Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/29/02
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 18:38:35 -0800 (PST)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Recent events have made security =
a greater priority for everyone. "Energy Infrastructure Security: Protectin=
g Staff, Assets & Operations from Potential Sabotage & Terrorist Threat," a=
new report by Utilis Energy, LLC examines current vulnerabilities, federal=
legislation, and security measures in the energy industry. This report mak=
es recommendations on creating safety and security policies, preventing una=
uthorized access to information systems, enhancing operating reliability, a=
nd improving action plans. Protect your company's assets and resources with=
the essential information in this report. http://www.energycentral.com/lin=
ks/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100838 TOP STORIES AGL chief sees deregulat=
ion reform in Georgia ATLANTA, Jan 28 (Reuters) The chief executive office=
r of gas distribution company AGL Resources Inc. said on Monday that she ex=
pects the Georgia legislature to pass a bill to try to reform the state's d=
eregulated natural gas market. UK's Centrica buys Enbridge Canada custo=
mers LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - British gas and home services firm Centric=
a Plc said on Monday it had agreed to buy the home heating services arm of =
Canada's Enbridge Inc, part of a campaign to capture more North American cu=
stomers. Dynegy expected to acquire Enron's largest pipeline this week =
Jan 28, 2002 - Associated Press Dynegy Inc., once a prospective savior for=
Enron Corp., expects to officially acquire one of the fallen energy giant'=
s most prized assets by the end of the week, a spokesman said. Press R=
elease City Utilities Of Springfield, MO Enhances Customer Management =
Flexibility Using SPL WorldGroup Software Morristown, New Jersey - January=
24th, 2002 SPL WorldGroup B.V. (SPL), the leading provider of customer man=
agement solutions to the global energy, water and waste management industri=
es, has successfully implemented SPL's customer management software product=
at City Utilities of Springfield, MO (www.cityutilities.net ). City Utilit=
ies is a customer-owned utility that serves approximately 90,000 customers =
in southwest Missouri with electric power, natural gas and water. Nati=
onal Energy Policy Bush digs in for court fight over energy plan WASH=
INGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush dug in on Monday f=
or a court fight with Congress over his refusal to turn over records detail=
ing any involvement by Enron Corp. and other companies in the development o=
f White House energy policy, accusing lawmakers of politicizing the issue. =
Cheney Refuses to Release Energy-Plan Documents; GAO May Bring Rare La=
wsuit By Karen Masterson, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 28 In the face of politi=
cal pressure to comply with congressional investigators, Vice President Dic=
k Cheney said Sunday he will not release internal documents connected to th=
e development of President Bush's energy plan. Senate panels to up US =
fuel standard/OK tax breaks By Tom Doggett, WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) T=
wo Senate committees are expected to approve next week a boost in fuel effi=
ciency requirements for U.S. vehicles and billions of dollars in energy tax=
breaks and incentives, a Senate staffer said on Monday. ADVERTISE=
MENT Online marketplaces are driving an ongoing restructuring of Europe'=
s energy industry, by making energy trading simpler and cheaper. A new repo=
rt from Datamonitor, Online Energy Trading in Europe, explores the growing =
volume of trading operations in a liberalized market. http://www.energycent=
ral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100584 Competition & Deregulation =
For reports and related information on this topic visit our Data Center =
[IMAGE] Can Deregulation Be Fixed? Jan 28 - Georgia Trend Lauren "Bubb=
a" McDonald, chairman of the Georgia Public Service Commission, sat down wi=
th Georgia Trend's Jennifer Hill to talk about the tumultuous year the stat=
e experienced with gas deregulation and its effects and to look ahead to ma=
jor upcoming issues for 2002. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures =
PanCanadian, AEC merging to create energy giant CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 27=
(Reuters) - PanCanadian Energy Corp. is buying Alberta Energy Co. Ltd. in =
a share swap to create what they said on Sunday would be the world's No. 1 =
publicly traded oil and gas exploration and production company, with a stoc=
k-market value of C$21.4 billion ($13.3 billion). PanCanadian, Alberta=
Energy officials have no interest in third party deals CALGARY, Jan 27, =
2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- The two senior officials of PanCanadian Energ=
y Corp and Alberta Energy Company portrayed their deal as a "merger of equa=
ls" and said they were not interested in offers from other, including Ameri=
can, companies. FACTBOX-What a merged PanCanadian-AEC will look like =
CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 27 (Reuters) PanCanadian Energy Corp. and Alberta Ene=
rgy Co. Ltd. said on Sunday they planned to merge, creating the world's big=
gest independent oil and gas exploration and production company. Shell=
backs Woodside bid By Nigel Wilson, Jan 29, 2002 (The Australian - ABIX =
via COMTEX) -- Tacit approval of Woodside Petroleum's bid for German Veba O=
el was given by Shell Australia on 28 January 2002. Legislation/Regula=
tion More Issues Arise at Texas Public Utility Commission By R.A. Dye=
r, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 25 Less than one week after the re=
signation of its chairman, the Texas Public Utility Commission has been hit=
with new revelations involving possible conflicts of interest and a grand =
jury investigation. Gas Pricing/Hubs Canadian spot natgas mixed a=
s Alberta temps rise NEW YORK, Jan 28 (Reuters) Spot natural gas prices in=
Canada were mixed Monday as temperatures in the prairie province of Albert=
a rose from frigid levels over the weekend, industry sources said. NYM=
EX Hub gas ends down on weather, Feb hits new low NEW YORK, Jan 28 (Reuter=
s) NYMEX Hub gas ended sharply lower Monday in moderate trade, with record =
storage and fairly mild U.S. weather forecasts this week again pressuring f=
ront months to new contract lows, industry sources said. LITTLE COLD A=
IR SEEN Jan. 28 (GasTrader) Earlier suggestions that a mass of cold Canadi=
an air would work its' way south to the major eastern and midwestern energy=
markets have given way to forecasts calling for a much more modest incursi=
on. Special Offer from this Publisher! U.S. spot gas firms on weekday=
demand, Western cold SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 28 (Reuters) U.S. day-ahead natga=
s prices made small gains on most pipelines Monday as cold weather in the W=
est ramped up energy use and brought a rare overnight snowfall in the upper=
elevations near San Francisco. Futures Feb Futures Hits Fresh Lo=
ws on Mild Weather, Excess Storage Jan. 28 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) February=
natural gas futures settled 12.9 cents lower at $1.908 after plunging 18.5=
cents to reach a four-month low for a nearby month and fresh contract low =
at $1.85. Special Offer from this Publisher! LNG TotalFinaElf to=
Join Pacific LNG Jan 28, 2002 - South American Business Information Total=
FinaElf is to join the consortium Consorcio Pacific LNG to export Bolivian =
liquified natural gas to Mexico and the US, that already include Repsol YPF=
(37,5%), British Petroleum (25%), and British Gas (37,5%). Pipelines =
Florida Market Supports Growth of Natural-Gas Pipelines, Despite Uncer=
tainty of Deregulation By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 28 (Scientech) S=
everal natural-gas pipeline projects are in the planning and construction p=
hases to supply Florida with the natural gas it needs, mainly to supply gas=
-fired electrical power generation projects. Special Offer from this Publis=
her! Shanghai Invites Bids for Gas Network BEIJING, Jan 28, 2002 (X=
inhua via COMTEX) -- Shanghai, the leading metropolis in China, will invite=
foreign investment for the construction of local natural gas pipeline netw=
orks as well as distribution stations. Japanese Banks To Grant $100M L=
oan To Khabarovsk Region For Laying Gas Pipeline Khabarovsk, Russia, Jan 2=
8, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- A number of Japanese banks wi=
ll grant a $100 million loan to the Khabarovsk Region to continue laying th=
e gas pipeline Komsomolsk-on-Amur-Kabarovsk-Luchegorsk (the Primorsky Regio=
n). Coalition Seeks To Block Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion Jan 28, 2=
002 - The News and Observer Area residents hope a countywide coalition will=
help them block the expansion of a natural gas pipeline they fear will put=
them in danger and also threaten a rare salamander. Russia Company to=
Build Gas Pipelines for China Jan 25, 2002 - Itar-Tass News Agency Russia=
's company Vostokgazprom has opened its representative office in China's ca=
pital Beijing. Rates For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas=
Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Regulators Order Buffalo, N.Y.-Based Natural Fue=
l Gas to Issue Refunds By David Robinson, The Buffalo News, N.Y., Jan. 25 =
National Fuel Gas customers will get a price break that averages nearly $87=
on their February gas bills because state regulators ordered the Buffalo e=
nergy company to refund $45.6 million that it overcharged consumers last ye=
ar. Mild Winter, Lower Gas Prices Spark Dramatic Drop In Heating Costs=
Jan 27 - St. Louis Post - Dispatch A year after some of the highest heati=
ng costs in history, most utility customers are enjoying a dramatic drop in=
their bills this winter - between $300 and $400 for an average home. =
General Remaining Enron Staffers Contemplate Their Future amid Gloom, =
Fear By David Kaplan, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 28 Every day, the scandal at=
Enron brings a new shock, with no letup in sight. Questions Are in Re=
ady Supply after Enron's Failure By Bill Deener, The Dallas Morning News, =
Jan. 27 In its heyday, Enron Corp. traded electricity, natural gas and othe=
r commodities with a speed that dazzled its industry and a complexity that =
baffled Wall Street. Enron's Cutthroat Culture Is Deplored by Those It=
Served to Profit By Claudia Kolker, The Boston Globe, Jan. 27 The Rev. Ja=
mes Nutter first glimpsed what he calls the Enron darkness years ago. =
Enron's Survival Remains a Question amid Turbulent Bankruptcy Proceedings =
By Eric Berger, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 In the largest, most complex ban=
kruptcy ever, with the possibility of criminal acts by the company, one que=
stion looms above all others: Enron Incidents Put Focus on Shredding =
By Maureen Fan, San Jose Mercury News, Calif., Jan. 27 Wells Fargo shreds t=
eller trash. Trading/Marketing UBS Warburg sees EnronOnLine back =
up in February By Scott DiSavino, NEW YORK, Jan 28 (Reuters) UBS Warburg h=
opes to have a renamed EnronOnLine, the bustling energy trading system once=
at the center of Enron Corp.'s empire, back on line in February, officials=
at the investment banking firm said Monday. Legal Enron employee=
s file suit over 401(k) losses HOUSTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) Hundreds of curre=
nt and former employees of collapsed energy trader Enron Corp. filed a clas=
s action lawsuit in Houston seeking damages for losses they suffered by inv=
esting in the company's 401(k) plan, lawyers said on Monday. People =
Ex-Enron CEO's wife says they are broke WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - =
The wife of ex-Enron CEO Kenneth Lay said on Monday her family lost its for=
tune when the energy trading giant collapsed and her husband had done "abso=
lutely nothing wrong" in the biggest bankruptcy case in U.S. history. =
Wakeham faces British inquiry into Enron role Jan 27 - The Observer - Lond=
on LORD Wakeham, the former Tory Energy Secretary who now chairs of the Pre=
ss Complaints Commission, faces the humiliating prospect of a British inqui=
ry into his role in the Enron scandal. Citing Distraction of Many Prob=
es, Lay Forced to Resign As Enron Head Jan. 28 (Utility Spotlight) With FB=
I agents roaming the halls, hounded by the looming spectacle of a dozen hig=
hly publicized congressional hearings, investigations by at least 6 federal=
agencies, a spiraling number of lawsuits and even a disgusted President Bu=
sh, Enron's Ken Lay resigned last week as chairman & CEO of the energy comp=
any he created and built into a world-wide powerhouse, only to see it disso=
lve in a ruinous scandal. Special Offer from this Publisher! Fullerto=
n, Calif., Congressman Says Enron Donations Will Not Impact Actions By Den=
a Bunis, The Orange County Register, Calif., Jan. 25 Rep. Ed Royce says tha=
t when he sits in the Financial Services Committee's hearings into Enron, t=
he $3,500 the company's PAC has given him over the past five years will hav=
e no effect on his actions. Labor/Human Resources UBS to cut 300 =
jobs at Enron trading unit - paper FRANKFURT, Jan 28 (Reuters) Swiss bank =
UBS will cut about 300 of 800 jobs at the energy trading unit purchased fro=
m Enron Corp. but plans no additional cuts in the rest of the group, UBS ch=
ief Peter Wuffli said in a newspaper interview on Monday. Financial =
Enron Used Partnerships in Speculative Stock Ventures By Bill Deener, T=
he Dallas Morning News, Jan. 27 Many of the financial sleights of hand that=
Houston-based Enron Corp. used were accomplished through so-called off-bal=
ance-sheet partnerships, accounting experts say. Enron Used Independen=
t Companies to Control Stock Market, Credit Rating By Dan Feldstein, Houst=
on Chronicle, Jan. 27 As accountants, stockbrokers and others study Enron's=
collapse, they focus on the company's now-infamous "special-purpose vehicl=
es" -- independent companies that propped up Enron's income and hid its deb=
t. Beneath Energy Trading Innovations, Enron Seethed with Deceptive Bo=
okkeeping Houston Chronicle, Jan. 27 Enron spent more than a decade succes=
sfully crafting an image as an unrivaled innovator capable of creating and =
dominating new markets. Many Hedge Their Bets on Enron's Stock; Millio=
ns of Shares Sold for Pennies By Bill Murphy, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 W=
hen Enron was riding high a year ago, its shares sold for $82 and nearly 7 =
million changed hands. FEATURE-After Enron, short sellers gain respect=
ability By Svea Herbst-Bayliss, NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (Reuters) The stock of s=
hort sellers is rising. Merged PanCanadian-AEC seen fetching higher va=
lue By Jeffrey Jones, CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 28 (Reuters) Investors waded t=
hrough the superlatives on Monday to gauge whether PanCanadian Energy's pur=
chase of Alberta Energy Co., creating the world's No. 1 independent oil and=
gas company, will live up to its star billing. UBS' Wuffli says Enron=
trading ops takeover to level out earnings fluctuations DUESSELDORF, Jan=
28, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- UBS AG chief executive Peter Wuffli said t=
he acquisition of Enron Corp's wholesale energy trading business will help =
the bank to level out earnings fluctuations, German newspaper Handelszeitun=
g reported. Financial - Results National Fuel's Profit Falls 37% =
In Quarter Jan 27 - Buffalo News - Financial Edition Falling oil and natur=
al gas prices took a toll on National Fuel Gas Co.'s first-quarter profits,=
reducing its earnings by 37 percent and prompting the Buffalo-based energy=
company to warn that its earnings this year will fall short of expectation=
s. International British government rejects Enron lobbying claims=
By Mike Peacock, LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) The British government sought t=
o refute opposition attempts on Monday to dig up dubious links between it a=
nd collapsed U.S. energy group Enron. Algeria gets $51mln loan to boos=
t oil/gas recovery ALGIERS, Jan 28 (Reuters) Algerian state-owned oil and =
gas firm Sonatrach said on Monday it had received a credit worth $51.3 mill=
ion from French bank Societe Generale to finance a project aimed at improvi=
ng oil and gas recovery in the country's southern fields. EU says Ital=
y should speed up utility liberalisation, pension reform MILAN, Jan 27, 2=
002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- The Italian government should speed up liberalis=
ation of energy and telephony sectors to cut tariffs, and pension reform, a=
ccording to the European Commission, La Repubblica reported. Peruvian =
government offers alliance for natural gas Bolivia, Jan 27, 2002 (La Razo=
n/SABI via COMTEX) -- The Peruvian president Alejandro Toledo has presented=
a proposal to the Bolivian government to build up a strategic trade relati=
onship to develop the exports of natural gas to the US. TotalFinaElf s=
ays Syrian Desgas gas project reaches full capacity PARIS, Jan 28, 2002 (=
AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- TotalFinaElf said production at its Desgas gas projec=
t in Syria, which it runs jointly with Conoco Inc, has reached full operati=
onal capacity. Algeria plans to raise gas exports - report Jan 28, 20=
02 - Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) Algeria plans to strengthen its gas mark=
eting position in Europe and raise exports to 85 billion cubic metres yearl=
y in five years are moving ahead, with progress in key upstream projects an=
d new pipeline routes, the Middle East Economic Survey reported Monday. =
Enron bankruptcy kills plans for steel project in Mozambique MAPUTO, Mo=
zambique, Jan 27, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The bankruptcy of the=
American energy company, Enron Corp, signaled the end of plans to construc=
t a natural gas-fueled factory to produce steel slabs for export in Mozambi=
que, the Mozambique News Agency reported Sunday. Gazprom, Wintershal t=
o Cooperate in Oil And Gas Extraction Jan 25, 2002 - Itar-Tass News Agency=
Russia's Gazprom gas giant and Germany's Wintershal Concern will develop o=
il and gas cooperation on the Russian territory and cooperate in the oil an=
d gas exports to Western Europe. If you are an Energy Central News S=
ubscriber and you have checked any news articles above, selecting the 'Get =
Articles' button below will deliver all of the checked articles in one page=
. This is a convenient way to get exactly the news you need - quickly! =
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