Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/30/02
Date:Tue, 29 Jan 2002 19:00:54 -0800 (PST)

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=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Skyrocketing prices, reliability =
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entral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100416 TOP STORIES Petro-Cana=
da to buy Veba assets for C$3.2 billion CALGARY, Jan 29 (Reuters) Petro-Ca=
nada said on Tuesday it had agreed to buy the international oil and gas ope=
rations of Veba Oil & Gas Gmbh for C$3.2 billion ($2 billion) in a deal tha=
t would make it Canada's largest integrated oil and gas company. Judge =
Says Port of Houston Must Move Pipelines for Dredging of Ship Channel By N=
elson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes ha=
s ruled that the Port of Houston Authority, and not companies, should pay t=
he cost of lowering pipelines to accommodate the deepening of the Houston S=
hip Channel. Atlanta Gas Light Seeks Agreement with Public Service Comm=
ission on Rates By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution , Ja=
n. 29 Atlanta Gas Light Co. wants to reach a settlement with the Public Ser=
vice Commission over its rates, top executives said Monday. Press Rele=
9, 2002) Energy procurement and management services leader World Energy Sol=
utions Inc. today announced that more than $250 million worth of power and =
natural gas was bought and sold on its Internet-based exchange during 2001.=
World Energy Solutions, which is now using Excelergy Corporation's technol=
ogy platform, managed the exchange of 2.5 billion kilowatt hours in electri=
city alone, making it the undisputed leading retail electric exchange in No=
rth America. National Energy Policy President Bush Backs Refusal =
to Surrender Files from Cheney's Energy Panel By Bennett Roth, Houston Chr=
onicle, Jan. 29 President Bush on Monday defiantly backed his administratio=
n's refusal to hand over energy task force records to the investigative arm=
of Congress, calling the demand "an encroachment on the executive branch's=
ability to do business." Congress, White House in Tug-of-War over Ene=
rgy Policy Talks By James Kuhnhenn, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. =
29 Congress wants to know who met with Vice President Cheney's energy polic=
y task force in private last year -- especially who from Enron and other en=
ergy companies. ADVERTISEMENT Public Utilities Fortnightly maga=
zine is offering advertising opportunities in their March 15th issue, cover=
ing E-Commerce, B2Bs and Security topics. In addition to reaching Fortnight=
ly readers, this issue will receive bonus distribution at the Electric Powe=
r/E-ProCom Conference. Contact Joseph Paparello for details at paparello@pu=
r.com or 703-847-7759. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Mo=
ntana Public Service Commission Unanimously Approves NorthWestern's Acquisi=
tion of Montana Power's Utility Business SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Jan. 29 /PRNew=
swire-FirstCall/ -- The Montana Public Service Commission today unanimously=
approved NorthWestern Corporation's pending acquisition of The Montana Pow=
er Company's energy transmission and distribution business. Swift says=
completes purchase of NZ's TAWN assets WELLINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Swift=
Energy of the United States said Tuesday it had completed the acquisition =
of a 97 percent stake in the TAWN oil and gas assets from the New Zealand a=
rm of Royal Dutch Shell Group. EnCana opener: Merged PanCanadian-Alber=
ta Energy hints at acquisitions JAMES STEVENSON, CALGARY, Jan 28, 2002 (T=
he Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Canada's new oilpatch heavyweight began fl=
exing its muscles Monday and hinting at international takeovers, while anal=
ysts said Alberta Energy and PanCanadian Energy could provide a model for f=
uture mergers. E.ON Places Pressure on Government Jan 28, 2002 - FT W=
orld Media Abstracts via Comtex The battle by E.ON AG, the German utilities=
group, to obtain ministerial permission (Ministererlaubnis) for its planne=
d acquisition of Ruhrgas AG, the gas company, is entering a new round after=
the German cartel office refused to approve the deal. Renewed Bid for=
Rhenag Jan 29, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex RWE Gas AG, the=
gas subsidiary of German energy giant RWE, and Thuga AG, energy holding su=
bsidiary of fellow energy group E.ON AG, are renewing an offer to independe=
nt shareholders in the 'new' Rhenag Rheinische Energie AG and Thuga Beteili=
gungen AG. Centrica expands in pounds 437m Canadian purchase Jan 29 -=
Independent - London CENTRICA, the British Gas to AA road services group, =
yesterday doubled its presence in the Canadian energy market with the C$1bn=
(pounds 437m) acquisition of an Ontario-based heating company. Legisl=
ation/Regulation Senate panel probes Enron's energy market impact WAS=
HINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Federal regulators testifying before a Senate p=
anel on Tuesday said no new enforcement powers were needed to police energy=
markets in the wake of Enron Corp.'s collapse. Arthur Andersen Faces =
Closer Scrutiny on Enron Debacle Chicago Tribune, Jan. 28 With the first r=
ound of hearings investigating the collapse of Enron Corp. now complete, co=
ngressional leaders say they have many more questions--and plans for more h=
earings--regarding what role the Chicago-based Andersen accounting firm may=
have played in the energy giant's failure. Enron understated lobbying=
spending -research group WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Bankrupt energy fir=
m Enron Corp understated by almost $1 million how much it spent on lobbying=
Washington for the first half of 2001, the Center for Responsive Politics =
said on Tuesday. US panel seeks data on Andersen-Enron consulting WAS=
HINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday sought additional inf=
ormation from embattled auditor Andersen about consulting work it did for n=
ow-collapsed Enron Corp., as well as details about who was involved in shre=
dding documents related to Andersen's audit of the energy firm's books. =
RPT-SEC staff's accounting report sits unfinished WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Re=
uters) - Securities and Exchange Commission staff began drafting a report i=
n 2000 that criticized the way accounting firms rate each other's work but =
the report lies unfinished despite renewed interest in audit issues raised =
by the collapse of Enron Corp. Analysis: Enron's shock waves keep grow=
ing By MARTIN SIEFF, Senior News Analyst, WASHINGTON, Jan 28, 2002 (Unite=
d Press International via COMTEX) -- Like a giant tidal wave that steadily =
picks up force and towering height the closer it gets to land, the politica=
l shock waves from the Enron collapse are growing by the day rather than di=
minishing, and now they are shaking the Bush administration's ship of state=
, despite all the shrewd tactical moves that have been made to contain them=
. Gas Pricing/Hubs Cold winter to stage a comeback in U.S., Salom=
on says NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) The mild winter in the United State sho=
uld recede and more normal frigidity should prevail for the rest of the sea=
son, according to the Outlook 2002 report of Salomon Smith Barney. Can=
adian spot natgas prices fall with weather CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 29 (Reute=
rs) Canadian spot natural gas prices moved down on Tuesday because of warme=
r weather in the west and modestly weaker U.S. physicals in the east, sourc=
es said. NYMEX Hub gas ends up, short cover props Feb at expiry NEW Y=
ORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended higher Tuesday in moderate trade,=
with February lifted by some short covering ahead of its expiration follow=
ing seven straight losing sessions, industry sources said. U.S. day-ah=
ead natgas dips, seen firm late-week SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 29 (Reuters) Most =
U.S. spot natural gas prices, catching up with Monday's late NYMEX selloff,=
on average lost ground Tuesday, but quotes firmed late in the session as f=
utures rallied on some short covering. Drilling/Exploration Despi=
te Cutbacks, BP Stresses Alaska Ambitions By Tony Hopfinger, Anchorage Dai=
ly News, Alaska, Jan. 26 BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. is sitting on 7 billi=
on barrels of North Slope oil and gas and wants to recover as much as it ca=
n over the coming decades, president Steve Marshall said Friday. Futur=
es Feb Futures Expires Above $2 as Funds Flock to Cover Shorts Jan. 2=
9 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) February natural gas futures pushed sharply higher=
towards the end of the trading session before expiring up 8.3 cents at $2.=
006. Special Offer from this Publisher! Natural gas extends weakness =
as fundamental situation deteriorates Jan 29, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMT=
EX) -- Natural gas futures continued to forge southwards in Monday's sessio=
n as fund selling pressure weighed on proceedings. Pipelines Petr=
oleum Producer Phillips Tries to Cut Risks in Alaska Gas-Line Project By T=
ony Hopfinger, Anchorage Daily News, Alaska, Jan. 26 Phillips Alaska Inc. w=
ants Congress to streamline federal permitting and protect the company from=
low prices before it will move ahead with a North Slope natural gas pipeli=
ne to the Lower 48. Australia Tasmania Duke gas work starts MELBOURNE=
, Jan 29 (Reuters) Duke Energy International, a unit of U.S. power firm Duk=
e Energy Corp, said on Tuesday construction had started on the A$400 millio=
n undersea gas pipeline that will deliver gas beneath Bass Strait to Tasman=
ia for the first time. Hong Kong & China Gas sees China west-east pipe=
line deal finalised in 2-3 mths BEIJING, Jan 28, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTE=
X) -- Hong Kong and China Gas, one of the three members of the Royal Dutch/=
Shell Group consortium bidding to take part in China's west-east gas pipeli=
ne project, hopes an agreement with PetroChina will be finalised in the nex=
t two or three months, the Business Weekly reported, citing managing direct=
NE SYDNEY, Jan 29, 2002 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- Construction of the $A4=
00 million ($US206.88 million) Tasmanian Gas Pipeline started today, with t=
he first trenches going down in the Tamar Valley. Rates For more in=
formation on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Missouri Regu=
lators Approve Rate Cut for Missouri Gas Energy Customers By Steve Everly,=
The Kansas City Star, Mo., Jan. 29 State regulators on Monday approved a l=
ower cost-of-gas rate for Missouri Gas Energy customers. Laclede Gas A=
sks Missouri Regulators for Rate Increase By Repps Hudson, St. Louis Post-=
Dispatch, Jan. 26 The typical homeowner's natural-gas go up $4.40 a month l=
ater this year if state regulators approve a request filed Friday by Lacled=
e Gas Co. Ex-Customers of Buffalo, N.Y.-Based National Fuel Gas Not El=
igible for Refund By David Robinson, The Buffalo News, N.Y., Jan. 26 If yo=
u're a former National Fuel Gas Co. customer who was overcharged by the uti=
lity last year, you're not eligible to collect part of the $45.6 million th=
at the company is refunding to its customers next month. General =
Appleton, Wis., Analyst Says Enron Inquiry Could Impact Employee-Owned Firm=
s By Judy Waggoner, The Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wis., Jan. 28 What the Wa=
tergate scandal did to the Nixon administration is what the Enron debacle i=
s threatening to do to America's 11,500 employee-owned companies. Enro=
n collapse latest shock to Houston's economy By Ellen Chang, HOUSTON, Jan =
29 (Reuters) The collapse of Houston-based energy trading giant Enron Corp.=
, the latest in a string of blows to the Texas city, puts the local economy=
in peril for the near term, according to one economist. Developments =
related to the Enron collapse and investigation By The Associated Press, J=
an 29, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Developments Tuesday related to =
the Enron collapse and investigation: Officials Say Enron Chairman's R=
esignation Won't Affect Omaha, Neb., Utilities By Steve Jordon, Omaha Worl=
d-Herald, Neb., Jan. 26 Kenneth L. Lay's resignation from Enron Corp. will =
not affect the delivery of natural gas to utility customers or delay next w=
eek's scheduled transfer of Omaha-based Northern Natural Gas Co. to a new o=
wner, officials said Thursday. Andersen CEO Says Scandal Has Been Toug=
h, But Firm Will Survive By Delroy Alexander, Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 The =
Andersen accounting firm's chief executive acknowledged Monday that the ong=
oing scandal over its audits of Enron Corp. had cost Andersen business, but=
he said longtime clients remain loyal and he predicted the firm would surv=
ive. Charities Benefit from Enron Cash By Jeff Zeleny, Chicago Tribun=
e, Jan. 28 When former Enron employee Rebekah Rushing opened an account at =
the Humble Community Bank in Texas to help her jobless colleagues, she hope=
d her deposit of $90 would slowly multiply from the kindness of ordinary ci=
tizens. Enron Ethics Manual and Much More for Sale on eBay By William=
Hageman, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 28 They may not exactly be laughing all the=
way to the bank, but some former Enron employees are at least smirking the=
se days. Art exhibit is telling lens on Enron culture By C. Bryson Hu=
ll, HOUSTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) It is probably the only funny collection of t=
ombstones in the world. Trading/Marketing CFTC chairman says no m=
arket manipulation by Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Bankrupt Enron Co=
rp. did not try to engage in market manipulation at any futures exchange, t=
he chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission told a Senate panel=
on Tuesday. ICE e-exchange to start U.S. clearing system in Feb LOND=
ON, Jan 29 (Reuters) IntercontinentalExchange, the energy and metals Intern=
et trading platform, said on Tuesday it planned to introduce clearing syste=
ms for its U.S. oil and natural gas trades by the end of next month. I=
CE takes 20 pct of UK, Belgian natgas trading LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Int=
ercontinentalExchange said on Tuesday it had taken one fifth of the British=
and Belgian over-the-counter natural gas trading market in the two months =
since the system launched. Energy Traders Under Scrutiny By BRAD FOS=
S AP Business Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 28, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Enro=
n Corp. is not the only energy trader whose books are getting a closer look=
. Enron collapse does not mean energy futures mkts need reform - US re=
gulators WASHINGTON, Jan 29, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- US federal reg=
ulators said the country's energy futures markets do not need reforming in =
the wake of Enron Corp's recent collapse. Sempra Energy Trading Acquir=
es Enron Metals Limited STAMFORD, Conn., Jan 29, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCal=
l via COMTEX/ -- Sempra Energy Trading, the wholesale energy trading subsid=
iary of Sempra Energy, today announced that it is acquiring London-based En=
ron Metals Limited, the leading metals trader on the London Metals Exchange=
(LME). Legal Retirement Plan Is Focus of Class-Action Lawsuit by=
Former Enron Employees By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 More t=
han 400 former Enron Corp. employees have filed a federal class-action laws=
uit demanding company executives, Arthur Andersen and the administrator of =
their retirement plan "make good" on its losses. People Scandal S=
urrounds Columbia, Mo., Native, after Leaving Helm of Enron By Chris Birk,=
Columbia Daily Tribune, Mo., Jan. 28 Dan Simon was just out of Chicago air=
space when it hit him. Army Official Comes under Scrutiny over Ties to=
Enron By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 Army Secretary Thomas =
White, a former top executive at Enron Corp., is coming under scrutiny by c=
ongressional investigators probing links between the Bush administration an=
d the collapsed Houston energy trader. Wife of Former Enron Chairman S=
ays Lay Did No Wrong, But Couldn't Stop Crash By Bill Murphy, Houston Chro=
nicle, Jan. 29 The wife of former Enron Chairman Ken Lay said he would have=
acted to fix the company's problems if he hadn't been kept in the dark by =
accountants from Arthur Andersen and outside legal counsel. Lay's wife=
seeks to distance her family from Bush WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) The w=
ife of Kenneth Lay, former chief of Enron, the biggest financial backer in =
President George W. Bush's 2000 campaign, said on Tuesday her family was cl=
oser to Bush's parents than the current first couple. Hastert backs Bu=
sh's withholding of energy records WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - U.S. Hou=
se of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert on Tuesday backed President Ge=
orge W. Bush's decision not to hand over records to congressional investiga=
tors on involvement by Enron Corp. and other companies in developing the Wh=
ite House's energy policy. Baker backs Cheney on Enron By PATRICK J.=
KILLEN, TOKYO, Jan 29, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- U.S=
. Ambassador Howard Baker, a former senator and White House chief of staff,=
said Tuesday he would not criticize Vice President Richard Cheney for invo=
king the doctrine of separation of powers in declining to disclose informat=
ion to Congress about his talks with Enron, Corp. officials. Enron Nam=
es Stephen Cooper Interim CEO, Chief Restructuring Officer Jan 29, 2002 - =
AFX News Limited Enron Cop said it has appointed Stephen Cooper, a managing=
partner at Zolfo Cooper LLC, as interim chief executive and chief restruct=
uring officer, following the resignation last week of former CEO and chairm=
an Kenneth Lay. Jesse Jackson Meets with Former Enron Chairman Lay abo=
ut Workers' Plight By Janette Rodrigues, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 As for=
mer Enron employees gathered in a church across the street from the bankrup=
t company's headquarters, the Rev. Jesse Jackson met for nearly an hour wit=
h Ken Lay on Monday and reported that Lay seems truly concerned with the wo=
rkers' financial plight. NEWSMAKER-Restructuring pro Cooper faces Enro=
n challenges NEW YORK, Jan 28 (Reuters) Stephen Cooper, the partner in res=
tructuring firm Zolfo Cooper who is expected to take over the reins of Enro=
n Corp., may not succeed in reviving the bankrupt energy firm, industry wat=
chers say. But it won't be for lack of trying. Financial Enron In=
vestments Lured Pension Giant CalPERS By Pamela Yip, The Dallas Morning Ne=
ws, Jan. 28 CalPERS invested in two of Enron's controversial outside partne=
rships, which the company used to move debt off its balance sheet. Hou=
ston-Based Natural-Gas Compression Firm Takes Hit in Enron Aftermath By Ne=
lson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 Hanover Compressor Services, a majo=
r provider of natural gas compression services and equipment, is getting th=
rashed on Wall Street for minor ties to Enron Corp. and suggestions of off-=
balance-sheet financing. Liquidation seen as increasing prospect for E=
nron By C. Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) There may not be enough =
of Enron Corp. left to reorganize now that its major money-making unit is g=
one, making liquidation a more probable and less palatable option, analysts=
and bankruptcy experts said on Monday. ICE e-bourse considers IPO, sa=
ys enjoys fast growth LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Energy and metals electro=
nic trading platform IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) is considering floating=
its shares under an initial public offering, the U.S.-based company's chie=
f executive officer Jeff Sprecher said on Tuesday. With Enron collapse=
, other energy companies' books get scrutinized By BRAD FOSS AP Business =
Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 28, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Enron Corp. i=
s not the only energy trader whose books are getting a closer look. Ve=
ba Was Already Concerned Over Enron Creative Accounting in 1999 Jan 28, 20=
02 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Veba AG, the former German energy =
group which has now been merged with Viag to form the utilities giant E.ON =
AG, broke off merger talks with Enron, the stricken US energy trading compa=
ny, in 1999, owing partly to the US group's debts in subsidiaries which wer=
e not publicly known, and partly because Enron was obviously speculating ov=
er a takeover of the German power group.. Enron Employees' 401K Disast=
ers Send Message to Diversify By David Ranii, The News & Observer, Raleigh=
, N.C., Jan. 29 The devastating losses suffered by Enron employees whose 40=
1(k) plans were heavily invested in Enron stock have pointed a glaring spot=
light at the obvious remedy: diversification. Virginia State Workers R=
etirement System Reports $60 Million Loss in Enron By Tom Shean, The Virgi=
nian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va., Jan. 29 The retirement system for state employees=
and many municipal workers and teachers in Virginia estimated Monday that =
it lost $60 million from its investments in Enron Corp., the bankrupt energ=
y company under investigation for possible accounting fraud and other misde=
eds. Financial - Results Williams delays earnings, shares take a =
dive HOUSTON., Jan 29 (Reuters) - Energy trader and pipeline operator Will=
iams Cos. on Tuesday delayed the release of its full fourth-quarter earning=
s report as it explored the possible financial impact of lingering financia=
l ties to its former subsidiary Williams Communications. WPS Resources=
earnings rise 52 percent GREEN BAY, Wis., Jan 29 (Reuters) Energy holding=
company WPS Resources Co. on Tuesday reported a 52 percent increase in fou=
rth-quarter earnings, as higher profits in nonregulated businesses offset a=
drop in income at its electric and gas utility operations. Williams C=
omm says no problems from assessment TULSA, Okla., Jan 29 (Reuters) Teleco=
mmunications network operator Williams Communications Group Inc. on Tuesday=
said that the assessment being done by its former parent Williams Cos. Inc=
. has no impact on its operations or financial performance. TransCanad=
a PipeLines profit slips, dividend up CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 29 (Reuters) -=
TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. said on Tuesday its fourth-quarter profit slipp=
ed 5 percent, but the country's top pipeline operator raised its dividend f=
or the second time in as many years, saying growth plans were on track. =
Noble posts Q4 net loss vs. year-ago profit HOUSTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) In=
dependent energy company Noble Affiliates Inc. on Tuesday posted a fourth-q=
uarter net loss, reversing a year-ago profit, on sharply lower oil and natu=
ral gas prices, and added it will slash capital spending in 2002. Chev=
ronTexaco Suffers $2.5B Loss By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Business Writer, SAN F=
RANCISCO, Jan 29, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The newly combined Chevron=
Texaco Corp. stumbled to a fourth-quarter loss of $2.5 billion as the compa=
ny paid for the aftershocks of its merger and revised its outlook in the de=
pressed energy market. International BG Group Foresees India As C=
ore Asset Jan 28 - Associated Press BG Group PLC said Monday it plans to d=
evelop India as one its biggest sources and markets for natural gas after w=
rapping up its $350 million buyout of Enron Oil & Gas India Ltd. Enron=
Australia in Liquidation Jan 29, 2002 - Associated Press The Australian a=
rm of Enron was placed into liquidation Tuesday, two months after its debt-=
ridden parent entered the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Methanex=
eyes expansion in Chile VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan 29 (Reuters) - M=
ethanol producer Methanex Corp. sees the possible expansion of its operatio=
ns in Chile in its bid to extend favorable supply agreements for natural ga=
s, company officials said on Tuesday. Gas Natural Gains 40% of Enron's=
Spanish Clients Jan 28, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spanis=
h gas company has gained 40 per cent of US energy group Enron's clients in =
Spain, according to sector sources, as part of its strategy to enter the el=
ectricity sector. Hidrocantabrico Concludes Gas Agreement with Eni Gro=
up Jan 28, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spanish power utilit=
y Hidrocantabrico (HC) will have a powerful ally to develop its gas busines=
s in Spain. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you hav=
e checked any news articles above, selecting the 'Get Articles' button belo=
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