Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 1/31/02
Date:Wed, 30 Jan 2002 19:15:08 -0800 (PST)

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37 TOP STORIES Indonesia's Pertamina ready to bid for Devon ass=
ets JAKARTA, Jan 30 (Reuters) Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina said=
on Wednesday it was ready to submit a bid to acquire Devon Energy Corp's l=
ocal assets. U.S. FERC approves larger nat gas line to Mexico WASHINGT=
ON, Jan 30 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Wednesday =
approved El Paso Natural Gas Co.'s request to expand its pipeline to export=
natural gas to Mexico. Pipeline Agreement Will Lead to Drop in Natural=
Gas Prices in St. Louis Area By Repps Hudson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Ja=
n. 30 The price of natural gas will drop slightly in the next few years as =
a result of an agreement between a pipeline company that serves the St. Lou=
is area and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Press Release =
Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. Reports Record Year Forest, Virginia, Janua=
ry 31, 2002 Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. (ESP), a premier provider of integr=
ation and consulting services to companies within the energy industry, anno=
unced today strong results for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001. Ne=
t revenue for FY2001 was approximately $13.08 million, the highest annual r=
evenue in the company's history, representing an increase of 65 percent ove=
r FY2000. These results exceeded the company's expectations by 9 percent or=
approximately $1M. Energy Security Bush Prepares for More Super-=
Terror Jan 30, 2002 - United Press International President George W. Bush =
spelled out an ambitious program for homeland security in his State of the =
Union speech Tuesday night -- and the programs he announced appeared design=
ed to deal with literal terrorist, nuclear and other attacks against Americ=
an cities. ADVERTISEMENT Online marketplaces are driving an ong=
oing restructuring of Europe's energy industry, by making energy trading si=
mpler and cheaper. A new report from Datamonitor, Online Energy Trading in =
Europe, explores the growing volume of trading operations in a liberalized =
market. http://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100584 =
California Crisis California Gas Aggregation Customers at Risk in Enr=
on Bankruptcy Jan. 30 (California Energy Markets) While direct-access elec=
tricity customers of Enron remain in a kind of limbo state since the compan=
y and dozens of its subsidiaries entered bankruptcy, natural gas customers =
and utilities are increasingly worried about what will happen to their cont=
ract arrangements under the state's core-aggregation transportation (CAT) p=
rogram and the contract marketer (CM) program, which is the fuel equivalent=
of direct access for large gas users. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
National Energy Policy Bush makes scant mention of energy plan in=
speech By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Energy policy too=
k a predictable back seat to national security in President George W. Bush'=
s State of the Union address on Tuesday, with a call to Congress to pass co=
mprehensive energy legislation. GAO filing suit against White House, s=
ources say WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - The General Accounting Office, t=
he investigative arm of U.S. Congress, will announce on Wednesday it is tak=
ing the White House to court to get details of how a task force headed by V=
ice President Dick Cheney formulated its energy plan, congressional sources=
said. Daschle Targets Week of Feb. 11 for Senate Energy Debate Jan 3=
0, 2002 - E?Publishing Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) hopes to=
have a comprehensive energy bill ready for floor action the week of Feb. 1=
1, just in time to beat his self-imposed Presidents Day recess deadline, a =
senior Democratic aide said last week. GOP to Fight Planned GAO Lawsui=
t By JESSE J. HOLLAND Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 30, 2002 (=
AP Online via COMTEX) -- Republicans say they may take action to stop congr=
essional investigators from suing Vice President Dick Cheney to get informa=
tion on business executives who met with him and his aides on energy policy=
. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures E.ON gets war chest windfa=
ll from Veba/BP deal FRANKFURT, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Germany's E.ON AG said =
on Wednesday that proceeds from the sale of its Veba Oel unit would exceed =
original estimates, bolstering the war chest of the group which is still on=
the prowl for acquisitions. Chain Energy to be bought by Argonauts Gr=
oup TORONTO, Jan 30 (Reuters) Exploration firm Chain Energy Corp. said on =
Wednesday it was being bought by Argonauts Group Ltd. in a cash and stock d=
eal worth an estimated C$17 million ($11 million). BP buys majority st=
ake in Germany's Veba in deal worth dlrs 2.5 billion LONDON, Jan 30, 2002=
(AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- BP PLC said Wednesday it's proceeding with =
its planned acquisition from German energy company E.On AG of a majority st=
ake in Veba Oil, in a deal valued at dlrs 2.48 billion. ChevronTexaco =
Reportedly Looks to Break Up Phillips-Conoco Merger By TSC Staff, Jan 30,=
2002 (TheStreet.com via COMTEX) -- ChevronTexaco is reportedly considering=
a takeover bid for either Conoco or Phillips Petroleum in an effort to bre=
ak up their planned merger. Oil company to maintain presence in Oklaho=
ma By Heather Lepley, STILLWATER, Okla., Jan 29, 2002 (Daily O'Collegian,=
U-WIRE via COMTEX) -- Following a decision to place the headquarters of th=
e soon-to-be formed ConocoPhillips in Houston rather than in Bartlesville, =
Okla., the Conoco chairman and chief executive officer assured Oklahomans t=
he company will continue to have a major presence in this state. BP, V=
eba sell Veba oil, gas ops for 3.2 bln cad to Petro-Canada CALGARY, Jan 3=
0, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Petro-Canada said late yesterday it has =
agreed to acquire the international oil and gas operations of Veba Oil & Ga=
s Gmbh from Veba and BP PLC for 3.2 bln cad in cash. TotalFinaElf has =
no current acquisition targets; Enron exposure 10-20 mln eur PARIS, Jan 3=
0, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- TotalFinaElf currently sees no acquisition t=
arget "which presents sufficient interest", chairman Thierry Desmarest said=
. Legislation/Regulation Enron's Demise Didn't Affect Energy Mark=
ets in Short Term, Experts Say By Karen Masterson, Houston Chronicle, Jan.=
30 Experts concluded Tuesday that Enron's collapse had no short-term negat=
ive impact on energy markets, but some cautioned that inadequate disclosure=
requirements may have hidden the company's influence over California's ele=
ctricity markets and contributed to the state's energy crisis last year. =
U.S. House Broadens Sphere of Enron Probe, Targeting Andersen's Roles B=
y Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 House investigators Tuesday widen=
ed the scope of the Enron probe, targeting the dual roles served by Arthur =
Andersen in consulting and auditing at the energy company. Congression=
al Committee Asks Andersen for Documents Related to Enron Chicago Tribune,=
Jan. 30 A congressional committee asked the Andersen accounting firm Tuesd=
ay to turn over documents related to the consulting work that the Chicago-b=
ased company did for Enron Corp., the energy and commodities trading giant =
now in bankruptcy. Enron Admits Error in Lobbying Costs By PETE YOST=
Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -=
- Enron Corp. apparently failed to disclose many of its lobbying expenses t=
o Congress last year as the energy trader headed toward financial disaster.=
Bingaman Plugs Transparent Energy Markets at Enron Hearing Jan 30, 2=
002 - E?Publishing U.S. energy markets may have reacted well following Enro=
n Corp.'s collapse, but that doesn't mean Congress should shy away from tig=
htening regulations in the face of a general lack of industry transparency,=
Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) said Tuesday. =
FACTBOX-Congress hearings schedule on Enron/Andersen WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (=
Reuters) Following are the hearings which Congress has firmly scheduled on =
the collapse of Enron Corp., its auditor Andersen, and related regulatory i=
ssues over the coming weeks. Gas Pricing/Hubs NYMEX Hub gas mostl=
y ends lower, AGAs seen neutral NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas, =
mixed early as front months firmed with strong physicals and colder late-we=
ek forecasts, mostly ended lower on Wednesday but reacted little to the lat=
e release of a neutral weekly inventory report, sources said. Cold wea=
ther pushes U.S. spot natural gas higher SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 30 (Reuters) C=
older weather moving into many parts of the Midwest and Northeast sent U.S.=
spot natural gas prices higher Wednesday, with many pipelines putting in 1=
0-cent gains on the day, industry sources said. Drilling/Exploration =
Michigan Governor Likely to Stop Fighting Ban on Great Lakes Drilling =
By Dawson Bell, Detroit Free Press, Jan. 29 Gov. John Engler hinted Monday =
that he may stop fighting a proposed ban on oil and gas drilling under the =
Great Lakes, in the face of overwhelming support in the Legislature for a b=
an. Futures March Gas Futures Edges Higher after Shrugging off AG=
A Data Jan. 30 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) In its first day of trading as a nea=
rby month contract, March natural gas futures settled 1.3 cents higher at $=
2.08 as marketers shrugged off a bearish American Gas Association storage r=
eport and short covering continued to ensue, said traders. Special Offer fr=
om this Publisher! Leases/Acreage High Bids Accepted on Offshore=
Sale By ALAN SAYRE AP Business Writer, NEW ORLEANS, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Onl=
ine via COMTEX) -- All 95 high bids were accepted from the first sale of fe=
deral offshore petroleum leases in the eastern Gulf of Mexico since 1988, f=
ederal officials said Wednesday. Pipelines Lodi, Calif., Natural =
Gas Storage Firm Readies Pipeline, Compression Equipment By Bruce Spence, =
The Record, Stockton, Calif., Jan. 28 Four years in the making, Lodi Gas St=
orage is nearly up and running with a new pipeline and compression equipmen=
t needed to inject and withdraw billions of cubic feet of natural gas from =
an underground reservoir. FERC approves Colorado Interstate natgas pip=
eline WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commissio=
n gave final approval on Wednesday to Colorado Interstate Gas Co.'s plan to=
expand its natural gas pipeline system by 282 million cubic feet per day. =
US FERC OKs Tuscarora natgas pipeline into Nevada WASHINGTON, Jan 30 =
(Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gave final approv=
al on Wednesday to Tuscarora Gas Transmission Co.'s plan to expand its pipe=
line system to bring more natural gas to industrial customers in northern N=
evada. Tassie sod turned for gas pipeline By Brett Stubbs, Jan 30, 2=
002 (The Mercury - ABIX via COMTEX) -- The onshore construction phase of th=
e $A400m Bass Strait natural gas pipeline has commenced. Sempra Energy=
moves ahead natural gas export project Bolivia, Jan 29, 2002 (La Razon/S=
ABI via COMTEX) -- Sempra Energy, that is striving to reach an agreement to=
export Bolivian natural gas to the US, has got the authorization from auth=
orities in California, to set up a the Mexican stretch of a pipeline to be =
used for the distribution of imported gas to the US and Mexico. Rates =
For more information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] =
Roanoke Gas To Petition Scc For Higher Rates Jan 30 - Roanoke Times & Wor=
ld News Roanoke Gas Co. plans to file for a rate increase with the State Co=
rporation Commission in early summer, but customers may not see higher gas =
bills if the increase is approved, John Williamson, president of RGC Resour=
ces, said at the company's shareholders' meeting Monday. Rigs Dri=
lling Activity Up In Western Canada Jan 29, 2002 - Resource News Internati=
onal The number of Canadian oil and gas rigs active as of Tuesday, January =
29, totaled 533, up from the previous week's 524, according to the Canadian=
Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). Storage AGA=
says U.S. weekly natgas stocks fell 111 bcf WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) =
The American Gas Association issued the following weekly estimates of U.S. =
working gas in storage (in bcf): General Andersen Under Gun to Sa=
lvage Lost Data Chicago Tribune, Jan. 30 Prodded by a Texas judge, the And=
ersen accounting firm has launched an aggressive campaign to retrieve Enron=
Corp. records destroyed by its Houston staff, but many of the missing docu=
ments never will be recovered, plaintiffs' lawyers and others say. Enr=
on Was Open Book that No One Could Read By Gregg Fields, The Miami Herald,=
Jan. 28 In sifting through the carnage of Enron, the largest bankruptcy in=
American history, the accusations and scandals belie one salient fact: Unt=
il the roof started caving in, Enron operated by the book. Governor As=
ks Florida Lawmakers to Consider Suing Firm Over Enron Stock By Nancy Cook=
Lauer, Tallahassee Democrat, Fla., Jan. 30 Two new investigations into Flo=
rida's disastrous experience with Enron stock were launched Tuesday. W=
est Virginia Senate Panel Examines Rise in Coal, Gas Assessments By Phil K=
abler, The Charleston Gazette, W.Va., Jan. 29 An ad hoc Senate committee me=
t for the first time Monday to try to determine what is causing and what ca=
n be done about sharp increases in property tax assessments on coal reserve=
s and natural gas wells. Developments related to the Enron collapse an=
d investigation Jan 30 - Associated Press Developments related to the Enro=
n collapse and investigation: Texan Attends State of the Union to Keep=
Focus on Victimized Enron Employees By Maria Recio, Fort Worth Star-Teleg=
ram, Texas, Jan. 30 President Bush probably didn't see Debbie Perrotta peer=
ing down at him Tuesday night from the visitors gallery of the House of Rep=
resentatives, but she was there -- representing the victimized employees of=
Enron Corp. Trading/Marketing Sempra agrees to buy Enron metals =
unit for $145 mln STAMFORD, Conn, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Sempra Energy said on=
Tuesday it had agreed to pay about $145 million for the metals unit of Enr=
on Corp., the latest business sold by the bankrupt energy trading giant. =
Legal Shadow of Enron Debacle Falls on Houston Law Firm Vinson & El=
kins By Mark Curriden, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 30 Vinson & Elkins, o=
ne of Texas' largest and most prestigious law firms, pocketed $30 million l=
ast year working for Enron Corp., its biggest and most prized client. =
Enron Workers Seek Go-Ahead for Class-Action Suit By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston=
Chronicle, Jan. 30 Attorneys representing Enron employees who lost money i=
n the company's 401(k) plan have asked a judge to let their class-action su=
it proceed even though Enron is tied up in bankruptcy court. Universit=
y of California Hires Law Firm to Recover Investments in Enron The Sacrame=
nto Bee, Calif., Jan. 30 Facing an uphill battle to recover $144.7 million =
lost investing in Enron Corp., the University of California has hired Ameri=
ca's most successful and controversial securities-fraud law firm -- a firm =
that has recovered billions of dollars for shareholders but is reportedly u=
nder investigation for improper tactics. Legal experts disagree on GAO=
-Cheney dispute By Susan Cornwell, WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) Legal expe=
rts disagree over who has the better case as the U.S. Congress' investigati=
ve arm prepared a legal action to find out how President George. W Bush's e=
nergy policy was crafted. People Texas Attorney General Candidate=
Faces Questions on Law Firm's Ties to Enron By Clay Robison, Houston Chro=
nicle, Jan. 30 The Republican candidate to succeed Texas Attorney General J=
ohn Cornyn is facing questions about potential conflicts similar to the one=
s that forced Cornyn to withdraw from his office's investigation into the E=
nron collapse. Texas Attorney General's Opinion Is Sought in Release o=
f Enron Suicide Note By Eric Hanson, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 The Police=
Department says it will get an attorney general's ruling -- a process that=
could take months -- before releasing the suicide note written by a former=
Enron executive whose body was found in his car Friday. NEWSMAKER-Wal=
ker is unlikely Bush administration antagonist By Sue Pleming, WASHINGTON,=
Jan 30 (Reuters) As a volunteer for President George W. Bush's father's pr=
esidential campaign and a man with solid Republican credentials, David Walk=
er seems an unlikely choice to wage a legal battle against the Bush adminis=
tration. New Enron president no stranger to corporate storms By Dan W=
ilchins, NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) Jeff McMahon, promoted Tuesday to presi=
dent and chief operating officer at scandal-wracked Enron Corp., has a knac=
k for finding himself in the middle of corporate maelstroms. Enron CEO=
Cooper Rallies Employees By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUSTO=
N, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The restructuring specialist chos=
en to help Enron Corp. emerge from bankruptcy told workers there that the f=
allen energy giant has enough strength to survive. Video shows Enron e=
mployee asked if Lay was on crack WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - An enrage=
d Enron employee asked then-boss Kenneth Lay if he was on crack during a st=
aff meeting, videoed as the energy trading giant began to unravel and aired=
on U.S. television on Wednesday. Labor/Human Resources Johnnie C=
ochran Plans to Lend Help to Enron Workers Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 The =
Rev. Al Sharpton said Tuesday that attorney Johnnie Cochran will help repre=
sent Enron employees trying to recover lost retirement savings. Jesse =
Jackson Rallies Enron Workers in DC Jan 30, 2002 - United Press Internatio=
nal The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday led over two-dozen former employees=
of bankrupt Enron Corp. to demand government compensation to make up for t=
heir losses. Financial Williams calls stock fall an 'overreaction=
' TULSA, Okla., Jan 30 (Reuters) - Energy trader and pipeline operator Wil=
liams Cos. Inc. on Wednesday said it remains committed to maintaining its i=
nvestment-grade credit rating and called the drop in its stock an "overreac=
tion." Williams Cos. Shares Fall 22 Percent on News of Spin-Off Debt =
By Russell Ray, Tulsa World, Okla., Jan. 30 The stock price of Williams Cos=
. Inc. plummeted 22 percent Tuesday after the company delayed the release o=
f its fourth-quarter results to evaluate the impact of $2.4 billion in Will=
iams-backed debt. Shares in Williams Cos halted on NYSE for news pendi=
ng NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) Shares of energy trader and pipeline operato=
r Williams Cos Inc. were halted on Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange=
for news pending. Lesson learned: Anadarko comes clean on accounting =
By Paul Thomasch, NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) Sitting in his eighteenth flo=
or office one evening last week, Anadarko Petroleum Corp.'s chief financial=
officer took the sort of call that can bring a company to its knees these =
days. Investors give Petro-Can's Veba deal a rough ride CALGARY, Albe=
rta, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Investors gave Petro-Canada's C$3.2 billion ($2 bil=
lion) acquisition of Veba Oil & Gas's energy assets a rough reception on We=
dnesday, driving the stock down to a six-month low on concerns about rising=
debt as oil prices drop. Investor Reactions Rattle Williams By DANN=
Y M. BOYD Associated Press Writer, TULSA, Okla., Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online vi=
a COMTEX) -- Executives at Williams Cos. scrambled Wednesday to restore con=
fidence as investors jettisoned stock in a sell-off ignited partly by linge=
ring fears about the collapse of Enron Corp. Enron's Books Aren't the =
Only Place Andersen Has Made Mistakes By Seth Borenstein, Knight Ridder, J=
an. 30 Two years before their Enron Corp. work came under scrutiny, Arthur =
Andersen auditors approved another client's inaccurate accounting. 'En=
ron Effect' Rattles Investors By LISA SINGHANIA AP Business Writer, NEW Y=
ORK, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Fears of another Enron-type sca=
ndal has become Wall Street's latest excuse to sell in an environment alrea=
dy plagued by uncertainty. Financial - Ratings Centrica outperfor=
ms, Morgan Stanley positive on Enbridge buy LONDON, Jan 30, 2002 (AFX-UK =
via COMTEX) -- Shares in blue-chip energy group Centrica PLC were holding s=
teady in early deals, outperforming a weaker market, after Morgan Stanley s=
aid the company's acquisition of Enbridge Energy Services for 437 mln stg w=
as a positive move, dealers said. Financial - Results NiSource re=
ports profit vs. year-ago loss MERRILLVILLE, Ind., Jan 30 (Reuters) NiSour=
ce Inc., a diversified natural gas distributor, on Wednesday reported a fou=
rth-quarter profit, reversing a year-earlier loss, despite unseasonably war=
m weather and the economic downturn. Anadarko shares hit by accounting=
worries NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) Shares of Anadarko Petroleum Inc. fell=
sharply Wednesday after the largest U.S. independent oil and gas producer =
disclosed Tuesday it would restate earnings to include additional charges. =
Energen earnings drop on low prices, Enron charge BIRMINGHAM, Ala., J=
an 30 (Reuters) - Diversified energy company Energen Corp. said on Wednesda=
y fourth-quarter net income dropped more than 70 percent, hurt by lower nat=
ural gas prices and charges for exposure to troubled energy trader Enron Co=
rp. Enbridge operating profit, dividend up CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 30 (=
Reuters) - Enbridge Inc., Canada's No. 2 pipeline company, said on Wednesda=
y its fourth-quarter operating profit rose due to a big U.S. acquisition, b=
ut net earnings fell 33 percent after a prior-year gain from income tax red=
uctions. Houston-Based Marathon Oil Posts Quarterly Net Loss of Almost=
$900 Million By Michael Davis, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 Marathon Oil Co=
rp. reported on Tuesday a massive net loss of nearly $900 million for the f=
ourth quarter, partly because of the cost of its recent split from U.S. Ste=
el Corp. International Enron collapse subjects British government=
, opposition to accusations By ROBERT BARR Associated Press Writer, LONDON=
, Jan 30, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Enron's collapse has cast a s=
hadow over Downing Street, with Prime Minister Tony Blair under pressure to=
explain how Enron won favorable government decisions after giving financia=
l support to the Labor Party. Kuwait Signs Protocol Agreement to Impor=
t Natural Gas From Qatar KUWAIT CITY, Jan 30, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) --=
Kuwait signed on Wednesday a protocol agreement to import Qatari natural g=
as from the year 2005, Kuwait's official KUNA news agency reported. Rw=
e to Be the Largest Investor in the Czech Republic Jan 30, 2002 - FT World=
Media Abstracts via Comtex RWE AG, the German energy group, has signed a c=
ontract with the Czech state privatisation body over the acquisition of a 9=
7 per cent stake in gas provider Transgas and participations of between aro=
und 46 and 58 per cent in eight regional Czech gas companies. Gaz De F=
rance to Cut Tariffs on 1 May Jan 30, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via =
Comtex A year after having raised its household gas tariffs by 9.5 per cent=
, the French gas company Gaz de France (GDF) is planning a "significant" cu=
t in these rates on 1 May, the company's chairman, Pierre Gadonneix, announ=
ced yesterday. If you are an Energy Central News Subscriber and you =
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