately 90,000 customers in southwest Missouri with electric powe=
r, natural gas and water. National Energy Policy Cheney again ref=
uses to give energy policy details By Randall Mikkelsen, WASHINGTON, Jan 2=
3 (Reuters) Vice President Dick Cheney's office again refused on Wednesday =
to turn over details of how the White House formulated its energy policy --=
including bankrupt Enron Corp.'s involvement -- despite increased pressure=
from Congress. Bush Calls for More Mining; Kerry Rips `Status Quo' Pl=
an Chicago Tribune, Jan. 23 As the Senate prepares for an imminent tussle =
over energy legislation, President Bush and Sen. John Kerry engaged in a lo=
ng-distance debate Tuesday over the value of conservation versus increased =
domestic oil, coal and gas production. Gephardt says US should seek en=
ergy independence By Thomas Ferraro, WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) U.S. Hou=
se of Representatives Democratic leader Richard Gephardt, a potential 2004 =
White House contender, says the United States should seek to become energy =
independent by the end of this decade. ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE Y=
OUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features, pr=
emier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest o=
n-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs =
Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Gas Group BG to Buy Assets in I=
ndia for $350 Million from Enron Daily Mail, London, Jan. 24 Enron's troub=
les helped gas group BG to shave 10 percent off the price of the Indian oil=
and gas assets it is buying from the scandal-racked US company. Oklah=
oma Governor Fails to Keep Phillips Petroleum from Houston Move By Rick Ro=
binson, The Daily Oklahoman , Jan. 23 A last-ditch effort by Gov. Frank Kea=
ting to retain the headquarters of Oklahoma's biggest company came up short=
Tuesday. BP to decide fate of Woodside global strategy By Nigel Wil=
son, Jan 25, 2002 (The Australian - ABIX via COMTEX) -- Australia's Woodsid=
e Petroleum is competing with international companies for the assets of Veb=
a Oil & Gas. Legislation/Regulation Fired Andersen partner refuse=
s to testify on Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - A fired partner of au=
ditor Andersen on Thursday refused to testify to Congress on the destructio=
n of evidence in the collapse of energy giant Enron, prompting lawmakers to=
say he was frustrating their probe. Text of Enron Auditor's Testimony=
By The Associated Press, Jan 24, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The disc=
ussion Thursday between fired Enron auditor David Duncan and Rep. Jim Green=
wood, R-Pa., chairman of a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee investiga=
ting the Enron collapse: Flurry of Enron Hearings to Begin; Scrutiny M=
ay Lead to Changes in Laws By Christopher Lee, The Dallas Morning News, Ja=
n. 24 When Enron went down, a great many public policy issues came up. =
Democrats May Also Feel Sting from Enron's Lobbying, Campaign Contribution=
s By Robert Schlesinger, The Boston Globe, Jan. 24 With congressional hear=
ings on the Enron Corporation's collapse scheduled to resume today, Democra=
ts face a touchy political question of how much -- if at all -- they can pr=
ofit from the scandal politically. Former SEC Chairman Tried to Change=
Auditing Rules By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 Long before t=
he Enron implosion made clear what happens when giant corporations get too =
cozy with the accountants policing their books, former Securities and Excha=
nge Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt tried to change the rules to make aud=
itors more independent. Andersen blames Enron document destruction on =
Duncan WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Top Andersen executives told lawmakers=
on Thursday that its lead partner for auditing Enron Corp.'s books was lar=
gely responsible for the destruction of a "very substantial volume of docum=
ents" sought by government investigators. Andersen knew early of Enron=
problems-lawmaker WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - A leading U.S. Congressm=
an said on Thursday he believed senior officials from auditing firm Anderse=
n were aware early on of collapsed energy giant Enron Corp.'s financial pro=
blems. White House: Lay resignation will not deter probe WASHINGTON, =
Jan 24 (Reuters) The resignation of Enron Corp chairman Kenneth Lay will no=
t deter the administration from seeking answers to the energy trading firm'=
s spectacular collapse, a White House spokesman said on Thursday. Comm=
ittees investigating Enron By United Press International, Jan 24, 2002 (U=
nited Press International via COMTEX) -- Here is a list of Congressional co=
mmittees investigating Enron: Congress should study derivatives tradin=
g regulation after Enron - Lieberman WASHINGTON, Jan 24, 2002 (AFX-Asia v=
ia COMTEX) -- Senator Joe Lieberman said that Congress needs to restore inv=
estor confidence and protect retirement security, in the wake of Enron Corp=
's collapse, and should also assess whether to regulate energy derivatives =
trading and deregulate energy markets. Auditor Decides Not to Testify =
in Enron Hearing Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 24 The auditor fire=
d for shredding Enron documents in the midst of a government investigation =
has declined to testify before lawmakers when a series of hearings opens Th=
ursday on Capitol Hill. Congress begins marathon series of Enron heari=
ngs WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) A pair of congressional hearings into the=
failure of Enron Corp. will focus on Thursday on the role of the collapsed=
energy giant's auditor, Andersen, and whether regulators could have preven=
ted the crisis. Gas Pricing/Hubs Canada gas prices mixed on weath=
er, stronger U.S. CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 24 (Reuters) Spot natural gas pric=
es in Canada were mixed on Thursday, with eastern prices rising with slight=
ly stronger U.S. physicals while Alberta prices melted on milder weather an=
d ample supplies, sources said. NYMEX Hub gas ends mixed after early s=
hort cover rally NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas, lifted early Th=
ursday by short covering on private forecasts calling for colder weather la=
te next week, ended mixed on the day as upside momentum ran out of steam la=
te in the session, sources said. U.S. spot gas firms slightly despite =
weather outlook SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 24 (Reuters) U.S. day-ahead natgas pric=
es got a small lift on Thursday, with gains at most pipelines coming on coo=
ler Northeast weather forecasts for Friday and firmer NYMEX trade this morn=
ing. Drilling/Exploration Gas Drilling Company Says Rules Too Tou=
gh in La Plata County, Colo. By Electa Draper, The Denver Post, Jan. 23 An=
energy company attorney says the red tape La Plata County has wrapped arou=
nd the gas well in the rural Bellflower Subdivision is pushing the legal li=
mits. Futures Natural gas edges lower on late AGA release weighs =
Jan 24, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas futures ended Wedne=
sday's session lower as late selling pressure emerges to weigh on trade. =
February Futures Sinks after Short-lived Short Covering Run Jan. 24 (Bt=
u's Daily Gas Wire) February natural gas futures settled down 2.8 cents at =
$2.048 as a bout of short covering fizzled out, allowing a tumble to a fres=
h 4-month low for a nearby month and a new low for the contract at $2.025, =
a 5.1-cent loss. Special Offer from this Publisher! Pipelines Pr=
essure to build Arctic pipeline has eased: federal environment minister J=
AMES STEVENSON, CALGARY, Jan 23, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Th=
e need to quickly build a northern pipeline connecting Arctic energy reserv=
es to southern markets has plunged along with natural gas prices, federal E=
nvironment Minister David Anderson said Wednesday. $1.5bn plant hinges=
on gas pipeline By Nigel Adlam, Jan 25, 2002 (Northern Territory News - =
ABIX via COMTEX) -- French aluminium producer Pechiney is considering const=
ruction of a $A1.5 billion aluminium smelter near Darwin. Rates For=
more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Rate =
Jump, Cold Mean Higher Bills for Tucson, Ariz., Southwest Gas Customers By=
David Wichner, The Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Jan. 23 A rate increase plu=
s an unusually cold December added up to rate shock for customers of Southw=
est Gas. General Al Sharpton Comes to Houston, Urges Aid for Enro=
n Investors By S.K. Bardwell, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 The government fa=
iled to protect investors from the downfall of Enron and therefore should f=
ind money to help those who lost their savings in the corporation's collaps=
e, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Wednesday. Enron scandal gives rise to ne=
w verb WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) First Enron was a company. Then it was=
a scandal. Now it is a transitive verb. CHRONOLOGY - Rise and fall of=
energy giant Enron NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) Following are key dates in =
the history of energy trading giant Enron Corp.: Developments Related =
to Enron Case By The Associated Press, Jan 24, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX=
) -- David Duncan, a fired Arthur Andersen LLP auditor, cited his Fifth Ame=
ndment rights, declining to testify to Congress about anything he knows or =
anything he did in the destruction of documents relevant to the collapse of=
Enron.(p) Denver Charter School Gives $4,500 Donation to Enron Pensio=
n Fund By Trent Seibert, The Denver Post, Jan. 23 It's a $4,500 donation n=
obody wants. Trading/Marketing Two Congressional Panels Extend En=
ron Scrutiny to Energy-Trading Allegations By Jim Landers, The Dallas Morn=
ing News, Jan. 24 Two congressional committees are investigating allegation=
s that Enron Corp. manipulated energy trading markets to profit from inside=
r information. Legal Texas Justice's Enron Money Draws Criticism =
By Michelle Mittelstadt, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 23 An Enron scandal=
that has proved nettlesome to the executive and legislative branches now i=
s spilling over to the judiciary, with word that a prospect for a prestigio=
us federal appellate court seat received Enron campaign contributions and l=
ater authored a Texas Supreme Court opinion favorable to the bankrupt energ=
y trader. Texas Attorney General's Opinion in Utility Disclosure Case =
Favored Enron By Wayne Slater, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 24 Attorney G=
eneral John Cornyn sided with Enron in September in a utility case in which=
the company sought to keep financial information secret as it competed for=
business in the deregulated utility market. Enron Documents Cause Att=
orneys to Pull Out of Agreement By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 2=
4 An agreement fell apart Wednesday between attorneys representing Enron sh=
areholders on how to protect financial documents held by the company's form=
er auditor, Arthur Andersen. MidAmerican Energy Goes to Court to Fire =
Iowa Union Worker Waterloo Courier, Iowa, Jan. 22 MidAmerican Energy Co. h=
as gone to federal court to fire a union employee from Waterloo who left 5 =
million gallons of flammable liquefied natural gas unguarded for three hour=
s. Suit Seeks to Apply Federal Racketeering Laws to Enron By Elizabet=
h Allen, San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 24 Former Enron employees hope to u=
se federal racketeering laws to recoup some of the $1.3 billion they lost i=
n retirement money when the Houston-based energy trading company collapsed.=
Lawyers see settlement of massive Andersen suits NEW YORK, Jan 24 (R=
euters) - Andersen, which handled Enron Corp.'s audits, will have to pay wh=
at could be hundreds of millions of dollars to settle massive civil litigat=
ion if it hopes to survive the scandal over the energy trader's collapse, l=
egal experts say. FEATURE-Pension funds seek key role in Enron actions=
By Martha Slud, NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) Public retirement funds, burne=
d by huge losses on Enron Corp., are pressing to play a lead role in the sh=
areholder lawsuits against the company -- and are hoping the fallout over E=
nron's downfall will help spur corporate governance reforms at other U.S. c=
ompanies. Judge grants early Andersen depositions in Enron suit By C.=
Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) A federal judge on Thursday ordered=
six key Andersen employees to give early depositions about the shredding o=
f Enron-related documents, handing an initial victory to shareholders suing=
the auditor and the failed energy giant's top insiders. People E=
nron CEO Quits as Bankrupt Company Looks for a Savior By Charlene Oldham, =
The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 24 Enron Corp. chairman and chief executive o=
fficer Kenneth Lay resigned Wednesday, joining the more than 4,000 Enron wo=
rkers he dismissed in the fallout of the energy trader's dizzying collapse.=
Texas Senator Defends Wife's Actions on Enron By Jim Landers, The Da=
llas Morning News, Jan. 23 Texas Sen. Phil Gramm on Tuesday defended his wi=
fe's actions on Enron Corp.'s board of directors and said the couple lost m=
ore than $600,000 in the energy company's bankruptcy. Colorado Senator=
s to Give Up Campaign Money from Enron, Andersen By Mike Soraghan, The Den=
ver Post, Jan. 23 U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard reversed himself Tuesday and decid=
ed to give up thousands of dollars in political contributions from Enron an=
d Andersen LLP. Newsmaker-Enron's Lay scorned, lauded for vision By A=
ndrew Kelly, HOUSTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Ken Lay, who resigned as chairman an=
d chief executive officer of bankrupt Enron Corp. on Wednesday, was once la=
uded as a visionary of the energy business but more recently vilified as a =
callous profiteer. KeySpan vice chairman/COO to step down NEW YORK, J=
an 24 (Reuters) KeySpan Corp., the largest natural gas distributor in the N=
ortheast, on Thursday said Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer Craig =
Matthews will retire in March. A look at the life of former Enron Chai=
rman Kenneth L. Lay By PAM EASTON Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 24=
, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- A pillow former Enron chief executive=
Kenneth L. Lay once had in his upscale Houston home read: "Happiness is a =
positive cash flow." Sharpton offers Bush mother-in-law help on Enron =
HOUSTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Civil rights activist Al Sharpton offered on Wed=
nesday to help President George W. Bush's mother-in-law recoup her lost Enr=
on Corp. stock investment as part of his campaign to get government help fo=
r victims of the company's financial collapse. Jesse Jackson to meet, =
pray with Enron's Lay HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Civil rights activist Rev.=
Jesse Jackson and former Enron Corp. chief executive Ken Lay were set to t=
alk on Thursday night in a meeting at Enron headquarters that was likely to=
include a prayer session, a Jackson spokesman said. Labor/Human Resou=
rces Enron's Once-Proud Workers Left Feeling Betrayed By Bob Dart, Th=
e Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 24 Enron left a voice mail message for=
Mark Lindquist to let him know that he had been laid off. Officials L=
ook Into Time When Enron Blocked Stock Sales By David Ivanovich, Houston C=
hronicle, Jan. 24 The Labor Department's probe into the Enron debacle has f=
ocused on a period when participants in the company's 401(k) retirement pla=
n were barred from selling their Enron stock, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao s=
aid Wednesday. Williams Cos. to Cut 250 Tulsa, Okla., Jobs By Russell=
Ray, Tulsa World, Okla., Jan. 24 Williams Cos. Inc., one of Tulsa's larges=
t employers, said Wednesday it plans to eliminate about 450 jobs, including=
250 in Tulsa. Financial Derivatives at root of Enron collapse, e=
xpert says By Andrew Clark, WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Enron Corp.'s ext=
ensive use of derivatives, not just its accounting practices, lie at the ro=
ot of the fallen energy giant's slide into the largest bankruptcy in U.S. h=
istory, an expert in the complex financial instruments told Congress on Thu=
rsday. Enron Unit's Losses Were Moved to Another Division, Former Empl=
oyee Says Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 Enron reported a profit at its energy=
-services business last year by moving the unit's huge losses onto the book=
s of another corporate division, a former Enron employee says. Califor=
nia Employees' Retirement System Played Unwitting Role in Enron Debacle By=
Dale Kasler, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Jan. 24 It was a simple and strai=
ghtforward arrangement for CalPERS, and a profitable one, too. What Ac=
counting Changes Should the Energy Industry Expect from the SEC? By Will M=
cNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 24 (Scientech) Responding to growing pressure ove=
r Enron's collapse, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC=
) has proposed to have a group of outside experts discipline accountants ra=
ther than relying on the industry to police itself. Special Offer from this=
Publisher! Enron's Collapse Has Tiny Effect on South Carolina Pensio=
n Fund By R. Kevin Dietrich, The State, Columbia, S.C., Jan. 23 The S.C. R=
etirement Systems lost millions of dollars late last year because of an inv=
estment in troubled Enron Corp. Enron Debacle Is a Wake-Up Call to 401=
(k) Investors By Kelby Hartson Carr, The Free Lance-Star, Fredericksburg, =
Va., Jan. 24 The highly-publicized Enron fiasco is a wake-up call for peopl=
e who invest in employer retirement plans. Progress Energy files $2 bl=
n shelf of debt, equity WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Progress Energy Inc. =
on Wednesday filed with U.S. regulators to sell over time up to $2 billion =
worth of senior debt securities, common and preferred stock and stock purch=
ase contracts and units. Pitt opposes new body under accounting indust=
ry By John Poirier, WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) U.S. Securities and Excha=
nge Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt continued on Wednesday to promote revam=
ping oversight of the accounting profession, saying he opposes a structure =
placing a new oversight body under the control of the industry. FEATUR=
E-Under the gun, earnings reports come clean By Deepa Babington, NEW YORK,=
Jan 24 (Reuters) Now here's something investors will be pleasantly surpris=
ed to see popping up in corporate earnings press releases: Easier-to-unders=
tand financial reports. Financial - Results Exxon Mobil Reports Q=
uarterly Earnings Despite Slump in Oil Prices By Charlene Oldham, The Dall=
as Morning News, Jan. 24 Depressed oil and natural gas prices took their to=
ll on profits for two oil industry bellwethers based in the Dallas area, bu=
t both were able to report some good news Wednesday at the end of a rough f=
ourth quarter. Dynegy Reports Net Income of $77 Million for Fourth Qua=
rter By Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 Dynegy said Wednesday it=
s fourth-quarter earnings were whittled down by special charges mostly rela=
ted to its exposure to Enron and an aborted merger with it, but the full ye=
ar was a record-breaker. Nicor says fourth-quarter earnings up 13 pct =
NAPERVILLE, Ill., Jan 23 (Reuters) Nicor Inc, parent of gas distribution u=
tility Northern Illinois Gas, said on Wednesday its fourth-quarter profits =
rose 13 percent from a year earlier, due partly to stronger performance in =
gas distribution and lower interest expense. Dominion earnings rise, e=
xcluding unusual items RICHMOND, Va., Jan 24 (Reuters) Utility holding com=
pany Dominion Resources Inc. said Thursday fourth-quarter profits rose due =
to strength in its power generation and gas pipeline business. MDU Res=
ources earnings fall as revenue drops BISMARCK, N.D., Jan 24 (Reuters) MDU=
Resources Group Inc., a power and gas utility with oil and gas production,=
on Thursday said earnings fell in the fourth quarter as revenues declined.=
KeySpan agrees to sell barge unit, cuts 2002 eps NEW YORK, Jan 24 R=
euters) - KeySpan Corp, the largest natural gas distributor in the Northeas=
t, said on Thursday fourth-quarter earnings fell as unseasonably warm weath=
er weakened gas prices, and it lowered its 2002 earnings per share forecast=
as a result. Low oil prices batter Phillips, Conoco profits NEW YORK=
, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Phillips Petroleum Co. and Conoco Inc, which are combi=
ning to create the third-largest U.S. oil company, on Thursday separately r=
eported fourth-quarter earnings that fell by nearly 80 percent, humbled by =
lower oil and gas prices. Sempra fourth quarter profits rise LOS ANGE=
LES, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Sempra Energy said on Thursday fourth-quarter profi=
ts rose 11 percent despite flat earnings from its Californian utilities and=
a sharp drop in reported results from its key energy trading business. =
Raleigh, N.C.-Based Utility Reports Strong Fourth-Quarter Earnings By Du=
dley Price, The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 24 Progress Energy, th=
e parent corporation of CP&L, overcame mild weather and a slowing economy t=
hat reduced industrial demand for gas and electricity to report strong four=
th-quarter earnings. International Enron business model in Europe=
still valid-analysts LONDON, Jan 24 (Reuters) The collapse of U.S. energy=
group Enron is unlikely to stop other utilities in Europe adopting a simil=
ar business model to that of the Houston-based giant, an analyst's report s=
aid on Thursday. Peru says Toledo taking "good" gas plan to Bolivia L=
IMA, Peru, Jan 24 (Reuters) Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo is taking B=
olivia a "good proposal" to allow the land-locked Andean nation to export g=
as to the United States and Mexico via Peru, a deputy minister said on Thur=
sday. Iran sees 300 bln usd in revenues over 30 yrs from South Pars ga=
s field ASSALUYEH, Iran, Jan 24, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Iran exp=
ects to generate 300 bln usd in revenues over the next 30 years from the So=
uth Pars natural gas field in the Gulf, Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangeneh =
said. Five French companies face peculiar privatisation problems Jan =
24, 2002, (Le Monde /FT Information via COMTEX) -- The proposed privatisati=
on - either partial or total - of five of France's public-service providers=
presents five different challenges, say observers. If you are an En=
ergy Central News Subscriber and you have checked any news articles above, =
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